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Resume That Effectively Promotes You!
Imagine for a moment that you have created a wonderful product. You are excited at the possibilities of attaining name, fame and wealth marketing this product. You create a business plan and a marketing plan. You plan an excellent packaging and a presentation that would do justice to the benefits the product offers to the world and you get all set to market it. Let us get back to reality. You are that wonderful product. You have created the product after years of studying, qualifications and building up your personality. Aren't you excited about marketing it! Your resume is the place to start with which needs to be an excellent presentation ? Your Sales Page. It needs to be presented with all the benefits that it offers to the customer ? your employer. Then you as the product is all set to achieve a dream run. Do you get the picture? Your resume is your advertisement, your presentation is your sales letter and your packaging is what gives the world the first impression of you as the product. Here are a few of the important aspects to focus while creating your resume. Writing a powerful objective in two short lines which will explain clearly what you are seeking. It should be a statement about your career direction. This is the headline of your advertisement. A well formatted list of your qualifications and certifications in reverse chronological order gives your resume a sense of organization. Properly presenting your skills and accomplishments can make the difference in getting an interview call or not. This is the key to your appointment for the interview as the interviewer is more interested in what you can do for them than your qualifications. Using powerful words in your resume makes it more energetic and exciting. Using powerful words also projects your abilities as a good communicator. Use plenty of key words picked up from the advertisement and the job profile. Most of the resumes are sorted digitally using the words used in the job description. Reading and revising your resume as often as possible. Because every reading will help you perfect your resume, polish it and make it a power document projecting you in brilliant hues. Be rest assured you are ahead of the pack if you have an excellently written resume. There are plenty of good websites providing resume articles and tips including www.ezinearticles.com. Check them out to learn more. Every improvement to your resume will make your interview call rates to take a quantum leap. That is half the battle won in getting your dream job. R.G. Srinivasan is a Certified Trainer, Writer and author with more than two decades of managerial experience. You can view his home-business resources blog at http://www.home-businessresources.blogspot.com for online marketing tips, resources, opportunities and online promotional strategies
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