Telephone Phobia: Make the Phone Your Job Search Friend

You're pretty comfortable using the phone. It's something you do every day in your working routine; so why is it that as soon as you need to use it for career change or job-search it becomes too difficult?

Your reluctance to use the phone in your career change or job-search probably stems from anxieties about what might happen. A certain amount of nervousness is quite natural when you call an employer or a network contact and even more so if it's done on a speculative basis. But don't let that stop you.

Let's examine your reluctance to use the telephone ?

"I want to telephone this employer as I'm pretty sure they'll have an opening for me"

"They probably won't want to speak to me, or they'll be too busy"

"I'm worried about what to say? I might make a mess of it ... they could say no ... I'll end up feeling stupid ... and rejected"

"That makes me feel even worse and I don't want to make the call now, think I'll leave it for the moment"

"I'll write a letter instead"

Of course letters are much 'safer" because they make rejection feel much less personal. They didn't reject me, they rejected my letter is how you can justify that one. But, for exactly the same reasons, it is much harder for an employer to say "no" to you on the telephone than it is to throw your letter into the bin. Most people are too polite to be rude to you on the phone and with a deep breath and some practice you can make it work really well for you.

So let's take another look at that:

1. You want to phone an employer about possible jobs.

2. You need to find the right person to speak to.

3. The secretary might ask too many questions.

4. You worry that it might be unpleasant, or that something bad will happen.

5. It will be so AWFUL that you worry about it even more.

6. You're so worried and anxious about what might happen that you decide to avoid it altogether.

Where did that get you? Nowhere!

Result? You're missing out on one of the best ways of finding jobs.

Let's now try and think about this a little more rationally - OK when you first make a call to an employer it won't always be successful, but try to remain in a positive frame of mind. What does a salesman do when someone says no? He simply moves on to the next one - this is what you must do.

You might perhaps get tongue-tied the first few times, or the employer might not be available when you call.

But that isn't a disaster. Don't be a 'catastrophist' it isn't the end of the world. The worst that can happen is that you won't get an interview this time - but you can always try again. You can't predict what will happen so don't try - you could just as easily worry about falling under a bus but worrying about it won't prevent it happening.

Telephone phobia is very common even amongst the most experienced and outgoing people. What you need to ensure is that your anxiety and imagination does not get the better of you.

If you let it get the better of you, you stand to miss out on all sorts of opportunities by putting off making the call. Admittedly, if you feel really down it may be better left a while until your spirits have picked up, because the telephone has a knack of amplifying the mood you're in.

What should you do when you've made a good phone call? ? make another one while your confidence is high. You will sound more engaging and interesting and you should find that your telephone phobia is soon a thing of the past.

With over 25 years running 'people' businesses, and as a Career Coach and Consultant in many sectors, Peter Fisher is well placed to guide job seekers through the steps needed in order to achieve that all important new position.

He has personally coached thousands of individuals to career success.

He writes a distillation of these years of experience with all the essential facts and actions you must complete in order to achieve your own success. He is very clear that you shouldn't be misled by others into thinking of "acing interviews" or "finessing" your way into a business; the most sustainable and fulfilling roles are gained through understanding your own specific needs and creating your strategy accordingly. For specific guidance on how personal presentation statements can help overcome your phone phobia go to

You can learn more about his dynamic and comprehensive approach to career change, with every page dedicated to helping serious career changers if you go to

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