Making Yourself More Relevant To The New Workplace

Being a current job seeker can be quite a challenging prospect as there are many changes in the workplace. Life-long employment is no longer the norm and workers must also learn to adapt with the complementary expertise of foreign talents. We are very much living in a global village.

Here are some tips to stay relevant to the expectations of the workplace:

Interview Phobia

You must view the interview process as a short period of time given to express your strengths and contribution to a future employer. The interviewer is too busy to want to put you on the defensive. He has to get the best candidate for the job within the interview period and may ask difficult questions that may help him reach that goal. The interview process has to be win-win for both parties.

Pre-conceived Idea Of Yourself

If you have just been retrenched or do not have relevant working experience, you should not just pass judgement over your abilities during the interview. You have to be confident and face your current situation objectively. Provide the interviewer with insights about what you intend to do to be a team player in his organization. All your experience can be used as a learning tool ? it is your attitude that makes the difference.

Embrace Change

It is difficult to be employed if you have a self-defeating attitude. You should not always bring up about "the good old days". Every generation has its fair share of opportunities and change. It is best to take stock of your current situation and see how you can contribute to the organizational team. You can also upgrade your skills in order to value-add to the expertise of the rest of the team.

Understand The Industry's Direction

The internet is a valuable tool in providing a lot of information through the search engine as the obvious gateway. This is crucial for you as you can do your fair bit of background search about the industry's direction from the comfort of any convenient computer terminal. However, you must conduct a structured online search, as you may be a victim of information overload.

Understand International Macroeconomics

The study of macroeconomics is crucial in getting a global mind-set about your industry's directions. We do not live in a closed economy and our exports are greatly determined by external demand. You may have an expertise that has little room for future expansion and you may be very frustrated by your situation.

Personal Finance

Manage your personal finance well and try to allocate your budget on your dressing. You want to look professional during your interview. You also do not want to be forced to take the first job that comes to your way because of your tight financial situation.

Active Volunteerism

Being a volunteer or mentor is helpful in having different perspectives of your current situation. You do not want to wallow in self-pity about your current job situation. Furthermore, there are many in our community who may not be as fortunate as ourselves and volunteering is a laudable public service.

Generational Gap? - No! Generational Collaboration

If you are a senior citizen looking for a job, it is very backward looking to dwell on the generational gap. You should have the mindset of a generational collaboration in which your experience is crucial in providing new networks overseas (maybe in China, India). It is important to view the organization as a team and you are an equal partner in the formation.

About The Author

Colin Ong TS is the Managing Director of MR=MC Consulting (

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