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Staying In Shape
Why Lawyers Should Eat Bananas by Simon Tupman is a book that caught my eye both because of its unusual title and because I coach lawyers who are growing their practices. The book cover says it gives "Inspirational Ideas for Lawyers Wanting More Out of Life" Much of what Mr. Tupman writes about is appropriate career advice for anyone, lawyer, business person or manager . He is an advocate of "Working smarter not harder" and so am I. I really liked his list of attributes for smart workers and number 8 on the list particularly appealed to me because it underscores much of what I say to my clients. Number 8 says that smart workers "stay in S.H.A.P.E." Each letter of course stands for an element that he believes is vital in order to stay marketable. Skills Today all workers have a responsibility to keep their skills up to date. If you are waiting for someone else to pay for your training you may wait yourself into obsolescence. If you are in business, someone else will take away your business if you let your skills stagnate. If you work for someone else, your employer may find that another employee who has more advanced skills can do your job better or faster. In my AT&T days the Internet was just coming into general use. Those people who could support it technically were the ones whose jobs were more secure. Health It is something you may take for granted but you need to be proactive about your health. Proper diet, enough sleep, and exercise all help you to have the energy you need to do your job. Often my clients will say to me that they just don't have time to exercise or have a well-balanced meal. They say they have other priorities. I ask all my clients to make themselves their number one priority. You can't be good to others (clients, family, co-workers, friends etc.) unless you are good to yourself. Attitude How do you approach a problem or something new? If you believe you can't do something, you won't be able to. As a sales manager I found it was so much easier to work with sales executives who were proactive and saw lots of possibilities rather than the ones who had a negative attitude and whined about their problems. People with positive attitudes attract success. Persistence Life has its ups and downs. Everyone will have the experience of trying something that doesn't work out as planned. What do you do when this happens? Do you quit or do you use the failure to learn and grow? Thomas Alva Edison said, "Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work." Rather than being upset by failure regard it as just one more data point on the road to success. Enthusiasm What is it that keeps you working at your job, business or job search? Somewhere in your mind you must have a vision of what you want to achieve that really excites you. Having enthusiasm for the end state (your vision) will get you through the toughest days. As you can see the critical element here is knowing yourself. Look at each of the 5 elements and ask yourself how you stack up. Is there something that is holding you back? Take action! 1. Identify the area that you would like to improve. 2. What is one step you could take to improve yourself in that area? 3. What are your challenges? 4. What steps can you take to overcome those challenges? 5. Take the step and start again. Having difficulty? A coach may be able to help you to overcome the obstacles and move forward. Alvah Parker is a Business and Career Coach as well as publisher of Parker's Points, an email tip list and Road to Success, an ezine. Parker's Value Program© enables her clients to find their own way to work that is more fulfilling and profitable. Her clients are managers, business owners, sole practioners, attorneys and people in transition. Alvah is found on the web at http://www.asparker.com. She may also be reached at 781-598-0388.
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During Midlife Change: Are You a Jumper or a Clinger? Over the years, I have identified two kinds of midlife career changers: Jumpers and Clingers. One Step at a Time in the Job Search What is the first step to take in a job search? Avoiding Tire Kickers as Job Seekers With the economy heating up and employment prospects opening up after years of dormancy, it is more critical than ever for employers to understand that unfortunately, career "tire kickers" still exist in the marketplace. Demand for quality talent, especially at the senior executive level, still outweighs supply. Tire kickers' waste valuable time and resources for both professional recruiters and busy hiring managers. They sap the strength of well designed recruiting efforts and can wreak havoc on organizations that fall for their deception. Common Resume Myths & Misconceptions For the person crafting their first résumé the task can seem a little bit daunting, even a bit frightening. Human Resources [HR] specialists, résumé writing professionals, school advisors, and even friends and family members all have their say. When it comes down to it you must have a résumé you feel comfortable with especially since you will be the one to read it the most. Let's take a look at some common résumé myths and misconceptions you need to be aware of before writing your first résumé. Kill the Hype She was waiting for me when I returned from a meeting. Standing outside my office door, I could tell by her downward glance, Jodie was not there to give me good news on the project. Despite her confident, enthusiastic and definitive style, she failed to deliver what she had pitched. It was not the first time. Job Offers and Pay Negotiations When you first get the job offer it will often be a verbal offer and is likely to be subject to taking up references and perhaps even a medical examination. Smokin? Up a Storm: Clothing, Smokers, and the Job Interview You're nervous. You're so nervous that you crave a smoke. So you light up, and as you puff away, it feels so relaxing, right? Well, what's good for your nerves is not so good to when you're job hunting. Conducting an Effective Interview An employment interview is a goal oriented conversation in which the interviewer and the applicant exchange information. Even though interviews are a poor selection tool for most jobs, they are often the primary method used in evaluating applicants. The main players in the job interview are the interviewer and the applicant. 5 Proven Steps To Easily Master The Art Of The Interview And Get The Bartending Job Of Your Dreams! Your mouth is dry, your palms are sweaty, your heart is beating so fast it feels like it is going to pop out of your chest! Seven Ways to Stand Out in a Sea of Applicants Is your résumé getting lost in a flood of résumés? Are you certain you could demonstrate your value to potential employers, if you could just get in front of them? Do you want to dramatically increase your chances of getting a follow-up call from employers? Bait your job-search hook with these seven tips and you'll catch a whale of a good job. Everyday Is Saturday: Help for the Suddenly Unemployed I recently was "unhired" by my former employer. Unhired is a softer term than "fired" but it means the same. With no warning and an immediate departure, I found myself at home enjoying the provisions of a severance package but curious about the next steps. How ToTalk Your Boss Into Giving You A Salary Increase * If you believe you deserve a salary increase, ask for it as soon as possible; don't procrastinate or wait for your employer to offer it. Online Business: The Underground Railroad for Corporate Escapees Millions of people everyday spend eight hours or more in a small padded cubicle. The curious thing about it is they choose to do that. They willingly sacrifice a quality of life because they believe it is the only way to support their families. That may have been true 10 years ago but it isn't any longer. 7 Steps to Interviews that Win the Job These days, interviews don't come easily. When you get The Call, make the most of your time -- and go for it! The Best Business And Economy Solutions In todays Business and economy, starting any business service requires a good business plan. A little money wouldn't hurt either. Resume Software ? The Hidden Pitfalls Disadvantages of Resume Software Ideal Job and Handling Criticism How many times have you been asked, "What is your dream job?" When Your Job Goes Away: Seven Tips Q. "What do I do after a job goes away?" Powerful Phone Interviews Phone interviews are de rigueur with many organizations. Are You Busy Living or Dying? If you are not busy living, then you must be busy dying. Most of us do this subconsciously and are unaware of which side of this equation we reside on. It must follow then that if you have lots of money, you are probably busy living and living well. Everybody wants more money. But is it the money itself or is it the freedom it buys? Lots of money = lots of freedom. ![]() |
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