What Every Employee Should Know About How to Overcome Boredom

Do you find yourself easily becoming bored or tired at work for no apparent reason? If that's the case, then pay close attention. Research has shown that fatigue and a worn-out feeling are often caused by unproductive mental attitudes. If this describes your case, read on to learn six ways you can overcome boredom.

* 1. Actively listen to everyone you meet: When you're interested in people, life is never flat or dull. And when you listen actively, you are so involved in what the other person has to say that you soon lose sight of your own predicament.

* 2. Become enthusiastic about life, people, and things: You will soon find that you will feel enthusiastic, too.

* 3. Make sure your work challenges all your resources: Start a hobby that does the same thing, too.

* 4. Become productive: Authorities agree that 100% rest is rarely the solution to fatigue or boredom. When you are active and productive, you have little chance to be bored.

* 5. Keep your mind productive, too: Reading is an excellent antidote to tension and boredom. Besides, reading will build your fund of knowledge while siphoning off the tension, boredom, and fatigue.

* 6. Join the do-it-yourself movement: You won't be bored while you are creating, repairing, or carrying out a project.

Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.

© Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

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Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer, conducts seminars, lectures, webinars, and writes articles on his theme: ... helping you maximize your potential. He offers management, marketing, and parenting resources at his Maximizing Your Potential blog.

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