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Dont Get Caught In The Security Trap
The day you begin to think of your job in terms of the security versus the opportunities it provides is the day you start to put the brakes on building your career. Time was when a young person entering the workforce could reasonably assume he was signing a lifetime security covenant with his employer. If he worked hard and kept its nose clean he could expect to be taken care of with a job for as long as he could show up for work. Promotions would come along as openings occurred. There'd be a pension at retirement. It was a womb to tomb deal. Loyalty was a two- way street. The Rules Have Changed Today's headlines make it clear that's no longer the case, says Ramon Greenwood, senior career counselor at Common Sense At Work. Sears Roebuck, known for 119 years as a company that kept its employees' loyalty with compensation and benefits has recently announced the firing of 500 employees at its headquarters. Another 1,000 are expected to get pink slips within a few months. Workers who hang on can expect reduced levels of compensation and benefits, the company says. Going forward, employment will be tied closely to performance and company profits. Changing the very nature of its business, IBM, a name synonymous with lifetime security, has dismissed thousands of employees. Stalwarts such as GM, United Airlines and Delta Airlines make news regularly with announcements of reductions or outright eliminations of jobs and pensions. And there are Enron and WorldCom where employees have seen their employee stock plans and pensions go in the trashcan when their employers' violated the terms of their relationship. Employers Cannot Provide Security! "The only one source of real, lasting security is when you have the know-what-to- do and how-to-get-it-done abilities that employers will buy. It's in your mind and heart," Greenwood declares. When you begin to crave security and search for it from outside sources is the time you restrict your range of options to take your skills and training to their limits in search of personal satisfaction. Your security is your responsibility. If you succumb to its lure, security will eventually prove to be a debilitating, habit- forming drug. It will rob you of the will and the ability to act in your own self- interest. This is when you begin to make career decisions based on security rather than opportunity to grow. The organization offers you an opportunity to move to another location to become manager of a new facility. You decline because you are afraid you might fail in the new responsibilities, and besides, you like the security of staying put and playing it safe until you are vested in your pension. You come up with an idea that will improve the output of your department. Your boss doesn't think it is workable. You drop the idea because you are afraid if you push it, the boss might penalize you. Besides you are comfortable with things the way they are. Why rock the boat? You have a good record as a salesman. You are offered a promotion to regional sales manager. You decline because you don't want to take on the responsibility and the increased travel. A Frog In Hot Water When you begin to get comfortable remember the frog. Put him in a pot of cool water over a flame. The frog will frolic about happy in the security of the environment even as the water goes from cool to warm. How good it feels. He will continue to adapt, swimming about contentedly, even as the water reaches a slow boil. It is not until the water reaches the boiling point that the frog recognizes he is in serious trouble and tries to get out. By that time, his strength has been sapped and it is too late. A Lesson From Ancient Rome In explaining the fall of the ancient city of Rome, the historian Edward Gibbon wrote: "In the end, more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life. And in their quest for it all-security, comfort and freedom-they lost it all." It's Your Choice Seizing every opportunity to be all you can be and security are mutually exclusive. If you want security more than opportunity that's fine, but remember there's a price to pay. Ramon Greenwood is former senior vice president of American Express; a professional director for various businesses; a consultant; a published author of career related books and a syndicated column. Senior career counselor for http://www.CommonSenseAtWork.com
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Salary Negotiation: How To Earn More Money and Respect From Your Employer Despite how important fair pay is to most of us, effective salary negotiation is an often misunderstood and avoided topic. Current research indicates the average duration of a position today is 3.8 years. Over the lifespan of your career, how well you negotiate raises or starting pay will have an enormous cumulative effect on the quality of your life. Stop Searching for A Job and Start Attracting Professional Success! 1. Assess ? Evaluate your skills, interests and abilities. Understand the transferable value in the marketplace. The Pros and Cons of Telecommuting - As Seen Through The Eyes of a Seasoned Telecommuter Janelle Delacorte has been happily answering calls for the Home Shopping Network and various infomercials since November 2004. Can You Actually Fail A Personality Quiz? Q. I didn't get a job that I interviewed for. The employer told me that I had "failed" the personality quiz. How is that possible? Does this mean that I have no personality? How To Find Your Dream Job Here's the bottom line: many people work in jobs that aren't what they want or are less than they deserve. How To Become A Computer Consultant Have you ever wanted to become a computer consultant, but you weren't sure if you could cut it? Do you have a basic understanding of computer-systems, strong problem-solving skills, and a desire to help other people? If so, then you already possess the main abilities and traits that you need to become a computer consultant. Wake Up and Learn Something New The US Government has just released last month's job creation figures. It was the lowest number in two years. This is a revealing and disturbing snapshot of what is actually happening in the real economy, not the one artificially created for the headlines. Our US GNP or Gross National Product, is based upon manufactured durable goods. Unfortunately, the manufacturing economy in the US has not yet recovered from the devastating collapse it saw commence in the spring of 2000. The recent improvements in jobs and growth are substantially confined to the service sector. Manufacturing is what drives the US economy and it is suffering. Reinventing Yourself for Multiple Careers In many countries around the globe, people are born into their station in life and hence their professions. It is unnecessary for them to plan a career as they are expected to perform one specific job their entire lives. These cultures do not consider personal growth or the possibility of choosing one's profession. Dress For Success You have heard the phrase, "Dress for Success." This is very important in your job search. First impressions can make or break an interview, so presenting a Tailored Image is a good first step to Promoting Success in your job search. Free Resume Template: The ONLY One Youll Ever Need WARNING: This article is likely to make you mad. Success at Work: Techniques: Computer Literacy It's hard to believe that there are people in today's workforce who don't know how to use a computer. In today's society, being computer illiterate is equivalent to being functionally illiterate. Obviously no one reading this article is computer illiterate, but maybe you know someone who thinks they can avoid computers and still be successful at work. The Musketeer Approach Stories of intrigue, treachery, politics, lies, double crosses, and power struggles fill the history books, much like they fill today's headlines. In the world of the 17th century musketeer, life depended on who you could trust. In the world of the 21st century employee, one's livelihood may. � I'm not na�ve to corporate politics, competition, or sabotage in the workplace. I've held my own in corporations where silos, turf wars and power brokers delivered indigestion, sleepless nights, and distrusting cultures. But I still don't get it. When people are more focused on what's happening in the cube next to them than on achieving corporate goals, everyone loses. When corporate politics fill emails with mixed direction stalling productivity, everyone loses. And when discretionary effort and new ideas are swallowed in pits of bureaucracy, guess what? Everyone loses. The way I see it, if the company fails, we all fail. � So, I believe the Three Musketeers got it right: "All for one and one for all!" Each understood his fate as an individual was tied to their fate as a group. Trusting each other was unambiguous. One was in trouble, they all were in trouble. One needed help, they all provided help. One succeeded, they all succeeded. The fiction of Alexandre Dumas, set in the 17th century, seems a good prescription for the 21st century workplace. � I know it's worked for me. Arriving at a new job, I discovered the boss who hired me was away, and no one expecting me. I found no office, no desk, and no information. The person I was hired to replace was in my job, and had no idea I was replacing her. Each week got worse. Information and requests flowed like water through a clogged pipe. I was out of the loop on important issues and viewed like the enemy. Turning to my boss for guidance was like stepping into a sink hole, as I discovered his credibility and the department's lacking. � I realized if I was to survive, I had to find, win over, and/or develop a handful of people I could trust. It took a difficult year, but the payoff lasted an entire career. Gradually the group of trusted colleagues grew. We never thought of ourselves as musketeers, but by our actions, we became them. Unspoken rules of ethics and integrity prevailed. We looked beyond individual interests. We shared ideas, collaborated on projects, borrowed resources, and worked together easily and enthusiastically. We wanted the best for each other and the best for the company, each of us worrying about more than our own five acres. � Unspoken commitments prevailed. If I was in trouble or asked for help, help was given. I was called upon to step up and provide help too. We all knew our musketeer roles required reciprocity. The bottom line was that helping each other succeed, helped each of us succeed. I don't know where I'd be today without the musketeer approach. My advice? Become a musketeer! � (c) 2004 Nan S. Russell.� All rights reserved. � Are You Ready To Start A Business? Take This Quiz and See Don't get discouraged! A "no" answer to any of the questions will identify an area for development -- not a roadblock. I am available to help if you would like to discuss your options in greater detail. Career Transitions: Creating Complementary Careers in a Day Down-sized? Outsourced? Burned-out? Wizened up? That's what I said. Wizened up! Now is not the time to be depressed. Now, is the perfect time to assess your life and what you want to do with the rest of it. One easy way is to explore career options that are complementary to you. Whether you are leaving by choice or have been asked to leave, you probably have more courses of action then you think. Ten Healthcare Fields That Cant Wait To Hire You Healthcare is one of the hottest career fields in America today. The aging and retiring of the largest population segment in the country, known as "baby boomers", has left the healthcare industry racing to find enough employees to fill the void. Advances in medical technology and treatment are causing people to live longer as well. Add the fact many universities and colleges don't have enough teachers to train new employees; there becomes a ripe market for healthcare careers. Is it a Scam? I wanted to quit my job. So I decided to make my fortune online. I had no idea what I was doing, but that had never stopped me before. I joined a mlm company. They said to succeed online you need to get an auto-responder and purchase leads. Great. But I didn't know what an auto-responder was...I was pretty vague about the lead thing too. So I asked, "What's an auto-responder?" How to Make Your Career Change Easier Despite what your grandmother told you, life is not supposed to be a struggle. The same is true for making a career change. This doesn't mean you won't work hard to get the job of your dreams. We often forget that we can make things easier on ourselves so that the transition is not painful! Do these six things and you'll notice a huge difference right away. Why It Is Impossible To Raise Your Standard Of Living Working A Job Everything in nature has been endowed with what it needs to survive. There is no living thing that isn't inherently equipped with the skills and abilities it needs to secure its continued existence. Whether through instinct, size, camouflage or speed, no gazelle, lion or giraffe has to go to trade school to learn how to survive. That's the beauty of the divine plan. We, as humans, are part of this plan and each one of us is given something that sets us apart from everyone else; something that we can use to ensure our own survival. Job Interviews: How to Answer the How Do You Handle Stressful Situations? Question When answering the "How do you handle stressful situations?" question during an interview, the best strategy is to give some examples of stressful situations you've dealt successfully with in the past. How to Change Careers and Still Pay the Bills - 5 Key Steps Studies show that more than 50% of people are unhappy in their jobs yet few will actually make a career change in 2005. Why? Most people let fear stop them yet successful career changers know that fear is simply a sign that you are headed in the right direction! ![]() |
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