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Cracking the Connection Code: Networking for the Introverted
We've all heard it before: "Just get out there and network!" If it was that easy, we would already be doing it. So why is it so hard? Well, you're an introvert, aren't you? Enough said. However, unless the prospect of a really long job search excites you, you have to get out there and connect with people who don't know you but who could benefit from your expertise. Below are a baker's dozen tips to help you crack the connection code. 1. Attend with a purpose in mind. Be choosy about the events you attend. Pick the ones that interest you most. It could be a ribbon cutting for a new business, a chamber of commerce mixer, SPCA benefit, or pink slip party. 2. Take a friend. Make a game of it. Challenge each other to beat your stated goals with the winner treating for ice cream. 3. Plan ahead. Set a networking goal to talk with at least five people and collect business cards from three individuals in your industry, profession, or career of interest. 4. Split up. Rule #1 is you can't talk to your networking partner until you've met the goals you've set for yourself. That means you can't sit with each other, hang around the food table together, or accompany each other to the rest room. However, you may smile encouragingly across the room. 5. Surprise, it's not about you! Walk up to someone you don't know. Ask the other person an opening question. It can be something as simple as, "What made you decide to attend tonight?", "What brings you to this meeting?", "Do you attend often?", or "What kind of work do you do?" 6. Focus on them! Ask compelling questions: "Tell me more about your work or business." "What is a good referral for you?" "What are you hoping to achieve tonight?" Get them talking about themselves and then offer a little information about yourself. 7. Create a compelling commercial. When it's your turn to tell them about yourself, take fifteen seconds or less to capture their attention and make them want to know more. Help them understand what you hope to achieve at this event and how they can help. 8. Take little steps. Don't force yourself to join a large boisterous crowd. Instead seek out a friendly looking individual who isn't part of a group. Smile and extend your hand in greeting. He's probably as relieved as you are to connect with a friendly stranger. 9. What's in it for you? Everything! Seventy to eighty-five percent of jobs are found through networking. It's not who you know; it's who your friends know that makes the difference! So use this networking opportunity to make friends. 10. Visibility is key. As an introvert, I've learned three important things about networking: You've got to get out there and be seen; the more you do it, the easier it gets; and the more people who know you, the greater your chances for making meaningful connections. 11. Get on the fast track. Join a networking group. Your comfort level and connection quotient will grow astronomically when networking is part of your regular routine. 12. Smile! Be approachable. Make others want to meet you and get to know you better. 13. Make a date to follow up. Make it your goal to connect with at least one person that you would like to get to know better. Invite him or her to meet by telephone or for coffee. Look for ways to make the meeting mutually beneficial. You have a whole world of valuable contacts to share and new ones to make, so apply these networking tips. Before you know it, you will crack the connection code! Mary Jeanne Vincent is the author of Acing the Interview tip cards featuring answers to the 20 top "Killer" interview questions. Included are tips for interviewing in the new economy, techniques for taking the sting out of illegal questions, and tips for avoiding 10 deadly interview mistakes. Go to http://www.2bworkwise.com for free job search articles, to sign up for the free WorkWise ezine, and to find out about other valuable, easy-to-use career tools and personal career coaching. You may also reach Mary Jeanne at 831.657.9151.
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From your standpoint, this means that you need to develop an additional interview skill. Booster & Drainers Like huge anchors on cruise ships, other people can hold you down. Not intentionally, but their negativity impacts you. It's hard to be winning at working when you're anchored in place. It's hard to see the next great idea and enthusiastically embrace it, when you're feeling a sticky heaviness. And it's hard to think creativity when you're feeling empty. Like a balloon with air pouring out, deflated and flat at the end, I hung up the phone, drained. For the most part I'd offered a supportive ear with occasional contributions of asked for advice. Several days in a row, he called or stopped by my office, with a second, and a third, and a fourth verse of the same song. After each encounter, my energy felt zapped. It got to the point where Jay's presence alone started my energy leaving, replaced with an empty heaviness as if his negative energy was seeping into me. It took me awhile to figure it out, but Jay was an energy drainer. I've learned over the years, if I spend too much time around people with negative energy to share, my optimism, and enthusiasm for work (or life) are adversely affected. You may know people in your own work life who hold you down, zap your enthusiasm, cheer you into self-destruction, and occupy so much of your time and energy that you can't offer the best you to anyone, including yourself. And you know people who do the opposite. My solution? Use that feedback. Spend less work time with the drainers, and more time with people who offer you an energy boost. Once you've identified how it feels to be around energy boosters, look to fill gaps, especially on work teams, with people who bring positive energy to a meeting, who are fun to be around, whose enthusiasm and positive approach lifts your spirits, enhances your creativity, and adds to your work life. Find and stay close to these energy boosters. I use a simple measurement to identify energy drainers and energy boosters: the laugh factor. The more laughter I find in the process of doing business, the more energy I know is in the room. The more energy in the room, the more gets done. I look for people I can laugh with, have fun with and share ideas with. My work results are better when I'm around people who make me feel energized when I leave them. Yours can be, too. (c) 2004 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved. Goal Setting - Road Map To Achieving Your Career Goals Goal Setting & Research Crafting A Stellar Career Summary For Your Resume Are you a career changer? Or, are you satisfied with your stable career but interested in updating your resume? Are you a professional who has tried different things but are still searching for the kind of work that best suits you? Whatever your career situation, what your resume most needs is a stellar career summary. 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