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Diplomats and Spies
"The Baratarian pirates also offered their services. Even though an American naval force had destroyed their base on Grand Terre Island in September, the Baratarians rejected British overtures to side with them. (6) {Other accounts make it clear the men were willing to go it alone or against the Americans and yet Lafitte convinced them to support the American cause. I see this as part of the French Masonic or Merovingian/Priory plan that included Napoleon. Lafitte and Joseph Napoleon later tried to break Napoleon out of St. Helena. I think Lafitte was their agent and played any role or side to support their cause first and foremost. They wanted the US to become a real force in the world. Their counterparts in England had declared French Masonry was without a soul. They had formally declared them to be any number of silly things. It continues to some extent to the present. I shall address this more as I proceed but suffice it to say that at some level we have an inner sanctum of people who are playing both sides for fools.} Instead they pleaded with American officials to accept their services. According to one observer, 'this transition from piracy to Patriotism' was due to the influence of Edward Livingston. The pirates had promised Livingston $20,000 if he could secure their acquittal on charges of violating the trade laws,?" (7) This is an enormous amount of money and it might well be just a small part of what changed hands or was funneled to various officials by Lafitte. Livingston had lost most of his wealth in New York City before coming to New Orleans in a situation said to involve someone fleecing him when he had Yellow Fever. He was no longer without the clout money brings. The whole Louisiana Purchase and most of the Central Western United States was sold for $15,000,000. This brief note on that will tell you how important Livingston had been. "President Jefferson wanted to make sure that the US could use the Mississippi River for commerce, so he had the American ambassador to France, Robert Livingston, and a special envoy, James Monroe (who would later be president), negotiate to buy the port of New Orleans. This would allow the US access between the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River. They were very surprised when the French offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory for 15 million dollars. The purchase was completed on April 30, 1803." (8) But we might well wonder about many things related to this purchase as I have already intimated. It turns out that my own ancestor Rufus King was the Ambassador to England until shortly AFTER this purchase was made. But he was also a minister plenipotentiary and became the special contact with the Royal Court of Britain shortly thereafter. This is the kind of role that many spies and double or triple agents who are far more than mere bureaucrats are involved with. It is the supranational paladin position of the highest sort and much like Henry Kissinger has been for the Rothschild/Rockefellers you could say. Here is the research on this matter from another source. "Rufus King Minister Plenipotentiary New York May 20, 1796 Jul 27, 1796 Presented recall on or shortly before May 16, 1803 Commissioned to the court of His Britannic Majesty."(9) Jim Allison ranks Rufus King as the fifth most important founding father of the United States but he notes Jefferson was away in France as Ambassador during many of the events he deemed of import in his ranking system. Jefferson ranked only 19th as a result and number one on his list is James Madison who I think was actually Jefferson's underling or student as was James Monroe. The behind the scenes power and deals made with international financiers including the King of England and his family. The Rothschild/De Medicis are where the real power existed. (10) The King's family had a relationship with Nathan Rothschild who made an enormous fortune for the Rothschilds at the occasion of The Battle of Waterloo. It is freely admitted that this sly deed was in fact the source of a great fortune for the Rothschilds in their official family biographies and you can be sure that many people including Lords and Ladies galore lost their shirts just like when Old Joe Kennedy had no money in the market on the day of the crash. Here is something about Monroe which illustrates the nature of the deals and deal-makers and who they were in touch with including England and Spain. "On the 18th of April Monroe was further commissioned as the regular minister to Great Britain. He joined Livingston in Paris on the 12th of April, after the negotiations were well under way; and the two ministers, on finding Napoleon willing to dispose of the entire province of Louisiana, decided to exceed their instructions and effect its purchase. Accordingly, on the 30th of April, they signed a treaty and two conventions, whereby France sold Louisiana to the United States. In July 1803 Monroe left Paris and entered upon his duties in London; and in the autumn of 1804 he proceeded to Madrid to assist Pinckney in his efforts to secure the definition of the Louisiana boundaries and the acquisition of the Floridas." (11) Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com
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Career Change Success Is Yours If you Follow The Formula Recent surveys suggest that, given the chance, about four out of 10 people would change career tomorrow and a further two might. The most popular reason given would be to earn more. But others want a new challenge, to do something more fulfilling, or to have a better quality of life. If you are one of these who might, what's stopping you? Cover Letter Sample -- For the Corporate Flight Attendant Writing a cover letter to send with your résumé can be both confusing and frustrating. What exactly should you say? Are you saying too much? Are you only speaking about your needs vs. the company's needs? Oh, what to do! In this "short" piece, I will list some ideas on how to craft your cover letter. I have also provided some important links -- for additional assistance -- particularly if you find yourself still needing outside help. Brainteasers: Or, How Many Crazy Interview Questions Does It Take to Get Hired? You've looked at all the job interview tips and techniques. Did your homework and studied all the potential employer interview questions you may be asked. Plus, you've practiced your answers in front of the mirror and in a mock interview. Yep, you're a well-prepared candidate ready to show your stuff. What more does an interviewer seeking a great candidate want? Your Self-Image in the Workplace When communication breaks down in your office or factory and workers lack motivation, what are the roots of the problem? Resume Objectives ... The Hidden Pitfalls Why Use Resume Objectives 3 Questions No Job Seeker Ever Wants To Be Asked? Employer and interviewers expect you to answer tough question during interviews. Take a few minutes to brainstorm on how you might elaborate on the following answers. The answers you give to these questions that will be asked during your interview will be very important in your career prospects. Out Recruit The Competition We hear from our clients that they "hope the candidate takes the job." Hiring a candidate shouldn't be a guessing game. After you interview a candidate thoroughly, and spend a great deal of time and money getting them through the process, you should not have to worry about "landing them." Four Simple Steps To Better Results With Your Resume Is every job description you read the same? No. What Not To Include In Your Resume Do you have a difficult time determining what does not go in your job resume? The rule of thumb is to only put enough information about your qualifications in your resume in order to get the employer interested enough to contact you about an interview. My Landscaping Business is Better Than Your Lanscaping Business... Yesterday I was having a discussion with Mary who I know from a mother's group that I attend with my daughter Sammi. Through previous conversations I have determined that this woman is very talented in the areas of landscaping and interior design. Are You an Ex-career Woman Living In a New Country? Were you once a successful, professional woman who had a significant status level and received adequate remuneration for your work? Becoming A Police Officer Just Became Easier As many law enforcement candidates can vouch for, taking the police entrance exam can be a stressful and highly competitive experience. I decided to research some preparation web sites and purchased several E-books on the topic to get a better understanding of what it takes to become a police officer. One thing that I quickly realized was that there were plenty of sources of material available for anyone seriously interested in a future in law enforcement. No Degree, No Problem According to a recent survey, 52% of job candidates polled lied on their resume about having a college degree. Here are 3 brief horror stories: A new Director of Logistics and his family were actually loading the moving van provided by his new employer for relocation from California to North Carolina. The phone rang and it was the Human Resource Manager from his new company. The offer was being withdrawn. Through a routine degree verification check, the company learned the potential new employee did not have a degree. He was 3 hours short of graduating. Had the candidate been honest, the job was still his. It was an integrity issue. Five candidates for a high level software sales job were interviewing. After the face to face interviews, the candidates were offered a "grace period" to revise their application. The company was aware of a problem with one canddiate. The lead candidate changed his college degree information to "Did Not Graduate." He was dropped from contention. A candidate for a Vice President of Logistics position for a multi-billion/multi national company was offered the job. However, the background check could not verify the degree as listed on the resume. The stunned candidate said he could fix the problem. After one week, he called and faxed over the degree verification information. Only two blank pieces of paper came out of the fax. He said, "I must have faxed the wrong side." The offer was rescinded the night before his start date because of the integrity issue. The company would have hired him if he had been honest about not having a degree. Offers withdrawn because of "no degree" are not because the lack of a college degree was a "deal breaker." The issue was that each of these high level managers misrepresented themselves on their resume and during the interview. As a search firm, we always encourage candidates to be upfront and candid about the information on the resume, including whether or not they have a college degree. Don't try to hide it amongst several other educational courses you have taken. If you are hiring, ask the candidate directly. It's amazing how many hiring managers "assumed" the candidate graduated. The most deceptive piece on a resume is: University of Any State, 1986-1990. Listing the years but not if they graduated. Common oversight. Most times, if the candidate has a solid background and the chemistry is strong with the organization, the company hires the person. Remember 70% of hiring is Chemistry. Degree isn't the most important factor. You?re Ready for a Career Change - Is Your Resume? You finally did it. You made the decision to leave a career that makes you dread every Monday morning and pursue one that you feel is your true calling. Congratulations! Making the decision was the hard part, right? Unfortunately, no. You've convinced yourself that this is the right move?how do you convince everyone else? It's time to work on your resume. How to Get Paid More Without Being Pretty or Good Looking Guess what. The results are out they are ugly. Pretty people do get paid more money. 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Are the juicy projects always going to someone else? Writing Resumes Use a resume as a foot in the door ![]() |
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