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Making The Best Of Yourself At Interview
You are just about to leave university You are just setting out in the job market You have a number of hurdles to get over before you have the job you have been dreaming of. You find the thought of an interview daunting. You want to make a good impression and succeed! Creating a good impression at an interview isn't rocket science. This article will help you face that all important interview with confidence. Remember most interviewers will have made their minds up in the first 2 minutes. Be on time, look the part and look as if you really want the job. Think about job and the image you present. It is your opportunity to impress not shock. Be comfortable but dress the part. Nails, hair should be clean and well presented, your shoes shiny, the interviewers should notice you rather than your jewellery or perfume/aftershave. Smile, you need to show that you are enthusiastic Think about how you sit, sit back in the seat but don't sprawl. Think about what you are going to do with your hands. Make eye contact, it is usual to make the person who asked the question the person of main focus. Remember to scan the panel so everyone feels included. Looking at your hands, the floor or out of the window is a real turn off when you interview someone. Most interviews start with a question about you?"So tell us a little about yourself." Prepare the answer so you can feel relaxed. Think about the high lights rather than give a 10-minute ramble. Watch the interviewers body language. If they are falling asleep it is a bad sign. You can always ask if they would like more information. Prepare thoroughly, research what the job entails. Consider the skills and knowledge base needed and do a self-audit comparing it with what you have to offer. Enthusiasm and energy can often make up for lack of enthusiasm particularly if you make it obvious that you have done your research and have the potential to learn. Most interviews are lost because the candidate doesn't actually listen to the question. Listen carefully; if you don't understand what they want ask them to repeat the question. Think about exactly what they are asking ? what do they need to know? Is it referring to particular skills, knowledge, principles, understanding, your experience etc. Use the question as a platform to sell yourself, but be honest. If it is appropriate use the question to give concrete examples of what you have done/can do. Be careful not to become anecdotal you must make a clear connection between the question and your answer. If you don't know something it isn't the end of the world. Interviewers would rather hear, "I don't know but I'd be really keen to learn," than discover too late that you have been dishonest. Finally remember that most people who interview are also anxious, as the success of their business is dependent on appointing the right people. Do your best, be yourself and if you don't get the job ask for feedback on your interview. In this way the interview becomes part of your professional development and not a failure. Good Luck! Educational Consultant, writer and life-coach Gina Gardiner loves working with others supporting them to make the best of their potential. Gina was the Head Teacher (that is Principle) of a large, very successful Beacon school on the outskirts of London for over 20 years. The development of people has been central to the school's success and her passion. Gina has a huge interest in education, she has led a wide range of training and facilitation activities with individuals, schools and other organisations, In her work as coach/mentor she supports people at individual or organisational level to develop confidence, leadership and people skills and effective delegation; empowering them to see themselves as part of the solution. If you would like to know more email: gina.gardiner@ntlworld.com Gina Gardiner is also the author of "Live Well Eat Well With Celiac Disease" in this book she writes from first hand experience of being a celiac. For more information go to http://www.celiacliving.com
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A new sales presentation you've organized or the new spreadsheet package you've mastered should be included on your résumé. You may have new skills that could turn your dead-end job into a new career in another field. If you update your résumé continually, it makes it easier to send it out at a moments notice. Your résumé should be well written, typeset and laser printed. It should also be suited for your targeted employer and field, focusing on your key experience. It should be free of all grammatical errors and appealing to the eye. Success at Work: Techniques: Computer Literacy It's hard to believe that there are people in today's workforce who don't know how to use a computer. In today's society, being computer illiterate is equivalent to being functionally illiterate. Obviously no one reading this article is computer illiterate, but maybe you know someone who thinks they can avoid computers and still be successful at work. 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Sure, there may be a huge market for talented freelancers in your area, but let's face it, it is not New York where you can find countless job vacancies in your field of freelance writing. When you are looking for freelance writing work, it is important to look outside the box as well as trying the tried and true employment options. Illegal Interview Questions -- Be Prepared I'll quickly cover the following: Im just me - An Overview of an Web er.. Designer, Developer, Consultant and Friend I am going to give you a breakdown of my ... er ... work ... playtime .... income .... How to Reach Your Next Job Faster with Fewer Potholes, Roadblocks Complacency damages your career more than lack of qualifications. The most obvious roadblock you'll encounter on the race to find your next job is usually regrets about skills, education, and professional knowledge. However, be careful that you don't possess an inner smugness that rests on past successes. Complacency will trick you to believe that employers will find you without any effort on your part to find them. You'll be anesthetized to job search urgency by this false sense of security. Overconfidence costs you money and opportunities if you decide to sit back with a Jack Daniel's and idle your time away until the phone rings. It won't. Business Careers: Keys to Moving on from Retrenchment You may be astonished to realize that retrenchment may occur more than once during the life of the modern day worker. In fact, career advisors report that we could expect to be made redundant up to three times during our working life. Defining Success Your Way! In my career advising practice, I often find that my clients are not clear about what success means for them. Our society defines success primarily around three elements: power, money and fame. Many of you reading this may be saying, "wait a minute ?those elements are not the most important things to me." Success is often intangible. It's certainly unique to each person. Have you considered how you will know when you are successful? Finding Freelance Writing Jobs - Join Us On The Job Search Finding freelance writing jobs require great skill, dedication and lots of patience. There are many qualifications that businesses look for prior to hiring an individual to fill their job vacancies though. When the potential applicant arrives, he or she must possess a good working knowledge of the tasks that the business person needs. If they don't there is sure to be someone else who does. Therefore, when looking for writing jobs, the applicant simply must make sure that they are the most qualified for the employment opportunities. Seeking Knowledge Will Give You Power What are you interested in? We all have a passion for something. So, what is your passion? Tips for Building a Successful Career 1. Develop excellent work habits ? for example, meet deadlines and don't procrastinate. ![]() |
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