Writing CVs and Resumes for Professionals with Examples

Tips on writing your Skills and Achievement Based CV (ABCV) by Mike Kelley at First Impressions

Conducting a job search is like marketing and selling a product -- with YOU as the product. The best way to market yourself is to go through this sales sequence. In sales you have the "Features and Benefits" of the service or product provided. When selling yourself these can be communicated as your "Skills and Achievements".

Your abilities can be overlooked and difficult to understand especially if you are coming from a different background. The recruiter or employer may feel that the language used or "buzz words" do not match. If the recruiter is forced to decipher too much information or jargon, he or she may be unable to see the experience they seek. With a little innovation, and change in CV style, you will effectively position yourself as a worthy candidate and make the transition to another job or job area.

The first step for the transition is for you, the applicant to understand your skills and abilities, and how those abilities relate to your intended job target / business or industry. These can be indexed on the front page of the CV for IMPACT, in business they can be anything from Leadership, Human Resources, to Policy-making and Strategic Planning. Everyone's talking about "key words and key skills" in all professions not only in business. If you possess plenty of experience and have attained a number of achievements you should start thinking about writing an "ABCV".

The targeting and visual presentation of your skills and achievement based CV is critical. Readers should be immediately impressed with the appearance, and the way your CV communicates the "value" you can bring to the vacancy. For more information and to view ABCV examples please visit


Mike Kelley probably has unrivalled CV / Resume writing experience. He has written over 5000 in the past 15 years. He consults and has worked within international job searching, emigration services and management recruitment. He now operates a full time CV / Resume writing service from home. http://www.cv-service.org/whyme.html

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