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When I was a child, there was a pool nearby and every year my parents bought us season tickets. My brother and I swam there everyday. One day we were swimming the length of the pool underwater. As I came up at the edge of the pool gasping for air, the lifeguard was there to meet me. He asked if my brother and I would join the swim team. We were so excited; we talked about it for days. The next few weeks we prepared for competition. That day arrived and our first meet took us to a pool across town. We all piled out of the car and I still remember how our excitement was shattered. As I looked across the parking lot at the other team, each member was in a matching uniform. At that moment, I knew the thoughts of my teammates, "We were going to get creamed." Our coach saw our faces and quickly said, "Shake it off, they just look pretty." Yes, they did and we lost. After all, we looked like a bunch of kids from a watering hole. The other team even told us that. We all felt it. They were a real team with real uniforms. That's how it is in the business game. You're judged by appearance. That's because when you first meet a person, visual appearance is the first item sent to the brain. It's the only data the brain has at that time. The minute I saw the other team in those splendid matching uniforms, my brain said, "They're better than you." Hey ladies, get the Uniform! Since your image is the first piece of information the other person sees, that's when their mind forms an opinion of you. Your clothes are your uniform. If you wear the uniform of business, the suit, then you're considered one of the team. If you don't wear the uniform, then you are not taken seriously. Women often tell me that they don't get respect from their male counterparts in the office. Their opinions are not taken into consideration. That's because they look like us kids from the pool. Each of us picked our swimsuits and they showed our personality. I wore a two-piece pink swimsuit with white ruffles. My brother wore a yellow and purple boxer type suit. We looked colorful, but not focused! Think about it. You walk into a boardroom full of men and they all have on suits. Their business attire is very similar and each is in a power color, gray, navy, or black. All men's suits are alike. They have those splendid matching uniforms. How focused they look, just like that swim team. Now check out the business attire of the women in the office. Oh, you see a pink dress with white ruffles and a yellow dress with tiny purple flowers. What about that beautiful peach colored dress with burgundy and peach shoes? Just look at that teal colored pantsuit with a floral jacket. How colorful they look. Oops, I just described your wardrobe. It's okay, I felt that way too. One of the guys who taught me how to play this game politely handed me a book about dressing for power in business. I went home and discovered every piece of clothing I owned was either peach, pink, baby blue or lavender. Heck, I thought those were power colors. After all, I felt powerful in them. The guys teased me about it. They told me in jest, "No Gina, we said POWER colors, not POWDER colors." Wait, don't grab that credit card and run to the store yet. There are a few things you should know before you go shopping. If you're petite, you must have a black suit with a white blouse. This is pure power. If you're tall, skip the black suit because it could be too intimidating, and go with burgundy. If you do business with men, stick to the solids colors such as gray, navy, and beige. Stay away from stylish suits and colors unless you have the money to buy the new style and new color next year. The suit styles that are "in" today will scream "out of style" next year. While you're at the mall, pick up a book about body types and how to dress them. You can usually find these books in the sewing or fashion section of a bookstore. Remember, a suit that looks great on that plastic model may not be advantageous to your figure. If you're still not sure about what to buy, watch TV newswomen and see how they are dressed. Professionals dress these women and you get this wisdom for free. ### Gina Novelle (copyright 12-2004) Gina Novelle is a published free lance writer. Her company sponsors the web site http://www.thirdpocket.com, a support site for the self-employed. Her book, "Business Secrets Men Don't Tell Women" reveals how women and men view self-employment differently and will be available in 2005. She currently offers her services as an Ezine Writer to optimize search engine ratings. gina@exclusivemarkets.net
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3 Ways To Succeed On Your First Job (Or Any Job) You've heard the real estate cliché: the three factors that determine a property's value are location, location, location. Preparing For An Interview When preparing for an interview, you need to know your skills, experiences and achievements, and how to answer interview questions. Planning Your Successful Career: 15 Ideas "Doing a good job is one of the most important ways to move up the ladder", says Dr. Don Bagin, Professor of Communications at Glassbro State College. Ask Me No Questions, Ill Tell You No Lies If only there were no questions involved in getting a job! Corporate World: Jungle Or Paradise? The road to the top is not easy, it is bumpy and dirty. Along the way, we meet interesting creatures. There are seasons in life when we will be at crossroads and choose a path based on what is important in our life. Either way may lead us to our goal, but the means to get there is different. While we have control over the choices we make, we don't have control over the consequences. The cost of our actions are governed by natural and spiritual laws that were set in place a long time ago. Three Tips for Successful Networking I generally shy away from using the word "networking" when it comes to our business. As professional "headhunters", we are constantly practicing and performing the art of networking in our daily operations. Many only consider the subject of networking when they are either seeking a new job or seeking new business opportunities. From our perspective, networking should be a daily event in your life. Networking is the art of building relationships that create benefit for yourself. Here are three tips to becoming a top notch "networker". Career Success: Don?t Be Caught With Your Pants Down Do you want to know how to jump-start your professional career? Or, are you already in the trenches trying to be a high performer and wanting to make a quantum lead to the next stage of your career? Or, because of downsizings or reorganizations, you feel like you are paddling faster and faster but seem to be getting nowhere? Find out how to monitor your changing environment so you won't be caught with your pants down. Working as a Knowledge Worker in the Information Age The old adages: "It's not what you know, but who you know" and "High Tech, High Touch" could be the mottos of knowledge workers in the 21st Century. Brainteasers: Or, How Many Crazy Interview Questions Does It Take to Get Hired? You've looked at all the job interview tips and techniques. Did your homework and studied all the potential employer interview questions you may be asked. Plus, you've practiced your answers in front of the mirror and in a mock interview. Yep, you're a well-prepared candidate ready to show your stuff. What more does an interviewer seeking a great candidate want? Global Economy Creates Need For International Business Pros The increasing globalization of business has created a demand for MBA graduates with a specialization in the international management of business. Many institutions, including several accredited universities, offer the opportunity to earn an international MBA online. Online International MBA programs are ideal if you are a working professional who may not have time to attend traditional, on-campus classes, or if you just prefer to have the flexibility to work when and where you want from the comfort of your own home or office. Get a Life Why Dont Ya?! It's okay to take your job seriously, to be a stickler for professionalism, and sure it's wonderful to take your responsibilities seriously. However, you have to be a bit careful when you allow your job to become your LIFE. Personal Contacts: The Key to Successful Networking When the word "networking" is used, we tend to think of upwardly mobile college graduates with a bursting day timer in hand chatting up the competition at business meetings, conventions, or workshops. The average blue/pink/white collar worker disconnects, feeling that they could never be that pushy, don't know enough people to even start the attempt, and that the method only works in competitive business environments. Hospital Staff at Great Risk of Attack and Injury Whilst at Work There are millions of people working extremely hard every day in the UK to ensure that the public are healthy and recover from illness or accidents. Countless medical staff around the country study hard to become doctors and nurses and then work long hours and endure stressful situations in order to save the lives of men women and children every day. These people are present day saints and have chosen the caring professions because they genuinely want to help others. Sadly though, their efforts sometimes are not appreciated. Make em READ Your Cover Letter Using This Killer Secret! Got your attention? Great. That was my intention. Who wouldn't want to read on when the title promises a 'killer secret.' Career Tips: How To Start A New Career These days most people accept that jobs are not for life anymore. People are more mobile and much more likely to change jobs every few years and even careers a number of times throughout their lives. And it is increasingly common that we may also find that we need to change jobs because of retrenchments, redundancies and closures. Having confidence in your skills and experience and your ability to deal with the challenges of starting over can give you a greater sense of confidence about your career, and whatever life brings your way. Avoid Potential Job Interview Disasters There are definitely things that you can do to avoid minor mishaps which could ultimately blow an interview. Become familiar with these 7 potential interview disasters so you can prevent them from obstructing your path to that ideal job. What is Experience Anyway? I learned in first grade that one plus one equals two. But, that's not the right equation when counting work experience. We often think we're building experience to help us get ahead. In reality, we're passing time. Ten years working like a cloned Bill Murray in Groundhog Day is not ten years worth of experience. Doing the same thing again and again yields an experience formula more like: ten times one equals one. I used to equate years of work with years of experience. No more. I learned by making plenty of hiring and promotion mistakes in twenty years of management the two are not equal. Neither are years of work and performance. Doing something for five, ten or twenty years doesn't make you automatically five, ten or twenty years better than when you started. I've been cooking for thirty years but I remain a mediocre cook. Two or three years involved with a business start-up or a new project might provide more growth and knowledge than ten years in a stable venue. And it might not. Gaining experience is more about you and your approach than anything else. Recurring work events can be predictable, boring, and unchallenging ways of passing years at work if what you're doing is updating last year's memo, tweaking last year's budget, or fine-tuning last years goals without applying innovation, analysis or critical thinking. Retiring on the job is as prolific as spam and will get you as blocked as those unwanted emails. I've found the difference between people who are winning at working and people who aren't, is the difference between passing another year at work and gaining another year of work experience. Those who build their experience build their futures. And, you can build experience without changing jobs. Building experience is about the depth, diversity, challenges and learning you gain by offering the best of who you are at work. It's about seizing and creating opportunities. And it's about continual self-improvement and constant self-feedback. You know you're gaining experience when you problem solve your own mistakes; learn to use knowledge building blocks to handle more complex issues; make contributions more valuable than the year before; acquire new skills by venturing outside a comfort zone; embrace new ideas or technologies; or recognize you don't know as much as you thought you did as you begin to see a bigger picture. People who try new things, push the envelope, pitch ideas, offer innovative problem solving, take accountability, and never stop learning and making a difference, are people gaining experience and building their work future. (c) 2004 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved. Recruiting Excellent Job Candidates An independent recruiter, recruiting agency or executive search firm is charged with tracking down excellent potential candidates for available job positions. Despite the fact that there are innumerable people seeking positions of employment in the 21st century, it often seems to a typical recruiting agency that qualified men and women are few and far between. To All Managers: How Does ADD Affect Your Workplace? Tent caterpillars create a cocoon for an entire colony. Within one colony there are two types of caterpillar. One type, pioneers, weave long threads forming the skeleton of the tent. The others, the workers, weave cross threads filling in the structure. If there are too many pioneers, the tent is too big and collapses. If there are not enough pioneers, the tent is too dense and the colony suffocates. Viva la difference. Career Advice On Freelance Writing Jobs Sometimes the freelance writing jobs available are those that no one wants. Or, they are those that new businesses are looking to fill. You will not find postings for the best jobs and employment because many of those jobs go to individuals who already have an established career or a good working relationship with those businesses. For those looking for career advice to find the best freelance writing jobs available, they can find a few things here that will help them get the experience they need or at least get a foot in the door. ![]() |
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