Can You Compete?

Are you looking to hire the best talent? Are you thinking about adding a new employee who will significantly impact millions of dollars in YOUR business? Do you want to hire the best? Then you need to show and convince your next hire that you are serious about him joining your team.

In March, we received the following candidate's response to two high level interviews. The candidate would potentially earn over $100,000 in base salary. As a regional salesperson, the candidate would potentially add millions in new revenue per year to the company. We edited his response. Needless to say, the first company did not convince this very capable salesperson that they wanted him, the second one did.

"Dave, the PROCESS speaks volumes about the company. Here I was being recruited by a well known company. The position was perfect, the location acceptable but after my first visit, I decided to fire them. They seemed shocked!"

The no-name hotel was a dump and not billed directly to the company. I had to needlessly change planes, arrange transportation to the interview and the receptionist had no clue who I was or why I would have an appointment with C-level executives ("I'm sure they would have said something to me. I don't see your name on the list of appointments today."). The senior team was sharp but not coordinated and I left very disappointed in what I felt was a complete waste of my time.

(On another interview) The quality of the accommodations is not as important as the thought that went into planning. I was made to feel like a king when the company made my reservations. When the car dropped me off, the general manager was there expecting me. He explained the hotel was very convenient to the plant (the hotel was old and dated but very clean). He arranged for me to have a "suite." He offered a catered dinner of my choice (not simply a take-out from Denny's next door) and cocktail service if I chose to relax. It was late and I was tired so I declined but the experience was tremendous. To top it off, they flew me coach on the way in and first class on the trip back home.

"All things being equal, the candidate will go with the company that shows the most respect." Even as a recruiter, I couldn't have said it better! These are his comments and he is now the top producer (also wage earner) in a highly competitive industry.

Article Written by: Dave Ricker

Dave Ricker has over 20 years of successful, progressive recruitment in the fields of Transportation, 3rd Party Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Distribution, Transportation, Six Sigma, Sales, Moving and Storage, Technology, Multichannel Marketing, eRetail, Direct Mail, Web Usability, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Web Analytics, Database Marketing, Catalog Marketing, New Media and more. Dave has successfully completed searches for firms in diverse industries, including Telecommunications and the Medical Device Industry. Prior to joining The SearchLogix Group, (, Dave was a successful logistics provider, transportation and technology professional. Dave was a founding member of the Schneider Dedicated Services division, the UPS WorldWide Dedicated Services and Interstate Distribution Services, Inc. Prior to his career in the private sector, Dave, a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, served in the U.S. Air Force as a fighter pilot. During his military service, Dave also obtained an MBA from Golden Gate University. Dave can be contacted at 770-517-2660 or at

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