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Which Half Are You?
When more than half of Americans were identified as overweight, people took notice. Major news outlets began educating on how to stay out, or get out, of that statistic. I wish the same attention had been paid when the Conference Board released their statistics saying half of Americans are satisfied with their job. Of course, that means, half are dissatisfied. Disliking your job is hazardous to your health and well-being, too. You can't be winning at working if you're dissatisfied with your work or languishing in the status-quo of dislike. Spending the majority of your waking hours dissatisfied, like being overweight, weighs you down, depletes your energy, and kidnaps your spirit. You can change all that. And looking for a new job should not be where you start. At least not yet. First consider what is causing your dissatisfaction. Maybe it's that annoying coworker or irritating boss that's holding you back. Maybe if you only made more money. Maybe the work's boring or the company's unfair. Whatever your reasons, pause your thinking and go to step two: look deeper. More than likely what's at the root of your dissatisfaction is your own doubts, fears, and insecurities. You see, too often we become victims in our own life. We blame McDonald's for having French fries that make us fat, and blame bosses who give us substandard raises. When in fact, we control whether the French fries gets purchased and put in our mouth, or we do the quality of work that meets the performance standards for a higher raise. It's a choice. And choices bring accountability. It's easier to believe you're a victim of circumstances than a driver of your own future. But, this easier choice comes at a price: dissatisfaction. The harder choice comes with a price too: personal accountability. That means when you're running an obstacle course and discover you're the obstacle, you correct your thinking, enhance your skills, and persist through your fears. It means, if you don't get the raise, the promotion, or the more interesting work, you look in the mirror first. Sure, in the end, you may determine you need to change jobs or environments. Just be sure it's the job you're dissatisfied with, or you may find the same irritating co-workers and unfair bosses (with different names, of course) waiting for you in the new job. People who are winning at working don't see themselves as victims. They know the choices they make have consequences and payoffs. And while fears, self-doubts and insecurities may stall their progress, challenge their courage, and test their persistence, it doesn't stop them. It's not easy to move through your fears, build your self-esteem or change your negative self-talk. But few things in life worth having are easy. People who are winning at working do the hard self-work. They're unwilling to let their fears, doubts and insecurities orchestrate the outcome of their lives, at work or at home. To them, the biggest dissatisfaction would be wondering about the person they could have been. Want to be winning at working? No one is stopping you, but you. (c) 2005 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved. Sign up to receive Nan's free biweekly eColumn at http://www.winningatworking.com Nan Russell has spent over twenty years in management, most recently with QVC as a Vice President. She has held leadership positions in Human Resource Development, Communication, Marketing and line Management. Nan has a B.A. from Stanford University and M.A. from the University of Michigan. Currently working on her first book, Winning at Working: 10 Lessons Shared, Nan is a writer, columnist, small business owner, and instructor. Visit http://www.nanrussell.com or contact Nan at info@nanrussell.com.
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Effective Resumes A resume is normally the first contact point between an employer and a job seeker. It serves the purpose of providing a summary of why a candidate is suitable for a job (cover-letter) and his relevant qualifications/experience. How to Change Careers and Still Pay the Bills - 5 Key Steps Studies show that more than 50% of people are unhappy in their jobs yet few will actually make a career change in 2005. Why? Most people let fear stop them yet successful career changers know that fear is simply a sign that you are headed in the right direction! Job Tips For The Frustrated Job Seeker There is nothing more frustrating and depressing when you are out of work and trying to find a job and your job search is going no where. Don't feel bad, you are not alone and there is a good reason why searching for a new job can be so difficult. There is no doubt the job market has changed. 30 years ago when I applied for my first job I remember answering an ad in the paper, calling and speaking to a real person, going in for the interview, filling out a application, had the interview and was offered the $3.75 and hour shipping job. Things are not that simple today. Back then there was no voice mail, no email, you mailed in a typed resume, who had a fax at home? You called and talked to a real person. You may of filled out a application but not the dozen forms you need to today. And you never had to prove you were legally allowed to work in the United States. The Top 10 Mistakes Job Seekers Should Avoid In Contacting An Employer There are numerous tools and resources available to guide job seekers through the steps of a career transition. These tools are very useful and suggest much that you should do. At the same time, some individuals benefit equally by learning what to avoid. If you count yourself in this latter group here is a laundry list of things that "turn off" an employer. Make sure you steer clear of the following: How To Survive A Job Loss Has this ever happened to you: You have been working at a particular job for a few years. It's not the greatest job and it hasn't always allowed you to capitalize on your unique gifts or talents. But it's ok, and it pays the bills. The job has become a part of your life's routine. What Students and Parents MUST Know about Student Loans A student loan helps you get through college. Then you come out into a high-paying career. It's a great investment in your (or your sons/daughters) future. Job Search: The End of the Line There is an end to the job search tunnel! De-Bunking The ?Follow Your Bliss? Myth Hello Fellow Seekers! The Ripple Effect of Fear Unemployment carries a lot of emotional baggage for most of us and fear is a major component. We fear the financial fallout of no longer receiving regular wages. We fear the impact of our lack of productivity on relationships: our marriage, our family, our friends, and our social and community activities. We fear losing the respect of our children when we can no longer give them what they need. We fear approaching acquaintances for help in identifying potential positions. We fear the humiliation of the job hunt and the personal rejection we expect to encounter. And finally we fear the most basic concept we hold within: that we're just not good enough, that we can't cut the mustard, that we're an incurable loser. Learn Some Useful Feng Shui Career Tips As it does with every main life aspect, feng shui also provides tips and guidelines to help you improving your career. If your career is not moving on in the way you wish, that is due to a lack of balance and harmony within your environment and the elements that affect it. Feng shui career tips intend to help you reach that harmony, but besides of following these specific tips, you should try to follow feng shui guidelines for all your life areas, since your life should be balanced as a whole as well. After Your Interview - What Must You Do Next? Other than actually landing the interview itself and living through it, waiting after the interview and wondering whether you will get a phone call or a rejection letter can be one of the most difficult aspects of searching for a job. What you do after the interview should actually start while you are still 'working' the interview. Are You Living Your Career Dreams? Inherent within the human spirit is a desire for fulfillment, a longing to carry out our creative aspirations by reaching new heights of accomplishment. Yet often the yearning for fulfillment can be suppressed by fear and apprehension. Perhaps we aren't feeling good enough, smart enough or able enough to pursue and fulfill our dreams. Hello Work World, Im Un-Retiring For many years, you looked forward to that day when you would bid the world of work a fond farewell and ride off into the sunset of your golden years. Ten Courses Of Study If You Want To Be Your Own Boss For many Americans, an important component of the American Dream is the possibility of hard work turning into financial fortune. The career exploits of such self made magnates like Andrew Carnegie, Lee Iaccoca and Donald Trump are examples for many. Creating a Winning Resume Preparing your resume can often seem like a daunting task. You've done your research, but there is so much information, and how do you pick from the countless formats?! Successful Job Search: Knocking Out The Competition Most of the time, competition stimulates us, gets our juices flowing, generates creativity, a sense of excitement, and motivates us to perform at our best. Looking for work is another matter! When it comes to financial survival, to regaining independence and self-worth, competition can be crippling. Network Now Have you ever been to a networking event that was awkward, frustrating and nothing more than a business card exchange? ![]() |
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