How to Use Flow In The Job Search

What is "flow"? Flow as described by the psychology professor and educator, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is a state of being and behavior. The behavior is one of complete absorption in a task. It is a transcendent state of being.

An example would be of a musician whose playing causes the person playing to lose sight of time, place & circumstances. Some people have called this a "divine rapture".

How can a job seeker find "flow"? More often there is tension, worry, frustration, anger, despair. It sounds as if a rapturous state of mind is beyond comprehension as one looks for a job.

There are all of the preparatory steps: A resume, filling in applications, interviews and phoning. These are necessary functions of the job search.

But what if a person looking for a job could see a larger picture; one in which he or she moves towards non-worry and does "go with the flow" of events, putting the negativity of being rejected or stressed into a state of inner knowing that he/she is doing everything right?

"Flow" sounds right for the job seeker to use. It could make the current job search the best one of all.

c, 2004

Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A. Certified Job & Career Transition Coach Email: Web:

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