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New Definition of Retirement
A new definition of retirement is evolving. It's one that's focused on continual exploration, learning and growth. Where the old retirement promised no pressure and stress but left you with no personal growth, no stimulating interaction and no sense of achievement, the new retirement promises life meaning, personal fulfillment, and realization of long-held dreams and 'fun'. It's a time for discovery not felt since youth. What do you dream about? Is it owning a dream home at the lake? Or maybe starting your own business? How about going back to college or taking tree planting lessons? You might spend time with a loved one, help people who are less fortunate, or travel. I believe the new word for this stage should be 'opportunity'! After all, the sky's the limit for the choices you have during this exciting time. "In the U.S. alone, more than 10,000 people retire every day. In Canada, the number is over 1,000" (The New Retirement, Richard P. Johnson, Ph.D.). People are living longer with a shift occurring where retirees find new ways to contribute to society. People are also retiring earlier, on average around 57. For some, this means leaving the corporate world so they can enter and exit work projects, pursue education or travel. All of this requires planning! Men and women entering the retirement phase of their life are the best-educated, wealthiest, healthiest, most accomplished generation in history. Yet, many are confused and highly stressed about what they begin to experience at this time in their life. Through the use of assessments we can determine where you are now, and where you want to be. Through coaching, you can discover yourself and how to live the life you've dreamt of. Retirement is not an ending; it is a new beginning, full of possibilities and purpose. "Tracey Fieber has been a very perceptive person in hearing the missing parts of what I say and unveiling them to me to perform better in my life," said Janet of New York. "She has helped me with marketing, using my time to it's fullest and structuring it to be used better suggesting specific ways to improve my goals when stumped for solutions. We enjoyed each other even during low times of life. I would recommend her as a proficient coach to help others as she has helped me move to the next level of success and understanding myself." Janet is in good company. One of the more than 76 million boomers turns 50 every 7.5 seconds, with every coming year over 4 million men and women will join the ranks of the 50-plus age group, according to AARP figures. "People turning 50 today have half of their adult lives ahead of them," said William Novelli of AARP. "They are beginning to use that milestone to enjoy new-found freedoms, make new choices, and dream new dreams." Not all retirees will want to pursue this new retirement. Those that do will want to discover their success with the help of a coach. Tracey Fieber, CTACC, is a Life and Retirement Coach, helping professionals 45 - 70 to make their most cherished dreams clear, then bring them to reality by exploring their strengths and their best opportunities. Tracey is an author and speaker in the fields of life and retirement coaching. Her coaching and teleclasses integrate her background including ten years of financial industry marketing, training and human resources experience together with personal and professional coaching. She is a Graduate of Coach Training Alliance and has taken advanced training in working with adult learners. Tracey travels internationally and offers retirement coaching on a variety of topics. Please visit her blog at http://www.coachingwithtracey.typepad.com or email her at traceyfieber@sasktel.net "Five Strategies for Creating a Successful Retirement" is a free Teleclass held monthly. To register for this or a variety of Coachville classes, go to http://tinyurl.com/4og36
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Know your purpose What Is A Personal Trainer Imagine stepping into the gym for the first time in your life. There are so many machines and gadgets. What do you do first? Is this one safe? Are you using it right? There are so many questions to ask about trying to get physically fit as well. How much should you push yourself? How much is too much? Priorities: Are You Living Yours? In the Charles Dickens classic, "The Christmas Story", Scrooge is given the opportunity to examine his life and his priorities before it is too late. Upon being shown his grave by the ghost of Christmas Future, he asks "Spirit, are these instances of things that will be or are they of things that might be? Is it too late for me?" How long has it been since you have examined your life and its direction? When the day comes that you leave this earth, how will you be remembered? 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Yet, it is not limited to today's information technology workers or those whose work requires being online frequently. Invest Your Inner Wealth It started out like any other Wednesday - reports to type, telephones to answer, books to balance. When the clock finally struck 4:30 p.m., Lauren locked her desk and wearily made her way to the fast-food café where she waited on tables several evenings a week. As a single mother struggling to make ends meet, Lauren's days were an endless blur of typewriters, ringing telephones and demanding children. Being an Emotional Victim None of us like to think of ourselves as victims. The term "victim" brings to mind a pathetic image of a person who is powerless. Therefore, It comes as a shock to most of us to realize how often we allow ourselves to be emotional victims. Having counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for 35 years, I know that many of us are victims much of the time without realizing it. Essence of Awakeness Be conscious, aware, and alert. Pay attention. Remember when you were in elementary school and the teacher used to say pay attention now, this is important? Well, this is important. Wake up! What does it take to wake up an adult? Many people go through life on automatic, doing life as it comes along. What kind of things occurs that is considered a wake up call? The death of a loved one, a miracle, a near death experience, the birth of a child, a divorce, a marriage, a spiritual experience, a great accomplishment, a serious illness, an award, losing a job, winning the lottery, which of these would wake you up? The Power of a Scope We all know the power of a scope if you need to focus in on a target and hit it. We all need to develop and truly understand the power of the human mind's scope. All of us have inside of us the potential to be as powerful as the most high-tech laser scope available today. A scope is designed to focus in on a target without getting distracted or losing focus in order to hit its target right on the bull's eye. Now remember that all mechanical scopes are programmed by human technology and if we can do it for machines, we can do it for ourselves. A Murder Mystery Puzzle for You to Solve Anybody who has visited my website at Motivation & Self Esteem for Success or has read any of the many articles I have written will realise what a proponent I am of reading books and educating yourself. If you want to become successful at anything you simply must do this, in my opinion. Live With An Attitude Of Gratitude Imagine for a moment one of those nights when you just can't fall asleep and you have to get up early the next morning for a very important meeting of which you are the keynote speaker. Your alarm clock goes off early in the morning waking you from what little sleep you had. You stumble out of bed, have a quick shower, grab a coffee and some toast, and off you go to fight the traffic on the way to work. Sheep Do Not Start Out Lost Have you ever thought about how sheep get lost? Even with a shepherd, they still get lost. How does this happen? The one thing I know for sure is that they did not start out lost. ![]() |
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