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Different New-Years Resolution - Pass-It-Forward
Every 12 months, as the New-Year rolls around, we all brag about our New-Year's Resolutions. With inflated chests and with all the authority we can muster, we announce to any and every available ear, that we're going to lose weight, stop drinking and smoking so much, as well as spend more time with our family, in addition to investing more time down at the gym. Mostly our vision extends no further than our own noses. To add insult to injury, we usually don't follow through on our "Me Orientated" resolutions and goals. In a matter of months, and sometimes even weeks, we've forgotten all about our "new improved" character, which results in feelings of frustration and failure. Most 'experts' tell us not to elevate our expectations too high. On the other hand, perhaps we fail because we don't set out goals high enough. What if we looked outward instead of inward when making our declarations? Would we then be able to complete a year feeling satisfied rather than contemptuous about ourselves? I'd like to take a risk and suggest one resolution that might last a year, or, maybe even, a lifetime. A resolution that makes you feel good about yourself whilst simultaneously including others. It's not my idea so I don't want to take any credit for it. In fact, the idea originated from a movie called 'Pay It Forward' directed by Mimi Leder. If there's one video you need to see this year - then this is the one. The idea is simple. You do something good for other people. These people cannot 'repay' you... They are encouraged to pay-it-forward. In turn, doing something good for someone else. And so on and so forth. The mathematics is simple. If I'll do something constructive for 3 people and these 3 people in turn do something for 3 other people (each) - we have already impacted 9 people in total. These 9 people will make a difference in 27 people's life, which in their turn will touch 81 people's hearts... See how fast it grows? Until today, this simple mathematical principle was abused through multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes. This year, you can use the same principle to make the world a better place. Of course, there will be those people that break the chain. However, others still, will reach out and touch more people than you could possibly imagine. Just open your heart and give... Trust in the goodness of man and allow yourself to be overwhelmed. There are many ways to touch people's heart. An action, a hug, a word, a smile. Make it your resolution this year, and remember: It takes ONE NATION to make a difference in this WORLD. It takes ONE COMMUNITY to make a difference in this NATION. It takes ONE FAMILY to make a difference in this COMMUNITY. It takes ONE PERSON to make a difference in this FAMILY. You are the ONE! Go ahead and make someone's day. See how it makes YOU feel. Then when they smile back and thank you, ask them to pass it forward... About The Author Article by Nisandeh Neta - author, trainer and success coach. Start living each day at a higher level of success, passion and fulfillment. No Hocus Pocus! Just awareness and open mind. Learn how, on his site http://www.nisandeh.com Or go to http://www.inspiration2go.com to get his newsletter and a BONUS - inspirational e-book.
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3 Tips for a Great Summer - Developing Life & Business While Having a Blast As the last day of school arrives I feel the same tendency I had as a child... to drop everything and scream "let's go play!" After all, extreme self-care is so important. I also wonder if we tend to use the summer as an excuse to procrastinate. So here are a few tips to integrate personal and business growth with a whole lot of fun. Cause and Effect! Choose a Path Three steps to your Personal Transformation: A Numbers Game! Three years ago, Paul left his corporate job to launch his freelance writing career, and he's done relatively well. He has a group of regular clients that keep him going, and they are happy with his work. Change the Words and Change the World Excerpt From The Relationship Handbook: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life by Kevin B. Burk Live Healthy - Six Steps To A Healthy Life Six steps we can take to reduce our risks for heart disease Living On Purpose The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Those individuals who live their lives 'on purpose' are not prone to wondering what the meaning and purpose of their life is. Can I Be My Own ADD Coach? Quite often I am in contact with people who discuss acting as an ADD Coach for their child or spouse. While supporting and helping loved ones with ADD is a great idea, acting as an ADD Coach really isn't a great idea. There is just way too much emotion involved and an ADD Coach needs to be far enough removed from the situation to be an effective ADD Coach. A Beginner To Beginners You may be just starting, or contemplating, your first online business. Or, just like me, you may be trying out yet another online business scheme. How to Get a Grip on Your Money Most people have no idea where their money goes. They earn it and they spend it. Finding Peace: A Taste of Mindfulness When we are ill and don't know it, we are in a state of ignorance or delusion. We don't view ourselves as sick, so we don't believe it's necessary to go to a doctor or take any medication. We fail to recognize our own need for care and support. Using Audio Programs to Increase Your Knowledge and Productivity If you do any significant amount of driving, a simple thing you can do to increase your productivity is to listen to audio programs in your car. If your commute time to work is 45 - 60 minutes each way, you can easily listen to at least 1 book each week. Over the course of a year, that can add up to about 50 books. That is a significant number. Its Game Time! Four Powerful Lessons in the Game of Life I turned 29 last week, and if statistics are right and I die on or around my 78th birthday, I am almost 40% done. In a numbers game, that is pretty close to half way. This had me thinking about when I played basketball in high school and college. I thought most about the half time events in the locker room. Anger: To Control or To Learn Many of us will do anything to avoid another's anger, yet may be quick to anger ourselves. Many of us dread another's anger yet continue to use our own anger as a way to control others. Fear Is Nothing To Be Afraid Of! What do you do when fear shows up? Do you hide under the covers of life, shivering as you anxiously wait for the moment to pass or do you stand up with a confident smile and embrace it? Sorry Dr Maslow, I Think You Got It Wrong In the 1950s Abraham Maslow published a book entitled " Motivation and Personality" in which he outlided his now famous Hierarchy of Needs. Over the years since its publication Maslow's work has gained wide acceptance as a tool in understanding human motivation. It has been used in areas as diverse as Consumer Marketing and Christian Evangelism,as well, of course, psychology. Maslow rightly holds a place of high regard in many circles. Coaching is Asking the Right Questions Have you ever known anyone who asked themselves "Why me?" over and over every time something happened they didn't like? Or how about, "What did I do to deserve this?" And my favorite, "Whose fault was that?" Perhaps, these questions have popped into your head once or twice before. Worth Waiting For Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 22, 2002 How To Overcome Stuck States In Personal Growth Although many of us use self-help tools like affirmations, visualizations, NLP techniques, and spiritual invocations, we sometimes find that nothing happens. This, to say the least, is disheartening. After many years as a psychotherapist, I found that the brain can be compared to a computer. Since the computer was founded to replicate some of the features of our brains, the analogy also works the other way. In a computer, a corrupted file, a virus, or any other type of malignant software is sufficient to slow the computer down, create frequent crashes, and cause difficulties in opening certain files. In a brain, a negative decision based on some troubling event is sufficient to create internal resistance. This resistance is unconscious and often defies the most valiant efforts by the conscious mind to defeat it. While working in therapy or holistic practice is an excellent way to overcome blockers, internal feedback loops that prevents forward progress, it isn't always convenient and affordable to find the right person when you need him or her. What do we do to move forward when we feel stuck? How do we debug the brain? And how do we do it on our own? In pondering this question, I came across this marvelous technique by Karol Truman in her amazing book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die? She has created a script that speaks to your unconscious mind using a spiritual perspective. It's deliberately convoluted and confusing to the conscious mind so that the unconscious gets to work. Also, you don't feel anything after you're done, since it's below the radar of your usual awareness. I'll give it to you here to try out. And, incidentally, if you feel that it doesn't work, recognize that this too is resistance and work on releasing your doubt (which is basically a fear of failure.) Spirit, please locate the origin of my feeling/thought of feeling negative about (insert the feeling or belief you want to release here). Take each and every level, layer, area and aspect of my be-ing to this origin. Analyze and resolve it perfectly, with God's truth. Come forward in time, healing every incident based upon the foundation of the first, according to God's will; until I'm at the present, filled with light and truth, God's peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions, forgiveness of every person, place, circumstance and event which contributed to this feeling/thought. With total forgiveness and unconditional love I delete the old from my DNA, release it, and let it go now! I feel (insert the way you want to feel here). I allow every physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problem, and inappropriate behavior based on the old feelings to quickly disappear. Thank you, Spirit, for coming to my aid and helping me attain the full measure of my creation. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you and praise God from whom all blessings flow. Business Career, Executive, Life Coaching Article Mechanisms of the Mind (Achieving Success) Suppose that the human mind is nothing more than a bio-computer and that the function of this computer is to get its owner exactly what he says he wants.. The computer mind takes what you say very literally. So, if you say you cannot do something, the mind interprets that as a command and makes sure you cannot do it. If you say you are confused and don't know what you want, the mind makes sure you have that experience. Finding a Mentor in the 21st Century Traditionally, mentors volunteer the wisdom of their experiences to help others who wanted to follow in their footsteps. These days, many people have learned to appreciate the value of a good mentor. ![]() |
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