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Free Advice From Albert Einstein
What If You Could Ask Anyone For Help? Have you ever noticed how sometimes you are at your most creative when you are interacting with another person? You and your friend or acquaintance feed off of each other's ideas and help each other clarify things. Well what about those times when you are alone, or you have no one you wish to share your ideas with? What can you do then to stimulate creative thought and to find elegant solutions to your problems? You could try talking to Albert Einstein. Okay, you might want to talk to Andrew Carnegie or Lee Iacocca if your problem has to do with making a factory more productive. A question about love might be better addressed to the Dalai Lama. The point is to have a conversation in your head with a historical person or expert who can help with your particular problem. Why would you want to do this? Your Imagination Needs Form To Function Whether you realize it or not, you have a powerful imagination. What you may not have, however, is a powerful way to use it. That is what you get with a conversation in your head; a way to access the creative power of your mind. You will be surprized how often your imaginary Einstein comes up with an interesting idea, or asks you a question that produces something useful. Try it in this way: Use the image of someone who you respect and know something about. This is so you can easily imagine what they might say. It can be a fictional character - in fact, this may be even better. Explain the situation to this person, and listen to what they have to say. Remember those WWJD pins and stickers? WWJD stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" Young christians wore these pins (still do, I believe) as a source of guidance. Whether you are a christian or not, you can understand how in a time of confusion, this simple question can immediately clarify the situation and allow a right decision. Think about this for a moment. All the information necessary to make a right decision might be there in a young man's head already, and yet there is confusion. Imagining what Jesus would do or say is all it takes to "see" the answer. So start talking with your imaginary friends (in your head please). Ask for help with personal, business, moral and any other problems. This is a powerful way of drawing on the power of your unconscious mind, and it will work for you if you give it a chance. Steve Gillman has been studying brain improvement, concentration, creative problem solving, and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and subscribe for free to his Brain Power Newsletter at: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com/newsletter.html
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Make Your Life Easier? 'Have you read the Art of War?' someone asked me once. Fighting someone to get your way is definitely a valid strategy. But you don't need me to tell you about that one - we've all been arguing and manipulating to get our own way since we were born! And you may have noticed - often when you push, the other person pushes back! Wars have been fought, relationships lost, and many ulcers create with this kind of energy. 3 Secrets to Developing Superior People Skills 1. If What You Are Doing Is Not Working Change Your Approach Top 10 Ways to Coach Yourself to Total Success! Coaching is about being your best. It's about performance, about "staying the course" and, in the end, about creating and living the life you really want. Many people use coaches to make more money, win the gold prize or do something dramatic. That's fun, and when it's right, it's wonderful! How to Effectively Balance Your Work and Family Life What Is Your Definition of Success? Poise, Posture, and Performance Good posture is seen to have many advantages. From an aesthetic point of view it can enhance image, sending out the right signals (body language). For an athlete it is seen to be essential. But what is a good posture? We recognise poor posture when we see it, as it is evident in the majority of adults regardless of athletic ability. But just to confuse the matter, people with an ideal 'plumb-line' posture can also have poor movement patterns. This is because it is not the shape that is important but how it is maintained. An apparent 'good' posture can be achieved with totally inappropriate muscular activity. Learn to Say No! How many times have you agreed to do something that you actually didn't want to do? For someone at work? Your friends? Even your spouse? All you had to do was say no, but the word didn't come out. So you end up doing it?and later resent it. Training is Not the Same Thing as Exercising What it takes to GROW! What Are Your Priorities? "The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want." -Ben Stein Coaching - An Adapting Tool For Attaining Fulfillment In The Global Economy At a time when the global economy is bringing innovation, new ideas and new opportunities into the marketplace, outsourcing and the elimination of white-collar jobs has left many of us feeling anxious and insecure about the future. It is increasingly apparent that the American Worker can no longer look to the corporation for a sense of security, place, benefits or loyalty. As reliance on old structures is diminishing, the following ways of looking at work are emerging: Let Go of Your Past People have a difficult time letting go of the past because they are held back by unfinished business. They may regret choices they have made or feel guilty about past actions. As long as guilt and regret are not resolved, it is difficult to move forward. Making Changes in Your Personal Life Making changes in your personal life can be a tough process. Change starts with a thought. It cannot begin without one. However, what we think and dream is not always what those around us choose to envision for us. Do You Dither in Your Job Search? I looked up the definition of "to dither" before writing this article. It is to be agitated and in a nervous state. Why? I met Sean a year and a half ago in a crowd of 50,000 people. We struck up a conversation and really hit it off. He gave me his number, which I forgot. I thought about tracking him down, but figured if it was meant to be we would meet again. Three weeks later I got a phone call from him, and we have been together ever since, until about a month ago. Coaching Skills Introduction The Difference Between Approval and Appreciation Having worked with individuals, couples, families and business partners for 35 years, helping them learn to resolve conflict, I have often been faced with the difficulties that occur when people are confused about the difference between approval with appreciation. Have you ever wondered about the difference between approval and appreciation? Most of us have never actually thought about it, yet if we do think about it, we realize that we feel very differently when we receive approval as opposed to receiving appreciation. There are good reasons for this. Searching For Your Calling ? Quest or Curse? Judging by the extraordinarily positive reader response to Po Bronson's What Should I Do With My Life?, people are aching for a sympathetic outlook on their stories of career dissatisfaction. They tend to be their own harshest critics, often riddled with self-doubt and embarrassment about not getting this "career thing" right. Maintaining a constructive attitude is challenging. In spite of contrary statistics - such as, the average American changes jobs eight times over the course of his/her lifetime - we still tend to harbor the expectation that we "should" decide by our late 20's/early 30's what we want to do and follow that thread for the remainder of our working lives. As T. puts it, "My search for work I'm passionate about is regarded by my friends like a child's drawing that's put up on the refrigerator?isn't that cute!" Online Counseling - a Timely Happenstance Online counseling may be the latest and greatest improvement in therapy. It seems to be perfect for this fast-paced world with many workers who sit by their computer screens all day long. Yet, it is not limited to today's information technology workers or those whose work requires being online frequently. Simple Tips to Move Forward on the Job Someone I know wants to move into another job in the same company. It is not a management job. It's a job as an assistant safety coordinator. Attention! Thought Crossing! ? Or, The Secret of What?s Between Your Ears What are you thinking - right now? 'I'm reading your article!' you say. Well, take a little bit of a closer look. What's spinning in the back of your mind? Is it that big deadline that's looming at the end of the week? Or how you're going to deal with your mother-in-law this weekend? Or maybe you're worrying about your finances? Your Personal Treasure Chest Sometimes it is helpful to review several of the basic components of THE ENCHANTED SELF. That's what I've decided to do this time. ![]() |
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