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Getting Unstuck: Moving Forward To Success
Ever find yourself stuck in that awful loop of inactivity? You circle around and around between wanting to move forward and then apathy? Covering the same ground and never moving forward? It could be that you are stuck in the web of your own comfort zone. It's a place we hang out at that's routine, predicable and safe. We've stopped growing, taking risks, and seeking. We can get stuck eating certain foods for comfort, not taking the risk to lose weight, not choosing the next step to overcome an eating disorder, or not getting started at that creative project you already know you would succeed at. The comfort zone offers a safe shelter, a familiar beaten path for us to follow. As long as we stay within the protected shelter, we feel secure and safe in what is already known. However the cost we pay for allowing ourselves to stay stuck is extremely high. Resisting change and avoiding risks exhausts your life energy. We end up feeling lethargic, energetically drained. Continuing to do the same thing day after day, year after year, can leave us in a motionless rut. Within the comfort zone exists narrow thinking, a lack of creativity, and monotonous actions and reactions. A sense of emptiness prevails as inner dreams and aspirations lie dormant. Our position of inactivity is rationalized with excuses. Then we hammer in our position with the words, "I can't". We feel paralyzed by our fears, real or imagined. MEANING OF STUCK Stuck implies lying balanced in inertia and fear of the unknown. The longer we wait to choose, the deeper we bury ourselves in future problems. Inaction is created as we put up barriers within ourselves. Internally, we block off emotions and refuse to feel them. We avoid looking at the truth and pretend that everything's OK. We refuse to acknowledge that there is trouble. We think one way, but feel another. The most common barrier is not listening to our hearts. When we cut ourselves off emotionally, we sever the connection that allows our love to flow outward. Sometimes this action is necessary, but it always comes at a great price. The price is your creativity, joy, and love. You are cut off from your own heart, or your own life's purpose. Being stuck occurs when we are not willing to accept some truth about our self or the situation. Perhaps we are choosing to trade a piece of ourselves to create harmony. Maybe we choose to turn the other cheek regarding unpleasing issues. What are you really feeling? Are you resisting tender feelings because you might be hurt? Are you furious even though you're smiling? What are you refusing to look at? ACTIONS THAT ACCOMPANY BEING STUCK blocking emotions denying true feelings stifling a natural response keeping another at arm's length hiding distress turning a deaf ear being defensive maintaining your cool avoiding the truth refusing to look at facts pretending everything's fine ignoring the warning signs closing your eyes to what's going on avoiding an unpleasantness choosing not to know feeling afraid to act reaching an impasse refusing to decide being unwilling to rock the boat staying on the fence QUESTIONS An important aspect to look at is that there is always a payoff for the action (or non-action) we choose. You are 100% responsible for your own life. Be willing to acknowledge (without self-judgement or criticism) that you alone are keeping yourself stuck. Let go of blaming yourself, your background, parents, partner, friends, education, etc. You can not master what you do not understand. And understanding is incomplete without compassion. If you are stuck, it is important that you ask yourself, "What is my payoff for staying stuck? What am I getting out of it?" Be honest with yourself, even if it hurts. If you can't figure out what you are getting out of it, ask someone close to you. They may know the answer right away. * How does staying stuck serve you? * Do you really want to move forward? * If so, what are you choosing to be your reason for staying stuck? * How would moving forward serve you? * What percent of you is ready to change? * How supported do you feel about life? Staying stuck also means that you are not clear about the issues holding you back. Take time to ask yourself what's really going on. The following are some possibilities: * I'm afraid. * I'm overwhelmed. * I don't know what step to take first. * I fear failure. * I fear success. * I fear both success and failure. * There's no order to what I want to accomplish. * What's known seems more comfortable than the unknown. * I don't want to deal with this right now. * I'm too _______________ to handle this. * I don't want to let go. * I'm not sure what invisible force is holding me back. Copyright 2005, Dr. Annette Colby, all rights reserved. Dr. Annette Colby, RD "Opening Creative Portals to Success" For free inspirational newsletter, articles & info visit: http://www.LovingMiracles.com
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Success Coaching - What Bill Gates and You Should Have In Common He was just a teenager, but he was already displaying the powerful habits that would one day make him a billionaire. Take Responsibility for Reshaping Your Life We say we want to eat better, feel better, and look better. But in order to make our goals materialize, we have to take responsibility for what we want by taking the appropriate actions. Here are three simple steps to help you turn your healthy goals into concrete accomplishments: Executive Coaching and Effective Learning We've all been through training events-workshops, seminars, and courses that didn't affect our behavior as much as we would have preferred. And while each provides valuable information and tools for increased productivity, most of us also understand what happens after the workshop is over. We return to our work, our offices, our lives-and the principles we learned are swept aside by a tidal wave of meetings, projects, and commitments. If we're motivated, we find a moment to reflect on and consolidate a couple of relevant points, but industry studies show that most new learning is lost within a few days of the event-as much as 90% in some cases. So what's the solution? How to Get More Business Without Even Trying Why are you in business? Hopefully you enjoy what you do, however is it because you want to make money so that you can have, be and do more in your life? Embracing Excellence Joey rises before dawn to pack his lunch, eager for morning to arrive so he can board the city bus that transports him to his job at a souvenir production facility. From 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Joey applies decals to souvenir collector spoons. Much like an artist applying brush to canvas, Joey peels a self-sticking decal from its wrapper, painstakingly centers it over the base of the spoon and slowly presses it on the metal. If the decal is not perfectly centered, he peels it off and starts over. Joey glows with pride over the racks of completed spoons, ready to be packaged for shipping to retail stores. The Benefits of Coaching When I was first introduced to the profession of personal coaching, my first initial thought was that it sounded exactly like something I would love to pursue. I did further investigation into the profession and before I knew it I was happily enrolled in the Coach Training Program offered through Coach U University in Colorado, USA. Our Worst Enemy Who do you consider as your worst enemy? The criminals roamingthe dark streets? Your boss who's killing you mentally andemotionally with stress and harsh words? The people in office who are engaging in graft and corruption, instead of helpingthose in need? A Christmas Wish My sister is a woman now beginning her thirties. She has had few friends and her boyfriends have never been good for her. Now she has finally found a man who adores her. Difficult Challenges? -- What If? Sometimes life can seem like one long series of unsolvable problems. I know there have been times when I would much rather find something else to do and quit whatever I was doing simply because it was too much trouble to continue. In fact, earlier in my life that is exactly what I did do. (And to tell the truth, I wouldn't change it even if I could!) Every Obstacle Always Presents an Opportunity In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand! What Is Executive Presence? Often our clients refer someone to us for Executive Coaching with a glowing description such as "This is one of our most valued and brilliant employees ?. But ?. he or she needs "Executive Presence", or as one client said "He's so low-key he's invisible. Give him "Executive Swagger". What is Coaching? Recently, I have received several emails asking me about coaching and what it is exactly. So, I decided to answer some of those questions in this article. Moment of Magic Laughter may or may not be a shock, relieved, but its' therapeutic effects are recognised in most cultures. It allows a positive distractive moment or moments. When things are tough, rough, overbearing or endless, a quick laugh can help to transcend an obsessive reality. The Value of Coaching to Support Your Business and Your Life In our daily lives as well as in our businesses, we typically operate from the perspective of doing the best we know how to do in dealing with life's challenges and opportunities. If we knew what it would take to be more effective in our relationships, more productive in our activities or more successful in reaching our goals, we would surely alter our behavior to correspond with these insights. The only access we ordinarily have to impact our lives comes from the areas of "what we know" and "what we don't know." In our efforts to achieve more, we usually resort to increasing what we do know by learning to do things a little better, a little different or we simply do more of a behavior that produced a certain result for us in the past. This behavior can predictably result in small, incremental increases in our ability to impact our business and our world. Likewise, by educating ourselves in the arena of "what we don't know," this knowledge then becomes part of what we now do know. As an example, if you are computer illiterate and you apply yourself to learn how to adeptly operate a computer, you will have successfully taken something that you do not know and converted it into what you now know. More than 95% of our efforts are spent in these two arenas ? what we know and what we don't know. Bringing Forgiveness Down To Earth What does it mean to forgive? 101 Winning Choices Personal missions statements (PMS) are just nothing but the winning choices. Our mind can program us in such a way that success ratio in personal, social & professional life changes drastically. Finding Peace: A Taste of Mindfulness When we are ill and don't know it, we are in a state of ignorance or delusion. We don't view ourselves as sick, so we don't believe it's necessary to go to a doctor or take any medication. We fail to recognize our own need for care and support. How to Adopt a Losing Attitude We have all heard the expression, "Where your heart is?, your treasure will be also." Allow me to modify this tried and true wisdom, to create an equally valid point: "Where your thoughts are, your hips will be also." What do I mean by this? Try this experiment: Take a few seconds to write the first the five words that pop into your head in response to this question: How do I describe myself? Media Underload! The Stress Reducing Psych-Diet The war, taxes, the economy, increased health problems, crime on the rise, overwhelming divorce rate, corruption in corporate America, and, oh yes, Janet at the Super Bowl! Where does it end? With so much going wrong, whats going right in the world? Coaching Skills Introduction ![]() |
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