Are You Seduced by The Dark Side of Wealth Creation? Get-Rich-Quick Scammers

With the growing number of expert business people, consultants and coaches keen to make money from multiple streams of income I thought I'd share a WARNING to help you spot genuinely useful information from dangerous scams.

There's a very simple seduction trick that is deadly powerful when it comes to parting the masses (whether they consider themselves highly intelligent or not) with their cash.

It has been used effectively by scammers, scoundrels and cheats throughout the ages, even before PT Barnum famously said, "Every crowd has a silver lining" (btw - he never did say "There's a sucker born every minute" that was someone else...)

This is the simple rule, and anyone employing it for personal gain has, in my book, already succumbed to the dark side - okay I'm a Starwars fan...

"The easier you make getting hold of large sums of cash appear, the easier it is to get more people to part with more money to find out how."

This is based on the truism (ie it appears true in most cases) that... most people are basically greedy and lazy.

So it goes without saying that you should be wary of anyone selling you the answer to "How To Make A Million Quid While Playing Tiddlywinks" if they also tell you doing that very thing is extremely easy, but only if you pay them to show you.

I'm not doubting that these people making inflated promises are probably successful "taking" money from their victims for themselves. What I am saying is that unless you're willing to play the same scam (ie make becoming super-wealthy sound easier than it is in order to line your own pockets) they used on you in order to make your millions then you'll have simply wasted your time and money.

The reality is, excluding random luck or cheating (as above), that anything worth having is going to require that you put in at least some effort, take a risk or two and/or add massive value.

The rewards promised by these dark-side scammers are, seductive, appealing and exciting, but rarely anywhere near as easy or profitable as they say.

Beware the darkside...

If you are keen to make money by adding value, taking calculated risks or by putting in a little effort then the following links may be a good place to look...

* Money Gym: The Wealth Building Workout - Nicola Cairncross

* Get Yourself Published - Suzan St Maur

* Lean Marketing Press - Our 50-50 Publishing Deal

'Dangerous' Debbie Jenkins

(c) Copyright 2005

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