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Transform Your Image And Accelerate Your Success
Being a lifelong student, I am regularly attending seminars etc. to become the best I can be in all areas of my life. In the past year I have undertaken an Image and Brand Management Program with Image Group International and the knowledge I have gained and applied has affected so many areas of my life and my business. Being a 'holistic' program it has encompassed topics like branding, colour psychology, personal image, inner image, communication and so much more. In this article I'm going to focus on personal image and how it affects your results. Do You Dress For Success? Being an avid networker, I get to meet many people and am constantly astounded by the way the majority present themselves. I met a ''coach' who raved about how successful they are and what they do for their clients. This person was at least 10kgs overweight, her chest was exposed and her clothes were very inappropriate for a business environment. If you were looking for a coach, would you consider investing in her services? She obviously had her own issues to deal with. What she said didn't match how she looked. The accountant who called himself a 'wealth strategist'?he had a beard, looked very unhealthy and was wearing a tweed jacket?.what impression did he make? None. He appeared scruffy and obviously didn't take care of himself. How could he take care of other people's affairs? In contrast to these people, the mortgage broker who was dressed extremely well in a tailored suit ,who obviously took pride in her appearance and looked confident and competent. If you were interested in borrowing money would you consider utilising her services? Of course you would. She gave the impression that she knows what she's doing. By the way, whether she is competent or not you'll only find that out if you do business with her. However if she cares about herself, chances are she cares about her clients and provides a good service. Perception is Reality Would you prefer to do business with someone who looks confident and credible? Whether we like it or not people will pass judgement on you within a few seconds of meeting you. They will make assumptions about you personally and your organisation. Would I Do Business With You? Think about it, what opinion would you form about a person who looked old fashioned, dressed in ill - fitting clothes and wore heaps of make-up? You'd probably think their ideas were old fashioned to match their image. And that also gives an impression of the organisation they represent. What about the 50 year old lady I met who runs conferences and turned up in high-heeled shoes, short skirt, long hair and big dangly earrings? Did she look like a competent and professional person? What first impression would she create? How about the manager who wears a cardigan, light grey suit and brown shoes. He also has a moustache. Would you feel confident using his services? Does he appear to be 'with it'? Would you think his organisation is up with the times? And the personal assistant with the low cut top and tight fitting pants? Is she being perceived as a competent person and someone you'd take seriously? She may suit the image of a trendy organisation and yet what opinions would you form if she worked with you? We've all seen or know of people like this. Perhaps it's you and you don't even know it! Image in the Workplace It's a serious business. Image Coaches are being hired by organisations to teach their people how to present themselves in the best possible way. How are you and your people perceived by your clients, prospects and suppliers? Your personal image can be either positive or negative. It can accelerate your success or hinder it. How to Transform Your Image If you seriously want to enhance the results in your life, consider seeing an image coach. In fact as part of the services we offer, we've included image coaching as it has been so beneficial to many of our clients. Some of the results achieved have been astounding. An accountant who was considered a 'pushover' by her staff and business partner had a total transformation. Because of her quiet nature she wasn't taken seriously. She also dressed in a way that reinforced her lack of confidence. Since having coaching around her image? looking how to dress in a more flattering way with credibility and power, she is far more confident and has become very assertive. It's also made her look 10 years younger! The image coach you'll work with will show you how to present yourself in the best possible way. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good you attract people to you like a magnet! So if you want to attract the right type of people to you in business and in your personal life, then this is definitely one area you should invest in. If this is of interest to you, email lorraine@office-organiser.com.au. The Final Word Looking successful is just as important as being successful. Whether we like it or not, people judge us in a number of ways. To be credible we have to look like we know what we're talking about as well as having the skills and abilities to deliver. Don't forget? You are your most important asset and you are worth investing in. About The Author Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life. lorraine@office-organiser.com.au
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Is Coaching Everything That It Is Cracked Up To Be? Personal or business coaching has helped thousands change their lives and achieve their goals. Yet, for the sceptics it still is a fuzzy concept with little recognition for its benefits. Think of Celine Dion, who with a voice coach claimed world fame. Her coach unleashed what is known today as one of the most mesmerizing voices in the world. New Developments Make Christian Life Coaching ?The? Career Choice for Work-At-Home Professionals I have watched for a couple years now, as my wife's career has really taken off and I must admit, I am impressed. At the age of 55, having had so many life experiences, it just made me sit up and take notice that something huge is happening. In addition to this, I have seen her income quadruple over the past year. What is Life Coaching? An recent article in Money Magazine said that "A coach may be the guardian angel you need to rev up your career." In fact, if you pick up any major newspaper or magazine, you are bound to come across a glowing article on coaching. It is one of the fastest growing careers, with an estimated 20,000 coaches in the United States. Because coaching is a relatively new profession, there are many people calling themselves "coaches"---unfortunately not all of whom are fully qualified. You should know that there is no required professional certification process, although it is coming in the near future. How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences Watching the news can be hazardous to your health. Mailey?s Introspections [Monday, December 6th 2005] As I work with clients as their introspective Inner Peace/Relationship coach, an issue that has come to my awareness is the tendency we have as human beings to stray away from the present moment. Some people tend to live mostly in the past, some live in the future, while still others ricochet from future to past and back to the future again. 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They can help you with a proper diet, implementing exercise into your lifestyle, etc. Also, I do not know of a single professional athlete who does not have a coach or mentor?get the hint? Just Listen, Please! When did you last do that? When did you last listen to yourself? Is there a small voice inside you calling out "Just listen to me" Just listen. Please". "All I want is for you to listen to me". " I am tired and fed up of continuing doing. Just stop for a moment and just listen. Please". Let Go of Your Past People have a difficult time letting go of the past because they are held back by unfinished business. They may regret choices they have made or feel guilty about past actions. As long as guilt and regret are not resolved, it is difficult to move forward. A Small Piece Of Carpet Have you ever noticed how the way you feel about yourself sometimes depends on whether or not you get confirmation of your value from others? 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