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Empowering Vision
Playing Our Part: Sir Michael Costa was conducting a rehearsal, in which the orchestra was joined in a great chorus. About half way through the session, with the trumpets blaring, drums rolling, and violins singing their rich melody, the Piccolo player muttered to himself, "What good am I doing? I might as well not be playing. Nobody can hear me anyway!" So he placed his instrument to his lips but made no sound. Within moments the conductor cried, "Stop! Stop! Stop! Where is the Piccolo?" Although it's sometimes hard to see, it's true that often the smallest and seemingly least important instrument can make the greatest contribution. So it is with our life. I have worked for the past twenty years advising and assisting people to find their personal and corporate vision. My instrument is the capacity to support others in the journey of discovering vision; vision in life and vision in business! As a coach, we have an awesome privilege and are in a unique position to play our part. For all of us, our performance isn't complete until we do our best with what we have. This requires vision! Defining Vision: "An informed bridge from the present to the future" Vision is the filter by which all other decisions are made and as such it must be owned, because it will take you beyond anything you have experienced before. Vision can be distinguished within your personal mission or your corporate purpose. It's specific and so can't be all things to all people. If you try to make it so, you usually end up betraying your vision. As a coach, my primary responsibility is to positively facilitate people through transition.From childhood to adolescence, adolescence to adulthood, from singleness to partnership, unemployment to employment, from sickness to wholeness, from crisis to resolve, failure to success, from poverty onto prosperity. How can any of us face such daily challenges without a vision of the preferable outcome? Identifying and prioritizing your vision has to be the best response to self-doubt. It empowers you with it's purpose and direction ? it becomes your compass and your map! "A person's visionary capacity will determine the outcome!" Organisations led by people without a clear mental vision often experience symptoms of frustration within and a slowing down of momentum. They have no compass or map and as such, sometimes attract individuals that are happy to remain lost. On the other hand, an organisation that has established its core values and vision will actually attract visionaries to it. The buy in factor for visionaries ? people who have force within, compelling forward momentum - goes way beyond natural circumstances and into the realm of values. The value you get out of vision is priceless. The amazing thing about defining and developing vision is that it is never impoverished. It will reward in the end, way beyond your expectations. What value would you put on the potential of vision within your organisation? Vision is the awakening of our life's purpose and is the force that compels us forward. It attracts people of similar spirit. It will empower you and overcome obstacles. It stands for something, rather than falling for anything! Coaching provides one of the greatest avenues to develop vision, accountability, encouragement and empowering questions, all serve to build strategies for vision. As well as a wealth of free downloads online, many of the books I have written are on sale via the website - and a variety of Coaching options are all there, at your service, to build your vision. Tony Mckeown is a personal life coach and director of coaching 4 life New Zealand. He has a passion for empowering people to find their life mission and purpose. He has authored training manuals, motivational articles, numerous e-books and regularly hosts international tele-classes and conferences on vision. He produces a monthly newsletter "get a life", and provides free downloads from his coaching site: http://www.coaching4life.net.nz
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Emotional Dependency or Emotional Responsibility Emotional dependency means getting one's good feelings from outside oneself. It means needing to get filled from outside rather than from within. Who or what do you believe is responsible for your emotional wellbeing? Coaching Book Review: The Coach: Creating Partnerships for a Competitive Edge Leaders today have many challenges when it comes to guiding and influencing the performance of their team members. In the past, productivity and success depended on sheer muscle and sweat. Competition, technology and the desire of employees to be meaningfully involved in their work are powerful forces shaping the leader's destiny and future role. The need for service, quality, and effectiveness in organizations is stimulating a demand for employees who think, act, and feel like responsible partners in the enterprise. Now and in the future, reinvigorating employees, managers, and peers through coaching will be critical to the success of both leaders and business. More than ever, leaders need to inspire employees with contagious enthusiasm in order to deliver quality services and products. In CMOE's coaching book, "The Coach: Creating Partnerships for a Competitive Edge," it provides refreshing ideas and strategies to help leaders cope with the demands and challenges of their calling. 4 Amazing Tips To Successfully Persuade Anyone Having excellent persuasion skills is one of the most important abilities to possess in today's fast-paced world. We need the support and cooperation of other people to help us in reaching our goals. The saying "No man is an island" is an undeniable truth. Coaching May Be For You Are you looking for someone who will hold you accountable to achieving your goals? Career coaching and mentoring may be what you need to accomplish what you really want in your career. Your friends and family certainly love you and want the best for you, but they can't always make the time to devote the necessary hours you may need to achieve your objectives and goals. Your friends and family have objectives and goals that they are looking to achieve as well. Business Coaching Legacy: Reflections on What You Want to Leave Behind? Updating my will has been on my mind for quite some time now. Life circumstances change, kids grow-up, financial situations changes. I procrastinated for a very long time about this will. Now that it is, I feel very satisfied and pleased. There is peace in that corner of my mind that nagged and nagged about it for so long. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that people, myself included, avoid making out wills because they don't want to confront their own mortality or have to face up to making difficult decisions. Mid Life Crisis and the Great American Dream One of the mainstays of American culture is the "Great American Dream". Immigrants would uproot their families and leave their homeland in the hopes of experiencing the freedom and opportunity that awaits them in America. While it is true that our Declaration of Independence states, "we are endowed by our creator with certain alienable rights and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", it was probably Horatio Alger who did more to popularize the "American Dream". He wrote more than 134 successful short novels targeting the rags ? to ? riches theme. His theme was that if you were honest, worked hard, had a strong determination, did your best and always tried to do the right thing, you would succeed. Alger captured the essence, emotion, soul and especially the spirit of an emerging America. The association between happiness and success was taking root in American culture. Coaching - An Adapting Tool For Attaining Fulfillment In The Global Economy At a time when the global economy is bringing innovation, new ideas and new opportunities into the marketplace, outsourcing and the elimination of white-collar jobs has left many of us feeling anxious and insecure about the future. It is increasingly apparent that the American Worker can no longer look to the corporation for a sense of security, place, benefits or loyalty. As reliance on old structures is diminishing, the following ways of looking at work are emerging: What Is A Personal Trainer Imagine stepping into the gym for the first time in your life. There are so many machines and gadgets. What do you do first? Is this one safe? Are you using it right? There are so many questions to ask about trying to get physically fit as well. How much should you push yourself? How much is too much? What The Buddha Says About Coaches There is a Buddhist saying that goes like this: "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill it." This means to kill any concept of the Buddha as something apart from oneself. You Have The Right The other day I was having a interesting conversation with an acquaintance, but it soon turned out to be surprising and unpleasant. The other person blurted out an unwelcome comment, in a tactful manner by pin pointing a personal issue within the conversation. Nothing is left to Chance You are going to meet a very important client for lunch. What do you do? If you are anything like Anna the first job is to ensure the outside you is perfect, well dressed, matching clothes, clean shoes, washed in your favourite soaps, perfume. Check yourself many, many times in the mirror, Ask your partner (numerous times)," Do I look right"? "Is everything OK"? Basically, nothing is left to chance. The inside you has been studying the information you feel is important. You feel on top of your subject but slightly nervous. You pull out all the stops to ensure that the person you are meeting will get full benefit of your total attention, love and generosity. Again, nothing is left to chance. How to Optimize the Awesome Power of Thoughts and Imagination Have you encountered a time when you were in a traffic jam and was running late for an important meeting? Did you stay calm and focused? Or did your mind wander into the dark side of the impending consequences that may occur? Coaching Skills and Positive Motivation There is one important point that is often missed in the discussion of Coaching Skills: Effective coaching is a great deal more than just problem solving. Many people misinterpret coaching as only a corrective process aimed at specific error and deficiencies of an individual. Actually, the use of coaching skills doesn't always have to be driven by problems. Challenges, opportunities, and obstacles that transcend any one member of the organization can be the motivating force. This type of coaching is very exciting to do. It is less personalized in nature and therefore not as stressful or tense. Although it does require certain skills, mindset, and approaches used in problem solving, it can be applied to positive coaching, which is designed to empower employees to go farther and contribute in new ways. Mailey?s Introspections [Monday, December 6th 2005] As I work with clients as their introspective Inner Peace/Relationship coach, an issue that has come to my awareness is the tendency we have as human beings to stray away from the present moment. Some people tend to live mostly in the past, some live in the future, while still others ricochet from future to past and back to the future again. The Student Who Knew Too Much This article is for those of you who coach or mentor. Does this sound familiar? Do You Want to Impress Others? Then Don?t Talk ?Listen Recently my friend Michelle was concerned about a professional conference she was planning to attend with her husband, a veterinarian. She has no background in veterinary science, so she did not think she would be able to effectively communicate with the people at the conference. I asked her why she thought she had to use technical jargon when she spoke to the other conference attendees. She responded that she wanted them to think well of her. Michelle is a warm, caring individual who is genuinely interested in others. I assured her that she could effectively relate to the people she met by asking them questions about themselves and their businesses instead of trying to impress them with her knowledge of veterinary science. The Incredible Rightness of Being An Age-Old Question A Visualization Exercise on Managing Expectations for Adults with ADD As adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), we often find ourselves excited by new ideas and plans, but overwhelmed by what it will take to reach the goals. Four Common Rapport Building Mistakes and How to Fix Them 1. Pretending You Are Interested When You Are Not Finding Peace: A Taste of Mindfulness When we are ill and don't know it, we are in a state of ignorance or delusion. We don't view ourselves as sick, so we don't believe it's necessary to go to a doctor or take any medication. We fail to recognize our own need for care and support. ![]() |
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