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Choose the Delivery Mode for your e-Learning Course
There are so many ways to deliver instruction online that the topic warrants its own lesson. In fact, deciding how you are going to deliver a course is critical to the way that you design and develop the course! Your first decision is whether or not you will deliver the course "live" or in a synchronous mode. If you deliver it live, it means that you and the students need to be online at the same time. There are numerous courses delivered this way. One of the oldest models for this is a telephone course. You can also deliver a teleseminar, which is a fancy way of saying a course via telephone. In a teleseminar, everyone calls into a central number where there is a "telephone bridge". The bridge can handle many simultaneous connections, so everyone can hear one another. And because everyone pays their own long distance bill to the bridge, it's an affordable technology to use. Bridge pricing varies, but if you're paying over $20 per hour to rent the bridge, then contact us and we'll put you in touch with a more reasonably priced vendor! A variation on the telephone seminar is a video conferencing course. You can use a dedicated video conferencing system or some of the newer internet-based web cameras. But recognize that unless everyone is on a fast line (cable or DSL), the video quality will be disappointing. In fact, unless there is a reason that you need to see one another, I always recommend audio conferencing instead. A good example of the use of audio conferencing is at wizetrade.com where they offer a weekly tutorial using internet audio conferencing. (Click on support to see the weekly schedule. You can tune in free to see how it works.) Other vendors provide a blended model of live telephone with live web. Three of the largest vendors in this space are webex.com , centra.com , and letsconference.com . For each of these, you call a telephone number to get the audio, then tune into a website to see the slides and other accompanying materials. Some services also offer a web audio option, so that no one needs to pay a long distance fee. Many of these vendors have also included enhancements such as live polls during the lesson, a "follow-me" type of Internet tour of sites, and the ability to carry on conversations during the class via a chat feature. Try to participate in at least one of each brand so that you are aware of the opportunities. While live delivery has its place in web-based learning, it takes away one of the primary advantages assigned to online courses - the ability to learn anywhere, anytime. So if you want to provide that advantage, then you must assume an asynchronous mode of delivery. This type of delivery requires that you think through all of the course, design each lesson, then post the lessons for the students. Whereas with a "live" course you can assume that the instructor will prepare and deliver each lesson, an asynchronous course takes a lot more prior planning. Even here there are numerous options. Here are some questions you need to answer as you are outlining the features of your course: As you can see there are a lot of questions to be answered as you plan a course. P.S. Did I mention that you can also deliver a course via email? For a good example of an email course send an email to elearning@TechTamers.com Dr. Jeanette Cates is an Internet strategist who works with experts who are ready to turn their knowledge and their websites into Gold. Her reputation as a speaker and trainer has earned her the title of The Technology Tamer. With more than 20 years in instructional design and elearning, Jeanette shares her news and views in OnlineSuccessNews.com
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What You Should Know About Scholarships When it's time to go to college, the word "scholarship" is confusing for both students and parents. We automatically think about student loans, FAFSA, tuition and fees, EFC, grants, and work study. But what we don't realize is that knowing more about the scholarship process could save us thousands of dollars when trying to cover the cost of our kids' education. The Key to Online College Classes - Have It Your Way Never before has online education been more esteemed than today. In most circles online learning is haled as a viable alternative to traditional classroom settings. Not long ago, distance learning was perceived as trendy, faddish and nuvo. What's happening to change that? An Online Degree Has Never Been Easier to Obtain Online education is steadily gaining acceptance in the academic world and more people than ever are completing courses online, working toward a degree. Online education at the higher level is no longer looked down on by the rest of the academic world and more colleges and universities are offering online programs every day. In fact, there are now so many resources available to someone interested in earning a college degree online that they can be hard to keep track of. There are, however, a number of web sites that have been designed to provide something of a resource center for those interested in pursuing online education. The site www.get-online-degree.com is one of these and serves as a fantastic resource. Scholarships not Working for You Neither, Huh? We're going to college, and we need cash. We have tuition and food, housing, books... like I said, we need cash. We hear about these billions of dollars of unclaimed scholarship money just floating around, yet you can't seem to get your hands on any of it, nor on any other form of financial aid. We're out here working like dogs, trying to make time to study an keep from losing our insanity, until we finally just give up. This sounds like a pretty big problem. What to do? Do Best Friends Make the Best College Roommates? Do best friends make the best college roommates? Not always! It's amazing how the quirky things you used to like about your best friend can begin to drive you crazy when you're around it 24/7. Just because you've been friends since grade school doesn't mean you should live together. Accredited Life Experience Degrees ? Accelerate Your Progress Online Chances are you are pursuing an online degree to reap benefits in the workplace. For this reason, you may be interested in accelerating your progress to get your degree faster. This article will explain seven ways to finish your degree faster. Keep in mind that you will work harder to finish faster and must be willing to make this commitment. Discover How Online College Classes Work It's no secret that more and more people are looking to the internet for a convenient way to further their education. Online classes are a great way to obtain an accredited college degree from home and continue to work a full time job. Many times a student can attend classes from their computer and schedule those classes around their job. Some schools allow the student to login to a class at their convenience. Imagine taking a class from the comfort of your own home and not having to deal with parking problems, child care, lunch, or transportation expenses. Caribbean Single Market and Economy - Who Says UWI isn?t Doing Enough? The University of the West Indies (UWI) has often been viewed as a long-standing partner to Caribbean Governments in fostering integration and development of our people, and forming strategic alliances. The Challenges College Students Face on Secular Campuses What is happening on the campuses of secular universities across America? Thousands of Christian students are losing their faith and non-Christian students are becoming entrenched in their unbelief. Why is this happening? Have they discovered that God, in fact, does not really exist, that we live in a careening universe with no divine Pilot at the wheel? Or does something else explain this trend? Chiropractic Schools Before CHIROPRACTIC SCHOOLS accept one into their educational system, it is recommended that students have earned a degree in the arts or sciences from an accredited college or university. Chiropractic schools also require applicants to have at least 90 semester hours in English, social sciences or humanities, organic and inorganic chemistry, biology, physics, and psychology as well. Is Pursuing A Degree Online Really For You? Who Should And Who Should Not? Stanford University's Online Lessons Learned Stanford University's Center for Professional Development has recently completed a survey of those that have been successful in completing online degree programs globally. The results of their research provide useful guidance for anyone considering an online program. The findings of their research are summarized here: Online Education with the University of Phoenix University of Phoenix Online Focuses on Team Learning Whats behind the Explosive Growth in Distance Learning? There is a ground swell of support globally to support the growth of distance learning. Market research firms, government agencies, public and private companies, and even venture capital firms ? those companies that invest in new and emerging businesses ? all agree that distance learning's future is very bright, and a good investment opportunity as well. All this translates into a bright future for anyone looking at distance learning to accomplish their career, educational, and learning objectives. Chances are if there isn't a program in place today for your specific needs, there will be one ? soon. This article explains how the perfect storm is brewing for distance learning, in a very positive way. Several market factors are presented here, along with research from research and government agencies that show that distance learning is here to stay and may someday surpass traditional classroom attendance approaches to learning. What's driving Distance Learning growth? Consider the following statistics from International Data Corporation on the market for distance learning ? these figures and others are making many traditional colleges and universities re-vamp their courses and degree programs to make them available online. There are 133 million U.S. adults or 66% of the adult population, which have Internet access today. That's over half the entire U.S. population and serves as a strong incentive for colleges and universities to re-vamp their programs to support this untapped educational market. According to International Data Corporation, over 90% of college students access the Internet, with 50% accessing the Web daily, and this is on a global scale. Colleges and universities have also found that to stay relevant to their traditional students, they have had to create online and distance learning programs quickly to stay up with their learning needs. 87% of four-year colleges will offer distance-learning courses in 2004, up from 62% in 1998. According to International Data Corporation, 25% more colleges and universities added distance learning programs between 1998 and 2004. By 2004, 2.2 million degree-seeking students are enrolled in distributed courses ? CAGR of 33%. The growth of distance learning on a global scale has the attention of companies as well ? they plan on spending $272B in the next five years on in-house training and education programs, according to International Data Corporation. 51% of all online courses worldwide have online discussion forms in 2001, growing to 65% in 2005. This is a sign of how quickly the Internet's performance is improving around the world. The bandwidth required to support online discussions is great news for distance learning. Now even the most geographically remote student can get the education they want. Summary The implications are clear. Distance learning is growing rapidly and has been fortunate that many countries teach English in addition to their own native languages. What's next on the horizon of distance learning is offering courses and degrees in multiple languages. International Data Corporation predicts that by 2006, 65% of all Internet users will be international. Distance Learning and Distance Learning Online Distance learning has become extremely appealing and widely attended because of the many educational options it offers through an educational format that caters to students who require flexibility in pursuing a degree. If you have decided that you need to jump-start your flagging career, want to change careers, or reach higher for an education that can increase your earning potential, then a distance learning online school is for you! Need Help Paying Back Student Loans? Many college students and graduates are looking for a solution for their student loan debt. While borrowers may be having difficulty paying back student loans, there is help. Solutions for paying back student loans are available. Online College Programs ? How to Apply The first step to getting your online degree is to apply to colleges. Research several colleges offering the degree program you need. Once you have decided on a school, you are ready to begin the application process. While the requirements may vary slightly, most colleges have similar processes. You will need to fill out an application, either online or on paper. Check with the university for application deadlines. Just about all schools charge an application fee; these fees are usually small. Distance Learning, Online Education, Electronic Education, Electronic Learning?Call It What You Want Whatever you want to label "learning at home" and however you want to define the latest buzz words for non-traditional education, you can find a program and method that suits your needs. Right now over 1.2 million people in the U.S. participate in some form of distance learning, with a projected expansion to 2.3 million in just a few years. What is the Cost of College Tuition? What is the average cost of college tuition? This is one question that most parents and future students ask themselves and need to know in order to plan for a college education. Online Degree Tips - Your Guide To Online Degree Programs Is an Online Business Degree Right for You? What Are Online Masters Degrees? Online masters degrees are higher education college degrees that are earned over the Internet. In order to apply, individuals must first have a bachelor's degree in the same field of study as the masters degree they wish to obtain. Masters degrees are offered in many different fields of education. Individuals can receive a degree in accounting, business, management, education and even healthcare. ![]() |
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