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Building Interaction Into Your Online Course
You've already decided that you're ready to author online and you have your content organized. Now it's time to face the ultimate challenge in online learning - making it interactive! Interaction in online courses is a two-edged sword. On one hand you want students to participate. This enhances their learning by letting them question and discuss issues in the course. On the other hand, as the instructor, you need to decide the level of interaction you want to have with each student - and build your courses accordingly. As an illustration, let me relate a poor choice I made in a course I wrote several years ago. Because I wanted everyone involved, I required that each student post at least one message per week to the discussion group. In addition, I required that they respond to two other messages. Simple? Yes. But because I had decided that my level of involvement was to respond to every posting, I was faced with 3 messages for every student every week - and this was only the minimum requirement! I soon found myself bogged down in responding to an overwhelming number of messages. To decide on your level of involvement, let's look at 5 levels of interactions you can provide. 1. Respond to every email. At this level of interaction, you are reading and responding to every email or discussion sent. Beware. While this may be effective at the beginning of a discussion when there is little interaction, you'll soon be overwhelmed just responding to and encouraging students. 2. Respond to every nth email. This is a more rational view. Here you can decide to pick every 5th posting and respond to it. The danger is that you'll miss a student's best posting or that you'll miss an important question. 3. Respond to 1 message per student per week. You can set the expectation that you'll welcome questions from everyone, but that you'll only guarantee a response to one per week. That will put the burden of composing an effective message on the student's shoulders, rather than just jotting off a quick question every time they think of it. 4. Post provocative questions. This is a great way to get a discussion started. If you choose this route, you may choose not to participate in the discussion yourself - but instead, just summarize it at the end - or not. 5. Employ help. This may be a Teaching Assistant, a mentor, students who have taken the course in the past, etc. You may also choose to separate the types of correspondence - for example, one person may cover technical questions, while another handles course mechanics and you take the content questions. Now that you've decided on your level of involvement, it's time to design the exercises. Recognize that almost any type of exercise you use in face-to-face training has an online counterpart. So be creative - and try your ideas. You can even ask your fellow instructors for help by saying "In an instructor-led course we would do such-and-such for this lesson. What would you suggest we use to replicate that learning online?" Keep in mind that the format of the course you are creating will help determine the appropriateness of an interactive exercise. For example, if you have a rolling enrollment, self-paced course where students sign up and work through the materials at their own pace, it may be difficult to assign them team activities. To get you started here are some ideas for interactive exercises. These cover a variety of levels of interaction, so choose your favorites. Polls and surveys - ask a series of questions, then summarize the results for the participants. This can be done with a survey tool or you can use a multiple choice exam. Poll early and often. Your first poll might be the type of computer participants use, how they connect to the Internet, and their level of expertise in computer skills. This provides good feedback to you and gives them a profile of the "average" student. Go and do - give students an assignment to do offline. Then ask them to come back and use one of the other techniques (reflection, chat, summaries) to report on their activities. Read and react - give students an article, a series of websites, or other assignment. Then ask them to write a short reaction paper based on their readings. Reflection - ask each student to use their personal note space to reflect on reading/group discussions. 3-word summary - ask each student to summarize their thoughts in 3 words in the discussion group. Others can ask for clarification. Teams - use teams to create small discussion groups. Then ask one person from each team to summarize the discussion in the larger discussion area. Office hours - use a chat to hold weekly office hours. Just tell everyone when you'll be "in", then wait for the questions. As an alternative you may decide to offer a chat time to a smaller group or team of students - either to encourage more interaction or to handle what would have been an overwhelming amount of interaction. Expert panel - invite one or more experts to participate in a live event such as a video or audio conference. Take questions from the audience. Then continue the discussion with the discussion group. If possible, invite the experts to participate in the discussion. You will continue to discover new interactive exercises that you use with your courses. For a full course on the topic, send an email to elearning@TechTamers.com Dr. Jeanette Cates is an Internet strategist who works with experts who are ready to turn their knowledge and their websites into Gold. Her reputation as a speaker and trainer has earned her the title of The Technology Tamer. With more than 20 years in instructional design and elearning, Jeanette shares her news and views in OnlineSuccessNews.com
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How to eMail Your Professor So its 12:30 Pm and there you are at the computer trying to refresh the email inbox page. The big test is tomorrow and your Professor still hasn't replied back, but why? Contrary to popular belief, that your Professor wants you to fail, the problem could stem from the fact that your email never reached him/her. Hence, the purpose of this guide is to show students how to write an effective email to their Professors. The Distance Learning Explosion! A generation ago few would have given much thought to educating themselves apart from a 'brick and mortar' educational institution. Certainly, for several generations, correspondence courses allowed people to gain knowledge while studying in the comfort of their homes, but these schools pale in comparison to entire universities dedicated to instructing students remotely. Let's take a look at this growing phenomenon. Pre-Bachelor The program should be one term, two terms or three terms (1 year). This program is meant for students who lack the necessary language skills to start the first-year bachelor program, the course enables them to improve their skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Lenghtime: Students can follow the language program from one to three terms (1 year) according to their result of the English Admission Exams that organized at the beginning of each intake, each term or quarter last 10 weeks and has at least 20-periods-a-week english class and 6 periods a week of French or german. On-line Universities and Degrees ? Find the Right One for You The first step to finding the right online university is to decide what degree you want. Do you want an undergraduate or graduate degree? Are you interested in a certificate program for work related study? If you are returning to school for work, you may want to get feedback from your employer for this decision. List your long and short term career goals to help you decide which degree will help you reach your goals best. Once you have decided on a major, you can start to research different schools. What Makes A Penn State Online Degree Preferable To Other Online Degrees? A Penn State online degree is a college degree from Penn State University that is offered through the Internet. This is equivalent to a degree received from the traditional on-site Penn State University, and is advantageous because Penn State has a highly esteemed reputation in the academic world. Online Education Has The Power To Transform Lives And Fulfill Dreams Online education is a dramatic development in the advancement of distance learning. A century ago, a person without access to a school or training program could sometimes get the information that they desired through a correspondence course. It was not a particularly efficient way to get an education but it did open doors that might otherwise have been closed. The quantum leaps in technology during the latter part of the 20th century have altered the profile of distance learning. Whats behind the Explosive Growth in Distance Learning? There is a ground swell of support globally to support the growth of distance learning. Market research firms, government agencies, public and private companies, and even venture capital firms ? those companies that invest in new and emerging businesses ? all agree that distance learning's future is very bright, and a good investment opportunity as well. All this translates into a bright future for anyone looking at distance learning to accomplish their career, educational, and learning objectives. Chances are if there isn't a program in place today for your specific needs, there will be one ? soon. This article explains how the perfect storm is brewing for distance learning, in a very positive way. Several market factors are presented here, along with research from research and government agencies that show that distance learning is here to stay and may someday surpass traditional classroom attendance approaches to learning. What's driving Distance Learning growth? Consider the following statistics from International Data Corporation on the market for distance learning ? these figures and others are making many traditional colleges and universities re-vamp their courses and degree programs to make them available online. There are 133 million U.S. adults or 66% of the adult population, which have Internet access today. That's over half the entire U.S. population and serves as a strong incentive for colleges and universities to re-vamp their programs to support this untapped educational market. According to International Data Corporation, over 90% of college students access the Internet, with 50% accessing the Web daily, and this is on a global scale. Colleges and universities have also found that to stay relevant to their traditional students, they have had to create online and distance learning programs quickly to stay up with their learning needs. 87% of four-year colleges will offer distance-learning courses in 2004, up from 62% in 1998. According to International Data Corporation, 25% more colleges and universities added distance learning programs between 1998 and 2004. By 2004, 2.2 million degree-seeking students are enrolled in distributed courses ? CAGR of 33%. The growth of distance learning on a global scale has the attention of companies as well ? they plan on spending $272B in the next five years on in-house training and education programs, according to International Data Corporation. 51% of all online courses worldwide have online discussion forms in 2001, growing to 65% in 2005. This is a sign of how quickly the Internet's performance is improving around the world. The bandwidth required to support online discussions is great news for distance learning. Now even the most geographically remote student can get the education they want. Summary The implications are clear. Distance learning is growing rapidly and has been fortunate that many countries teach English in addition to their own native languages. What's next on the horizon of distance learning is offering courses and degrees in multiple languages. International Data Corporation predicts that by 2006, 65% of all Internet users will be international. 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This goes without saying for 999 out of 1000 students (hopefully even more!) but cheating is not the way to score high on the SAT exam. Not only do you sacrifice your integrity and trustworthiness, you do yourself the huge disfavor of taking something you did not earn, and I guarantee that it will catch up with you sooner or later. College Low Expectations Game Cost Students, Parents, & Taxpayers Thousands of Dollars During a recent conversation with a client, he shared with me his frustration when registering his son for his first year at college. This university, incidentally one of the big 10, would only allow his son to register for 12 hours. The university's position was the "expectation" that 12 hours was very, very difficult and for him to expect more as a parent was not realistic. Secrets Of Successfully Sitting Exams Many people work hard studying various subjects to sit for examinations in them. Fine. Hard work is usually a necessary condition for passing exams. Unfortunately it does not follow that it is a sufficient condition! Exam technique can be almost equally as important. It can make all the difference between success and failure or between poor grades and good grades. Facing Your Fears as an Adult Returning to School In case you hadn't noticed, career colleges aren't just for learning a vocational trade anymore. Nowadays, career colleges can help you obtain a Bachelor's, Master's, or even Doctorate Degree in just about any field of study, or they can even help you simply brush up on skills you might already have on your way to earning a certification or Associate's Degree. So while some career schools might still specialize in vocational trades like auto body repair, masonry or hair styling, the majority of today's career colleges are designed to help working professionals meet their career objectives. Looking For a Rewards Program That Offers Free Money for College Students? 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It is all the more true for those who aspire to gain their MRCP and MRCPCH certifications. MRCP stands for Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and MRCPCH stands Member of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health. There are three Royal Colleges of Physicians in the United Kingdom that awards membership certifications on Diploma of Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom and Membership of the Royal Colleges of Pediatrics and Child Health. Student Removals - How to Get the Lowest Quote The problem with student and any small move comes when a small load has to be transported a long way:- For the moving company, the mileage and road time costs are not much less than for moving a whole house...So your quote is unacceptably high. The Pros and Cons of an Online College Degree Getting a college degree online seemingly appears to be a very convenient way to gain further education without having to inconvenience your home life. An easier way to obtain an edge in the working world is by getting that online college degree that you've always wanted, without having to leave the comfort of your own home. All of this may very well be true, but there are a few things that a person should consider before becoming financially tethered to an online college or university. Balancing College Life and Academics 1. Control Your Schedule; Don't Let Your Schedule Control You ![]() |
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