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Thinking of Dropping Out of College? If rising tuition costs or personal concerns have made you consider dropping out of college or "taking a break" I'd like to encourage you to reconsider. The All-Important College Application H.G. Wells once said, "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe," which emphasized the importance of continued schooling. As the fate and future not only of any great nation ? but the world, is dependent on the education of its youth, a far brighter light is cast upon the college application process. College Roommates: Threes A Crowd It's hard enough sharing a dorm room the size of a postage stamp with one person, but what happens when your roommate consistently invites friends and dates to hang out too? Even if you all get along, it can get old fast. Sometimes you just want a little privacy. At the very least, you don't want to feel like an outsider in your own room. Acing the SAT Exam Don't cheat. This goes without saying for 999 out of 1000 students (hopefully even more!) but cheating is not the way to score high on the SAT exam. Not only do you sacrifice your integrity and trustworthiness, you do yourself the huge disfavor of taking something you did not earn, and I guarantee that it will catch up with you sooner or later. Distance Education is Now Training the Next Genertation of Medical Assistants Some people are calling it distance-free learning for the Medical Assistant. Distance Learning happens wherever the learner is most available, free from the traditional boundaries of geography. It could be in the next room, or in the next state. It uses whatever technology is most available and appropriate to allow effective learning wherever needed. It changes the rules. Now, you and your colleagues, the learners, are more able to adapt and use your newly-gained knowledge for your real world challenges immediately. Laboratory work is done at your own location. How to Save Money While at College Still struggling to pay off the college loan? Have you disconnected your cell phone just to avoid those darn creditors? Need a quick get rich scheme? Well?maybe not that but in this article you will find some practical ways on saving money while attending your post secondary institution. College Roommate Personality Clashes: How to Survive Are you living with your total opposite? It's amazing how different two people sharing the same (tiny) room can be. Even the littlest things can drive you crazy after awhile! You eat Big Macs and chicken wings while your roommate swears by tofu and beans; you like Coldplay and your roommate cranks up Tim McGraw. You're East Coast; your roommate is West Coast. Whatever your differences (and there are bound to be a few), you need to figure out what you're willing to live with and what's fair to ask your roommate to change. MRCP and MRCPCH ? Preparation for the Examination There should have been a time in the human history when there was no need for anyone to prove themselves; it is so delightful to think such a planet earth where human beings were free as birds without examinations. But to entertain such thoughts is almost sinful, a taboo for those in the medical field!!! It is all the more true for those who aspire to gain their MRCP and MRCPCH certifications. MRCP stands for Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and MRCPCH stands Member of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health. There are three Royal Colleges of Physicians in the United Kingdom that awards membership certifications on Diploma of Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom and Membership of the Royal Colleges of Pediatrics and Child Health. Graduation Quotations - Top 35 "Life is my college. May I graduate well, and earn some honors! "-- Louisa May Alcott Caribbean Single Market and Economy - Who Says UWI isn?t Doing Enough? The University of the West Indies (UWI) has often been viewed as a long-standing partner to Caribbean Governments in fostering integration and development of our people, and forming strategic alliances. College Without A High School Diploma - Possible? Don't give up your dream of enrolling in an online university just because you didn't get your high school diploma. Although most colleges (online and otherwise) require a high school diploma to enroll in any program that grants bachelor degrees, there are still several options available to students who lack the paper to prove that they graduated high school. See which choice will fit you best: I Hate My Roommate! So its the beginning of the school year, your first day of class is over, and you just want to sit down and relax for a moment because you know that the rest of the semester won't be as easy as Day 1. You're alone in the room. Quiet. You sit, close your eyes, roll your head to massage your neck. Federal PLUS Loans As a student entering college, it is very unlikely that you have a few spare checks lying around that you can cash and magically use to pay for college. Most college-aged students, ranging from late teens through mid-twenties, have no line of credit and cannot receive much money in loans if they need to do so in order to attend college. Therefore, a loan like the federal PLUS loan through the federal government and U.S. Department of Education makes it easy for you, as a potential college student, to use your parents' line of credit in order to gain financing options for your higher education. Distance Learning, Online Education, Electronic Education, Electronic Learning?Call It What You Want Whatever you want to label "learning at home" and however you want to define the latest buzz words for non-traditional education, you can find a program and method that suits your needs. Right now over 1.2 million people in the U.S. participate in some form of distance learning, with a projected expansion to 2.3 million in just a few years. What to Look For When Choosing an Online University A college degree gives a person a guarantee of higher wages and a better job. Sadly, many Americans continue to go on without having a college degree. Using an online university is a great way to get a degree while still keeping a job, or taking care of a family. There are numerous online universities out there, and it is up to you to decide which one is best. The best online university should fulfill all of your needs and provide a solid education. Here are a few tips that are good to follow when choosing an online university. Online Nursing Degree For Busy Nurses Many who work in the healthcare or nursing industry know without question that free time (time within which to relax and call your own) is at a premium. In this regard, they work in extremely demanding jobs: both in terms of the jobs they do and the hours on the job they spend. Online Education I always dreamed of going to school and getting a degree in something I'd love to do. I had plenty of dreams, and I wanted to pursue them. With working most of your life, going to school would have to be a very big sacrifice, especially if you have a husband or children to handle. I could have entered school when I was younger, but the demands of working, marriage, and children took precedent over my life. Also, there's no energy left after you deal with the domestic part of your life. You have enough power of energy to get into bed, and hopefully sleep until you get up tomorrow and follow the same tedious pattern all over again. Going to school to educate myself onto a professional level of expertise; to do something more enjoyable for myself, had to be on the back burner of my school dreams; I had other priorities to worry about. Fortunately, school was never far from my mind or brain, and it constantly nagged me like a bad hair day, or a migraine headache waiting to harm me to the end of my rope. If something is truly meant for you to accomplish, then there's no stopping that road to that path. At one point in my life, I was contented. I knew when the right time presented itself, I was going to school. The right time came when I was in my forties, believe it or not. Also, remember that you're never too old to go back to school. School is for anyone and everyone, and age is just a number which doesn't matter at all. Can you handle it mentally and physically is the answer? Quality Schools After presenting these ideas at the NAREN (National At-Risk Education Network) in Wisconsin last week, I was asked to write an article that would be able to reach more people to spread the exciting word about Dr. William Glasser's work in the area of Quality Schools. Do Best Friends Make the Best College Roommates? Do best friends make the best college roommates? Not always! It's amazing how the quirky things you used to like about your best friend can begin to drive you crazy when you're around it 24/7. Just because you've been friends since grade school doesn't mean you should live together. Discover How Online College Classes Work It's no secret that more and more people are looking to the internet for a convenient way to further their education. Online classes are a great way to obtain an accredited college degree from home and continue to work a full time job. Many times a student can attend classes from their computer and schedule those classes around their job. Some schools allow the student to login to a class at their convenience. Imagine taking a class from the comfort of your own home and not having to deal with parking problems, child care, lunch, or transportation expenses. ![]() |
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