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16 Golden Rules of Master Copywriting
You could spend thousands of dollars on advertisement and have extremely low or no results in sales because of your poor planed copy. You shouldn't be amazed by the fact that huge corporations all over the world do that mistake and waste millions of dollars on false advertisement campaigns. However, how can you write good sales copy, killer ads that get the attention of people? There are no magic recipes for that, but you can follow some fundamental rules, which can lead to you to success if you adapt them properly. 1) Have a good product. Be honest and mean what you say or what you offer. Avoid the exaggerations and hyped claims. You stake your reputation and your business offline or online it doesn't make any difference. 2) Have a plan on your trial and error period. Don't expect to write your first copy and be a golden one. You will alter it many times, test it, retest it try a new one and so on. Set a schedule for that. Do not fool around. 3) AIDA. It's the proven and the bedrock of the copy process. Always follow it. AIDA A= Attention. You must grab it instantly or you don't have a chance.
4) Always work on your prospects emotion. Most of the people buy something emotionally and then justify it rationally. 5) Headline is the Key. If it doesn't grab their attention then they've gone away. Your headline must be a killer one. 6) Promote your best and strong benefit at first, not last. That's how you are going to create interest and then desire. 7) Tell stories. That's an excellent way to rekindle their emotion or even their passion. Stories always inspire. 8) Answer all the objections and questions you think your prospects could have. In that way you will gain their trust. 9) Use bullet points for each of your benefits and bold, italics fonts for your text. Use the underline feature but not so often. 10) Give time limit. This is an excellent tool for calling your prospects to act now! 11) Offer testimonials. It is the mother of gaining trust tools. Especially, if it is from someone important in your field. 12) Make them easy to buy. Don't let them get lost in your web site. Make it as easy as possible. 13) Avoid graphics. They won't help you. People are looking for information not images. 14) Give guarantees. Research has proved that when you have a long guarantee your client feels safer and that leads to fewer refunds too! 15) Never assume that your prospects know what you want to say. Always be specific and clear about your product or service. 16) Have your copy or ad checked by your friends, colleagues e.t.c. It's better to have other views, after all it's a part of the testing process. Here are some great headlines and emotional triggers.
Be Independent Be Successful Avoid Embarrassment Be Strong Be Healthy Satisfy Curiosity Make Money Gain Knowledge Save Time Avoid Effort Get A Better Job Be Your Own Boss Add Fun To Life Work Less Relax. Copyright 2004 Christos Varsamis About The Author Christos Varsamis is an internet marketing consultant and the owner of the exclusive internet-marketing club www.internetmarketingsuccesstips.com. Get his knowledge at your desktop! Subscribe to ims-tips@aweber.com.
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