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3 Keys to Better Online Copywriting
Doing the copywriting for your own website without the proper knowledge and tools is pretty much like flying blind in a snowstorm without piloting experience or instruments. It doesn't work too well. A very basic knowledge of copywriting and direct marketing principles will take you a long ways on the Web. Here are three simple keys to writing better online copy. Armed just with these, you'll have a jump on 90% of the folks out there doing the copywriting for their own sites. And you'll increase the pulling quality of your site's copy today -- even if you've never written a word of copy in your life. 1) Wake up your prospect In today's overkill ad world most people have become numb to standard sales messages. Television, newspapers, magazines, Internet, radio, etc. all blast us non-stop with advertising. After a while we just naturally tune most of it out. Copywriting great John Carlton says to imagine that your prospect is a giant blob sitting there on the couch or in a chair. Now what would you need to do to get that blob to take action to buy? Getting someone to stop... actually read your website copy... AND click through (or fill out a form) is serious heavy-duty action on the click-and-run Web. Your prospect has a million things on his or her mind. Reading your copy isn't exactly Priority One... So how do you wake your prospects up and get 'em to read your copy? The secret is right here in this headline: "ARE YOU TOO BUSY EARNING A LIVING TO MAKE ANY REAL MONEY?" This is from Joe Karbo's sales letter for his "The Lazy Man's Way to Riches" book. The letter was probably responsible for over a million dollars worth of sales for Joe. Joe's secret here, and one which you can use too, is based on a simple principle for getting a prospect's attention. You need to... 2) Enter the conversation going on in your prospect's mind You should know enough about your target market to know what keeps them awake at night. If you don't yet, then you'll need to find out right away. In the example above from Joe Karbo, it's about working like a dog and barely making enough to pay the bills. Marketers like Joe who target opportunity seekers understand that frustrations about money cause a lot of people pain. But what concerns does your target market have? What problem(s) do they need solved? What itch(es) do they need scratched? You can find the answers to these questions fairly easily. Lurk on the forums where your prospects hang out... Read the online and offline newsletters, magazines and journals they read... Or better yet, just ask them! Set up a survey page on your website or else survey them through your newsletter or blog. Or use a Web tool like AskDatabase. Once you know what your prospects are thinking about most of the time your copywriting job becomes a heckuva lot easier. You'll be on a more intimate basis with your market. Which is never a bad thing... Good copywriting is wooing your customers in print, after all. Just like you would woo a prospective mate. And the more you know about them the more you'll be able to say the right things! So now that you know what bothers your prospects you'll need to... 3) Make a compelling offer This is an area where most website copy really falls short. Ask yourself this question: What exactly is it that I want my prospects to do? You want them to buy! Right? Or at least opt-in to your newsletter... or get your free report... or sign up for your autoresponder series... In other words, you want them to take an action! You don't want them to browse around, look at your pretty graphics and then click out. The Web is just too too big. And your site is just one tiny place in that giant Web ocean. Once they leave, their chances of coming back are one in a billion. Or worse... So you need to use your copywriting skills to build an offer that forces them to make a clear decision. Make it irresistible. "Make them an offer they can't refuse," said the old godfather. He would've made a good marketer. By making your offer as seductive as possible, you force action. You force that clear decision. With pure lead generation sites this means they give you their contact info. With direct sales sites it means a sale. Or if it's a combination of the two they buy and/or give you their contact info so you can follow up. If your offer is good enough, then a good percentage of your prospects will be energized. Your copy will be like a jolt of electricity...Zap! That blob on the couch might actually get up and do something... So make your offer hot. Load it up with perceived value. Tell 'em how your product is going to make their life better. And give 'em a good deal! To summarize... Wake 'em up by entering the conversation already in their minds, and then make 'em an offer they can't refuse. If you do this, you'll instantly increase the power of your online copywriting. I guarantee it! © 2005 by Bruce Carlson Want to become a better online copywriter? Sign up for Bruce's The Dynamic Copywriter and see how easily you can improve your online copywriting skills and boost your sales! http://www.dynamic-copywriting.com
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