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Magic Words That Sell and What Words to Avoid
We all know words are powerful. Whether written or spoken, according to advertising legend David Ogilvy, some of the most persuasive words to use in marketing are: Now Announcing Introducing Revolutionary Offer Quick Easy Compare Hurry Try to incorporate these powerful words into your brochures, web content, and however else you communicate with customers. Richard Taflinger, professor at the Edward R. Murrow School of Communication at Washington State University, says that a ploy often used in advertising is the use of logical fallacies. These fallacies are not recommended because they may alienate your audience. Taflinger suggest avoiding the following logical fallacies: - Black/White: The black/white, or either/or, trick is making a statement that provides insufficient options to your argument. A common way this is used in advertising is by presenting two situations, one with the product and the other without. The one with the product shows circumstances that the advertiser presumes the target audience would like to be in, and vice versa for the situation without the product. - Genetic Fallacy: This fallacy makes a prediction about something based on where it came from or its origins. Such statements may indeed by true, but they need evidence as proof. - Begging the Question: This is making a statement that includes a premise that has not been proven, basically saying that something is simply because it is. - Weasel Words: These are words that are tossed into a sentence that change the actual meaning of the sentence while leaving an impression that is different. - Dangling Comparative: This is a statement that seems to be comparing one thing to another, but in actuality never actually states what the thing being compared is being compared to. What generally happens is that the comparison is left up to the audience to complete. - Complex Question: A complex question is one that appears to be asking for a yes or no answer, but is in reality two yes-or-no questions that are usually contradictory. No matter how you answer, you can't win. - Buzz Words: These are words that seem to say something, but don't. They are extremely popular in advertising. - Guilt by Association: This is when you attribute characteristics to someone or something based merely on the society they keep. - Self-Definition: This is using a word that you expect your audience to define one way, but you mean it another way when you use it. By using Ogilvy's magic words and avoiding the use of fallacies, you'll be on your way to advertising that sells - without alienating your audience. Herb and Monica Leibacher operate Web Builder Express. Create a professional web site for your business or non-profit organization with Web Builder Express. At http://www.WebBuilderExpress.com, you can request your free Quick Start Guide that tells you how to create a great web site.
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Write Benefits in Your Headlines to Deliver the Dream! When you create headlines, do you put benefits into your headlines to deliver the dream? Do you create headlines that draw your reader deeper into the rest of copy? Top 8 Techniques - Secrets - Create Ad Copy For Your Business To Sky Rocket Perhaps the most important benefit in the material that follows is its ability to provide you with the necessary concepts and constructs which are critical for becomingsuccessful by utilizing many of the high-tech, high-touch capabilities offered by the use of online marketing. Building your home business "Internet-Style" is not only exciting and challenging, it can also be very beneficial in more ways than can be imagined. Promoting - By taking advantage of all the Free and Low Cost services available on the Internet, your business can enjoy a much larger footprint than ever before. Through the use of these services you can get your message out to a much larger audience at a cheaper price. Ten Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets In order to make more sales and get more profits for your business, fist of all, you should have a good ad copy. Once you master the knowlege for how to get traffic, you will get a lot of visitors to your site. If your ad copy does not sell, your advertising and traffic are wasted. Here are a few tips for your reference. Direct Mail Sales Letters Flow Better With Subheads A subscriber to my newsletter asks: "Got any good pointers on writing great sub-heads?" Yes, I do. Here they are. Copywriting 101: Exclamation Point, Friend or Foe? My name is Ann and I'm a grammar geek. There, it's out and I'm relieved. Does this mean my writing is perfect and consistently conforms to grammar rules? Heck, no. It does mean that I spend hours perseverating about serial commas, dangling participles, and feeling guilty if I end a sentence with a preposition. I worry endlessly about what I call the PowerPointification of America (i.e., the trend toward writing short chunks of information in bullet points - which, incidentally, is what sells). I can't bring myself to use abbreviations in e-mail or instant messages. I don't use emoticons. I can't help it. For better or worse, I'm a word nerd. Do You Make These 5 Mistakes When Writing Sales Copy? Writing copy has sometimes been compared to an "art." While it does take creative skill to write great copy that generates results, there are some mistakes that you should avoid to make sure that your copy is read and acted upon. Boost Your B to B Marketing Copy: 3 Major Copywriting Blunders and How to Correct Them When you're writing or evaluating copy for a B to B marketing (also referred to as b-to-b or business to business marketing) campaign of any kind, you may think it's only appropriate to write formal copy in which you refer to yourself as "we" or "our organization" and let lots of other copywriting basics fly out the window. Writing Tips for Your Website Now that your website is up and running, it's time to add content. Fresh content will make your site interesting and keep people (and search engine crawlers) coming back. In order to achieve optimal web success, your site must be informative, relevant and written the way that people read the web. Here's a few tips to get you started. Creative Copywriting? There is a difference between creative writing and copywriting. It took me a while to come to terms with this but it's true, there is a difference. When I first started my home based business on the Internet I read a lot of advice about publishing articles and doing copywriting to advertise your website. There was always a distinction drawn between copywriting and creative writing. I did not understand this: surely copywriting is creative? Eventually the logic dawned on me: all copywriting is creative writing but not all creative writers can write decent ad copy. If you have never studied that particular branch of philosophy, it's like all roses are flowers but not all flowers are roses. Want to Make More Money as a Freelance Writer? Here are 10 Reasons To Consider Copywriting Looking to chuck that full-time job for a life of full-time writing? Or maybe you've already dumped the day job but aren't quite as busy as you'd like to be. Why not take a closer look at copywriting? 7 Essential Tips for Reviewing and Approving Copy Nothing can turn strong copy into a 97-pound weakling faster than a flawed review process. The result is severely handicapped marketing efforts and, alas, fewer sales. Your USP is Useless One of the keys to writing good marketing copy is to differentiate your product or service from the competition with an effective selling point. And it is on precisely this element that many otherwise competent writers flounder and flop ? and so does their copy. On Copying and Stealing Designs The notion on the great artist, Pablo Picasso's quote, "Bad artists copy. Good artists steal" is lost on many. And revolving around the graphic designer circles is the quote "Good artists copy, great artists steal" known as Picasso's quote, still. Anyway, it might just be safe to assume that Picasso have not quoted this words exactly but he did have an "expert's assessment and statement" regarding copying and stealing art styles and techniques. How to Get Instant Attention Most of us have seen a heckler at a baseball game. Sure, he's likely to draw attention, both positive and negative. The louder he hollers, the more attention he gets. How to Hold Peoples Interest throughout those Long Copy Sales Letters People tend to read your ads and sales letters in 2 different ways: Copywriter Trick Unveiled: How to Write Better Copy Faster "Talent alone cannot make a writer. There must be a man behind the book." Ralph Waldo Emerson's Goethe How You Can Find Freelance Copy Editing Jobs Even for those with the skills needed, finding copy editing jobs can seem next to impossible. The simple fact of the matter is, though, that through quality and building relationships, these jobs can be found and employment can lead to a career in the field. For those who are struggling to start out, finding those first copyediting positions is the most difficult part of the challenge. But, with the web's growth and the demand for more and more at home workers, freelance editing jobs are out there! The Secret to Web Copywriting Gurudom Have you seen those copywriting gurus, working it on the web? How'd they get so darned famous? How can YOU get what THEY have? Here are some creative ideas for you to kick around and use in your copywriting escapades. 3 Reasons why Content is Still King Back in the late nineties, the phrase 'Content is King' was repeated and repeated and repeated by site owners and marketers alike. The belief was that the more content you had, the greater the number of visitors you would attract. Of course, the content had to be well written, relevant and easy to find. Many sites built very successful businesses as a result. 10 Things You Should Expect From Your IT Copywriter So how do you know when you've found an IT copywriter? And ? more importantly ? how do you know what to expect from them? The following 10 tips will give you a good understanding of the qualities to look for ? the things that make a copywriter an IT copywriter. ![]() |
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