A Little-Known Secret To Writing Sales Copy, For Serious Copywriters Only!

Have you ever wondered how your copy sounds to your prospects when they're reading it?

If you have, here's a little-known trick to making your copy sound as clear as a bell, and feel as comforting as a warm fireplace in the winter.

The very best way to figure out how your copy sounds to your prospects, is NOT to read it, but to read it out loud. And actually, if you can have someone read it to you, preferably a child, that's even better.

When I first started writing copy, my 2 sons were in elementary and middle school. They were excited about my new career and were more than happy to read back my copy out loud to me.

Fortunately, my career progressed pretty rapidly, and it wasn't long before I was writing 13-page long-form sales letters.

Well, needless to say (and understandably so), my kids weren't as excited about reading their dad's 17-page "FREE Reports" and long-form sales letters, as they were about reading half-page newspaper display ads.

But luckily, I found a little tool that comes in handy, exactly for situations like this.

And, the price is right -- it won't even cost you a penny!

There's a software company out there called Read Please (www.readplease.com), located in Ontario, Canada, that's come up with the perfect tool for writers.

Not surprisingly, the program is also called "Read Please" and here's what it does: You copy the text from your document and paste it into the Read Please program.

Then, in any one of a number of different voices, the program reads back your text out loud over your computer's speakers, word-for-word.

You get to choose the voice you like, and you can even slow-down or speed up the pace of the voice.

So what happens is, you have your copy in front of you while the Read Please program is reading your text back to you out loud, and then you start making all the corrections you need to, whenever you hear a mistake. All you do is "pause" the program using your mouse, when you have to do this.

You'll be able to see exactly where your errors are as you go along, and it'll be crystal clear whether or not your copy is flowing smoothly, and whether or not you're communicating clearly and saying what you need to.

Using this tool makes your copy much more effective.

If you want, there's even an upgraded version of the software you can buy for a few bucks, that has some nice bells and whistles added.

Consistently using Read Please helps me discover loads of errors I never would have ferreted out on my own -- at least not without a 12-year old reading the piece back to me.

P.S. The number one error you'll find yourself making, is not speaking clearly enough to your prospects. Remember, your prospect isn't "inside" your head -- they really don't understand what you're trying to sell them. So be crystal clear in what you're saying -- no one ever lost a sale for speaking too clearly!

Craig Garber is America's Top Direct-Response Copywriter. You'll find hundreds of marketing tips to increase your sales, and his insanely popular FREE Unconventional and Irreverent Daily Direct-Response Marketing Tips, on his website, http://www.KingOfCopy.com

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