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A Little-Known Secret To Writing Sales Copy, For Serious Copywriters Only!
Have you ever wondered how your copy sounds to your prospects when they're reading it? If you have, here's a little-known trick to making your copy sound as clear as a bell, and feel as comforting as a warm fireplace in the winter. The very best way to figure out how your copy sounds to your prospects, is NOT to read it, but to read it out loud. And actually, if you can have someone read it to you, preferably a child, that's even better. When I first started writing copy, my 2 sons were in elementary and middle school. They were excited about my new career and were more than happy to read back my copy out loud to me. Fortunately, my career progressed pretty rapidly, and it wasn't long before I was writing 13-page long-form sales letters. Well, needless to say (and understandably so), my kids weren't as excited about reading their dad's 17-page "FREE Reports" and long-form sales letters, as they were about reading half-page newspaper display ads. But luckily, I found a little tool that comes in handy, exactly for situations like this. And, the price is right -- it won't even cost you a penny! There's a software company out there called Read Please (www.readplease.com), located in Ontario, Canada, that's come up with the perfect tool for writers. Not surprisingly, the program is also called "Read Please" and here's what it does: You copy the text from your document and paste it into the Read Please program. Then, in any one of a number of different voices, the program reads back your text out loud over your computer's speakers, word-for-word. You get to choose the voice you like, and you can even slow-down or speed up the pace of the voice. So what happens is, you have your copy in front of you while the Read Please program is reading your text back to you out loud, and then you start making all the corrections you need to, whenever you hear a mistake. All you do is "pause" the program using your mouse, when you have to do this. You'll be able to see exactly where your errors are as you go along, and it'll be crystal clear whether or not your copy is flowing smoothly, and whether or not you're communicating clearly and saying what you need to. Using this tool makes your copy much more effective. If you want, there's even an upgraded version of the software you can buy for a few bucks, that has some nice bells and whistles added. Consistently using Read Please helps me discover loads of errors I never would have ferreted out on my own -- at least not without a 12-year old reading the piece back to me. P.S. The number one error you'll find yourself making, is not speaking clearly enough to your prospects. Remember, your prospect isn't "inside" your head -- they really don't understand what you're trying to sell them. So be crystal clear in what you're saying -- no one ever lost a sale for speaking too clearly! Craig Garber is America's Top Direct-Response Copywriter. You'll find hundreds of marketing tips to increase your sales, and his insanely popular FREE Unconventional and Irreverent Daily Direct-Response Marketing Tips, on his website, http://www.KingOfCopy.com
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Are Long Copy Salesletters Scams? A passionate debate is currently raging in the Copywriters Forum about long versus short copy. (If you haven't joined, do so. Click the "register" link the top. It's free. There are tons of tips from other very successful copywriters.) Dont Be Satisfied With Your First Draft Sometimes it's a struggle to figure out what's the best thing to say. Writing Benefit-Driven Web Copy ? 4 Steps to More Sales You've identified the benefits you offer your customers, but how do you turn a list of benefits into engaging web copy which converts visitors into customers? Common Mistakes That Can Kill Your Web Copy Sometimes learning what not to do is as important as learning what to do. Copywriting is no exception. I oftentimes see copy that is well written, but obviously created by an amateur. How do I know? One or more of the following five mistakes was made and that killed the copy? dead. Engage Your Customer ? Write About Benefits Think quick. In 10 seconds, can you list the 5 key benefits you offer your customers? How to Negotiate Rates with a Freelance Copywriting Expert Lots of people who seek out my copywriting services are concerned about money. Rightfully so. I'm a small business owner too, and I know what it is to have that do-it-yourself mindset. (It's exhausting!) But entrepreneurs like you and I often overlook the very reason to contract a job out in the first place. Which is: the terms of the contract and the amount of money spent are totally controlled by you! Super Verbs Really Move Your Copy Run or hustle? Eat or devour? Move or scurry? You can boost the power of your copy by boosting the quality of verbs you use. Verbs show action, and the way you describe that action can have a dramatic bearing on your readers. Why would you want to fill your copy with complacent words when you can conjure emotions and visual imagery in the hearts and minds of your readers? Sure, "run" and "hustle" both indicate that someone is moving fast. But "run" is a dull, ordinary verb while "hustle" evokes definite images in your reader's mind. What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You Do you ever have brilliant ideas for articles, books or a website, but never get around to doing anything about them? Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Trust and credibility are vital in creating consumer confidence. Being able to tell the world who you are, what you do and how you do it is the best kind of confidence-building free publicity?producing results rivaling those of standard advertising. But even if you could crank out passable copy yourself, most businesspeople should be spending their time doing what they do best?minding the store, not staring at blank sheets of paper! How To Make A Career Out Of Copyediting And Proofreading Do you possess the qualities of a good proof reader? Are you good with details, spotting errors in spelling, grammar, and the flow of a piece and putting together quality work? If so, you may be able to make a career out of copyediting or proofreading. For those looking to get in to this field of copywriting, they may be stuck looking in if they do not know where or how to get established. So, is there a tried and tested method for getting your foot in the door? No matter how much any and all of us would like that; there is just no easy way to do so. Copywriting Makeover: Making An Emotional Connection - Part 1 of 2 One statistic shows that over 80% of all buying decisions are emotional. That means your copywriting should be, too. This is something I firmly believe in and have preached for most of my copywriting career. However, all too often, I find people skipping the vital step of making an emotional connection with their customers. That can be a tragic, and costly, mistake. Copywriting for the Web: Do You Have What It Takes? In the world of web copywriters, many will try, but few will succeed. What category will you be classified as? Hopeless failure, or smashing success? How To Become A Freelance Copywriter In New York As a freelance copywriter in New York, your work is never done. Can 97% of Netpreneurs be Wrong? Why Some People's Ads Almost Always Make Money 7 Essential Tips for Reviewing and Approving Copy Nothing can turn strong copy into a 97-pound weakling faster than a flawed review process. The result is severely handicapped marketing efforts and, alas, fewer sales. How to Write a Direct Mail Fundraising Letter (Four Tips for Fund Raising Success) 1. Address your reader as a friend, not as "Friend." How To Find Editing Services Online Quality is what you need. What you don't have is time. You need to find an editing service online that can help you get the work you need done, quickly and effectively. But, where do you look? Where can you find such a service and know that it is of good quality? While it would have been a difficult task to find an editing service online a few years ago, there is now an ever growing supply of them. You'll find quite a selection to choose from as well. Here are some guidelines that may help you in finding not only a service to use, but a good quality one at that. How To Find Freelance Jobs - Writing About Food Did you know that jobs writing about food are available? These opportunities are available in a variety of areas. Employment in these fields is an exciting concept. For many, getting their foot in the door is the most important and most challenging first step. In order to succeed, a wide range of knowledge is needed as well as a good base of experience. How You Can Find Freelance Copy Editing Jobs Even for those with the skills needed, finding copy editing jobs can seem next to impossible. The simple fact of the matter is, though, that through quality and building relationships, these jobs can be found and employment can lead to a career in the field. For those who are struggling to start out, finding those first copyediting positions is the most difficult part of the challenge. But, with the web's growth and the demand for more and more at home workers, freelance editing jobs are out there! 5 Rules for Effective Written Sales Communications Most salespeople have great ideas, but when it comes to putting those ideas on paper for their prospects, they ramble on for pages and quickly lose their readers' interest. Why do brilliant salespeople often have such a difficult time writing effective sales materials? Quite simply, these professionals haven't mastered the 5 rules of effective written business communications. Progressive Headlines Guide Customers To Buy Headlines are, without a doubt, one of the most important elements in copywriting. As has been said countless times before, if you don't get your readers' attention with the headline, the chance of them reading your copy is virtually none. But headlines (and sub-headlines) play a vital part in the copywriting process for other reasons, too. ![]() |
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