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Is Freelance Hiring Right For You?
Assume you were faced with the task of hiring a new group of talented individuals to handle a huge account you just landed. Are you up for the task? Or perhaps you have a small job that needs completing but no one on staff can handle the project. When you consider the process of linking a project with talented professionals it can be quite daunting, leaving a business owner or manager with a major challenge. But in today's marketplace it's becoming more common to use freelancers in every capacity and field of endeavor. A Host of Industry Specialists! The host of industry specialists ranges from web designers, writers and graphic people all the way to human resource specialists, managers, trainers, financial experts and other skilled professionals. The advantages to hiring a freelancer are many and can alleviate concerns that you may not have taken into account. Immeasurable Benefits of Working With Freelancers! While some employers still think the old way of hiring permanent employees is superior, there are many forward thinking businesspeople that are discovering the immeasurable benefits of working with freelance professionals. Companies and individuals are always seeking ways to keep costs down and productivity up and when choosing the freelance route, you are assured that great pains are taken towards completing a project on time, within budget and with great skill. A freelancer is eager to develop his own business, therefore he or she will often work more diligently than staff employees. And working with a freelancer means you don't have to worry about training, insurance or supplies. You merely pay for the work delivered and when the project is complete, the freelancer goes away. How To Choose the Freelancer! There are a few things to consider when making your selection. As an example, many people claim to be terrific at what they do, yet when you review their work, you are not impressed. So how can you be sure that the person you are selecting is ultimately going to be the right person, the one who can truly handle the project effectively? When selecting your candidates: 1. Be sure the freelancer is willing to provide references; two or three references should be enough. 2. Ask the freelancer if they will offer samples of their work pursuant to your needs. For example if the project requires writing, request a short sample paragraph. 3. Pay strict attention to the response you receive via e-mail or telephone; professionalism is the key. 4. Always be sure any contracts are clear and agreed upon from the start; if you're concerned about time lines and completion, be sure the freelancer is willing to sign a contract that protects both you and the freelancer. Perhaps you're thinking that paying a freelancer will be more costly but think again. In actuality, it probably costs less to use freelancers compared to hiring full time employees. You only hire and pay for the freelancer when you need them, plus, you're not responsible for providing any benefits or paying taxes. As many employers begin testing the waters of outsourcing and realize that the positive effects far outweigh any perceived disadvantages, it is predicted that outsourcing will fast become the wave of the future. Whether you are planning to create a dynamic new web site or hiring a professional freelance writer, your goal is to find a freelancer that will bring a fresh new approach to your company. When working with credible freelancers, you should be assured of nothing less than excellence. Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Freelance Writing Stylist. She has successfully helped countless numbers of companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding website content, press releases, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, and all other forms of marketing material. See what clients have to say: http://www.allyourwritingneeds.com/clients.html To speak with Charlene you may contact her at http://www.allyourwritingneeds.com
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Boost Your Conversion Rate In Three Steps When I critique, edit or rewrite sales copy, I discover that many clients commit common errors. Granted, not all of them are writers. But most of them fail to drive customer actions not because they lack writing skills but because they fail to look at their copy from their readers' perspective. Writing Suitable Copy for the Press Summer is finally here and school is out, but learning for the rest of us continues. Whether you're a seasoned PR professional working for a top agency, a novice just beginning a career, or a mid-level manager working in-house at a small business, the time comes when we all could use a refresher course in properly writing suitable copy for the press. The Secret to Drilling Down Deep in Your Target Market Here's another drill ripped out of the Field Guide for my Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp. There are 20 drills total which take 15 minutes per day (my "recruits" get weekends off). Each drill stands on its own but put them all together and the impact on your salesmanship is phenomenal! So here is another one for you? Yale University Researchers Reveal The 12 Most Powerful Words In The Human Language... In this article, I am going to reveal a dozen words, which could change your life. Why? Because Yale University researches have identified the 12 most powerful words in the human language? proven to attract attention and stir emotion within their readers. Here they are... Headline Writing Can Lead To Fortunes: Here Are The Basics Of Writing Headlines Headlines attract attention. Headlines generate interest. The time spent writing headlines can pay you back many times over. Making Your Purpose Your Business Step #4 - Organizing & Developing Online Content If you have done your homework then you are ready to organize and develop what will be your online content. Your content is very important as it will be used for promoting you, your work, and your website. Content serves a variety of purposes; it displays public relations, target marketing, and general information to build a platform for your product (your purpose). What Is Persuasive Copywriting And How Can It Help Your Business? Persuasive copywriting is what draws the attention of prospective customers. They see your product and are drawn it. But what makes this happen? What words can win a customer over without having them laugh at overstatements and hype? Persuasive copywriting is the style of writing that every business needs in order to get customers to purchase something. A Writers Secrets Every person has secrets that only he or she knows, secrets that are not shared with anyone, not even the most intimate friends, partners, even soul mates. These secrets may be righteous or sinister, yet for reasons, often unknown, they are never revealed to any other person. These, the writer should explore in his or her writing. Ad Copy - Your 12 Point Inspection! You're ready to launch that new product or promotion, & you're really counting on a piece of advertising copy to come through for you. Professional Writing: Six Great Reasons to Hire a Writer Most people can write. Some can even write well. But only a few individuals can write as quickly and persuasively as a professional writer. Effective communication requires a well-crafted message that is interesting to your audience. Anything less is a waste of your time and money. Impulse Writing for Better Ad Headings Writing headlines for your ads is the most important part of your online presence. How to Start and Sustain a Career as a Freelance Writer Have you wondered how you can make a career writing books or articles for various publications? Or are you seeking a viable second income opportunity but do not know where to start? Well, freelance writing may be the right career for you and it can open a world of lucrative opportunities for you. How Not to Write a Press Release Several years ago, when I was working for an agency, I was fired from an account. What that means is the client didn't want me writing for him anymore. How To Write An Effective Ad A letter or postcard allows you to "talk" one-on-one to your prospect. That means you should use "I" and "me" and "you" in your sales letter. Don't use the corporate sounding "we". 5 Critical Mistakes Most Freelance Copywriters Make Think you have what it takes to be a freelance copywriter? I wasn't so sure I knew when I first started in 1999. All I knew was I desperately wanted to work from home to raise my two sons after my divorce. It took a lot of trial and error to get to the stabile and profitable business I am running now in 2005. There are some things I learned along the way I wish I knew much earlier in the game. A Free Lesson On How To Easily Write Ads That Are Guaranteed To Make You Money COPYWRITING Power Words And Phrases I like to use power phrases when writing sales material. These power phrases add punch to a line or a paragraph and I usually use them to start off a sentence. Its Time To Start That Swipe File Just as great fiction is an art, so is great copywriting. Beneath the art, however, there's a foundation of basic knowledge and skills. The craft that goes into your writing. Be Contagious... Spread The Word! "Melissa" invaded our computers in late 1999, then "I Love You" in 2000. A year later, the "homepage.htm" attachment virus is wreaking havoc online. And now, in 2002, we have not been spared. A fury of Klez.Gen worms as they spread like wildfire has brought the web to a crawl at times. What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You Do you ever have brilliant ideas for articles, books or a website, but never get around to doing anything about them? Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Trust and credibility are vital in creating consumer confidence. Being able to tell the world who you are, what you do and how you do it is the best kind of confidence-building free publicity?producing results rivaling those of standard advertising. But even if you could crank out passable copy yourself, most businesspeople should be spending their time doing what they do best?minding the store, not staring at blank sheets of paper! ![]() |
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