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Long Copy versus Short Copy
When I show some people my advertisements, I sometimes get the feedback: "I'd never read that. There's too much writing. It needs to be simpler, and cleaner." But when the ads run? they invariably work. Here's why? Imagine you were stranded on a desert island? and the man upstairs came down to speak with you. And said? Due to unforeseen circumstances there's no way you will ever get off this island. However, I'll give you everything you need to survive. Beautiful, tasty, natural foods? plenty of water? great weather? But there's one catch. You will be the only human alive on this island, apart from a partner you may choose from these 500 letters. Now imagine when you opened up the letters what would you be looking for. Remember, this is the only person you're going to be spending the rest of your life with. Would you be happy with something like: Hi, I'm Susan. I've got black hair, brown eyes, and I like to party. I'm lots of fun, and people say I'm pretty. Would you choose Susan? Or would you want to know EVERYTHING about this person including their personality, what they look for, their values, what they look like (perhaps a photo) what they enjoy, whether they have a criminal record, how old they are, how healthy they are and much, much, much more? Bottom line is? if you're making a decision of such importance, you're going to want to know every damned thing about them. In a nutshell? you're going to want? LONG COPY (which is detailed, covers any concerns you may have and appeals to what you want) And it's the same with 99% of products. You've got to tell people your full story if you want to convert them into customers. Want proof? Look at mail order advertisements. They are measured every time they run... and in many cases appear year after year. If they don't work they get rid of them. What sort of copy do they use? LONG COPY Listen, when you advertise, you are like a salesperson's in a busy man's office. He may have tried over and over to organise a meeting. He may never be admitted again. This is the one opportunity to get a result, and he must employ it to the full. LONG COPY does work better than short copy. But don't take my word for it. Test one ad or sales letter against the other? and see for yourself. Warmly, Scott Bywater Copywriting That SELLS, Scott Bywater is a professional direct response copywriter and the author of Cash-Flow Advertising. To get a complimentary copy of his special report '7 Ways To Increase Your Turnover... No Matter What The State Of The Economy' (valued at $29.95) and a free subscription to his "Copywriting Selling Secrets" ezine where you'll discover how to write ads and sales letters that make people line up and practically beg you to do business with them... visit his web site at http://www.copywritingthatsells.com.au
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How many times have you seen a cool looking web site with poor text, or bought a great new electronic gadget only to find that the product manual looks like it was written by someone with only elementary school English skills? A Writers Secrets Every person has secrets that only he or she knows, secrets that are not shared with anyone, not even the most intimate friends, partners, even soul mates. These secrets may be righteous or sinister, yet for reasons, often unknown, they are never revealed to any other person. These, the writer should explore in his or her writing. Copywriting Secrets Of Indias Mystics Hi everyone, ![]() |
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