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Russian Nesting Dolls - The Beginning
According legend, first nested doll prototype appeared in Russia in the late 19th century (believed to be year 1890), it was figurine of bold headed old man, Buddhist sage by the name of Fukuruma, on the island of Honshu, Japan. According Hakone Town Office, Japan, products such as "Shichifukujin" and "Irokawaridaruma" have been created from Junitamago. "Shichifukujin" was shipped to Russia at the end of the 19th century, becoming a folkcraft called Matryoshika, or a doll having children. It is thought that Russian missionaries from the Russian church which used to be in Tohnosawa visited Hakone for the summer and took "Junitamago" back to Russia as souvenirs. Let us explain what Shichifukujin mean. According Japan sources - Japan`s Shichifukujin--usually identified as Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Fukurokuju, Jurojin, and Hotei--are traditionally believed to bring good fortune and happiness to people. The seven have long been depicted in painting, sculpture, song, and dance and began to be worshiped as a group several hundred years ago. The practice of making a meguri, or pilgrimage, to shrines and temples of all the Shichifukujin during the New Year season became popular during the Edo period (1603-1868). Shichifukujin Meguri are still popular everywhere in Japan--including the Fukagawa and Kameido districts of Tokyo`s Koto-ku. But Russian nesting doll got another name and had a different meaning from the very beginning. At the end of 19th century at Russia Children`s Education Workshop at Abramtzevo village near Moscow was established. Abramtzevo workshop started to produce dolls in traditional ethnic dress. That workshop collected dolls from all over the country and from countries abroad. Dolls series was designed to entertain childs and to give them knowledge of other ethnicities. It is believed that Fukuruma doll inspired Russian artist S.V. Malyutin to produce first "Matrioshka" (nesting doll in Russian) doll. But Russian doll was different from original Japanese one. At Russia it became toy, game for childs, it depicted the chain of life, and got woman name. It is the diminutive form of Matrona or Matriona. Therefore, Matroska, should be a feminine noun. "Matrona" is Bysantee and ancient Rome originated name, which means "well respected woman". Matrioshka appeared as synthesis of Buddhist sculpture, pre-Christian toys of Russia and Christian beliefs of 19th century. Original, ancient Russian dolls was produced from solid piece of wood and depicted ancient - pre-Christian gods. That dolls was in fact, miniature ancient Indo-Iranian pagans, they depicted Horses, Cows, Birds, Humans. Once Bysantee Empire style Christianity appeared in Russia at VIII-IX century, that type of dolls was transformed into wooden figures of animals and Heroes of fairy tales, cause " pagan toys " was not Ok to use anymore. Russian Matrioshka produced from solid piece of wood too, but became nested, and depicts people, fairy tales heroes or animals - same as many centuries ago, but now - with Buddhist sence, nested. Nested doll was very popular toy for childs cause it helps to develop motility of fingers, imagination, representation about the sizes and colors. "Matrioshka" nested doll spelled differently outside Russia. Exactly, According to the spelling mat + ros (as in albatross OR as in metros) + ka (as in Alaska) [mę̀trɔ́skə, mę̀tróuskə] According to the original Russian word ma as in machine; tro as in tr in try + Yo in New York, but shorter and narrower; ska as in sh in ship + ka in Alaska [mətrʲóʃkə] ---- Article provided by Russian nesting dolls internet shop: http://www.rus-sell.com
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The Making of a Slipcover: A Lost Art Today in this world of fast everything, most of us just don't have the time (nor patience) to do an all consuming job of making a slipcover. We go buy them and not always are they what we want. They are generic in most cases and just don't work on the furniture right or look professional. If you can find the time and feel creative, you can produce a masterpiece for an old (or new) piece of furniture that needs a change to correspond with a new room update. The slipcover will produce a sense of confirmation and beauty for "you", the person doing the work. A job well done is always good for growing self- confidence and character! Learn Origami Basic folds How to Make Quilted Silver Beads After making the leaf bead, I was impressed with the detail made possible by the metal clay. Therefore, I decided to use the same technique but create a different look. When I finished making these beads, I thought they looked as though they had been "quilted." Before firing, each bead weighed about 5.43 grams. After firing, they are about 3.8 grams each. The size and weight of your beads may depend on how large you make them and the size of the straw that you use for creating the holes in the beads. Genealogy / Family History One huge advantage of knowing about family history is that sometimes it can help you to trace and pinpoint occurrences of illness. Why You Need A Display Case Why You Need A Display Case Scrapbooking Those Memories! You will find scrapbook supplies for photos and pictures in a craft store or online. Scrapbooks are used to combine photos and pictures to make a picture story album. Today with the advent of computers and image editing software it has become easier than ever to make your scrapbook. Organize 1000?s Of Photos Easily The easiest way is to start right from the beginning, your pregnancy. Chronological order is an easy way to organize your photos, that's if you remembered to write all the dates down. 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Choosing The Correct Comic Book Storage Box Most Comic Book Storage Boxes are super strong and come with sturdy well-fitting lids and handle holes that can be left in the closed position for storing or pushed open for carrying. They are properly sized to hold a comic in a bag with a backing board. Comic Book divider cards (used for categorizing) fit in most comic book boxes with the lid on. Comic Book Storage boxes ship flat which takes up less storage room and they fold together when you are ready to use them without glue or tape. Build Your Own Bar Stool (In An Afternoon) Bar stools are as important as the best wine in your bar. It is said that if you don't get a good stool to sit on, you won't enjoy the drink. By a good seat it means that not only it should be comfortable it should be attractive too besides having other minor and major specifications. Nowadays, there are lots and lots of options available, may be the number match to that of the number of the brands of beer available in the whole world. But the irony is that not many match all the required specifications. The options available in the material that we can use are metal, wood, bamboo, iron, etc. The styles available are retro, swivel, whether it has back or not, different metal colors, different designer fabrics, whether it is meant for indoors or outdoors and so on and so forth. We as the owner of our bar, we are the best judge of our bar and hence we are the only one who can decide, which is the best for ourselves. At times we want to make our own bar stools to cater our need. Here are some tips to make one yourself. ![]() |
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