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Embroidery Stabilizing for Machine Embroidering
Here are some tips to get good results with your embroidery designs sewing. 1. When it's possible, run your outline stitching first, this will help stabilize your fabric even further! 2. I prefer layering solvy while stitching out a design to add dimension. Sometimes the "film" solvy can get a bit heavy using this technique, causing stiffness and can be difficult to remove. We've found a great "web" type that gets the job done with less stiffness and is super easy to remove! The film type soluble is still best for the base layer & I use it for every design I stitch on any fabric that water will not harm. 3. We've all heard the "stabilize, stabilize, ..." To the point that I'm now seeing a lot of you over stabilizing! This creates as many problems as you're trying to eliminate and wasting money. Don't over stabilize, use 1 or 2 layers of the correct stabilizer. Ask us about our commercial backings to get the best possible results for all your embroidery needs! 4. I always start with a commercial fusible backing in the appropriate weight for the fabric or garment I'm stitching on. We have 3 weights of fusibles in both permanent-for dense designs-and tear away. Two of them come in a generous 48" width. 5. If your skin is sensitive, we suggest using our soft tear away backing under a fusible layer for any garments that will lay next to the skin. The soft tear away is - also rated by the US government - for use in children's sleep wear and is formaldehyde free! 6. If you enjoy creating wearable art that's quilted, stippled or uses the trapunto technique, we have a great "fill" backing that won't make your garment look like a down jacket and is dense enough not to pull apart when it's laundered! Sandy Carter is the author of embroidery articles at embroidery designs by Thread Artist. She has an article about embroidery software for digitizing and lettering fonts at embroidery software. There is free embroidery digitizing Tutorial at this web address - embroidery by Thread Artists Designs
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Tracing Your Family History Let me say straight away that tracing your family ancestry is a great hobby but very addictive, so unless you want to get well and truly hooked, don't start. Tips for Flower Arranging at Home Floral design is an art and for some it comes easy. If you have tried and failed or never tried at all, take heart, all is not lost. The beauty of learning at home is that if you make mistakes, it does not matter if it looks a bit funny. With some helpful tips and practice you can become proficient at it. Printing on Canvas Given the progress in inkjet and media technology, demand for printing photographs and art on canvas is growing exponentially. Whether you have a good inkjet printer or you prefer to have your work done by a professional outfit, it is worth to explore this option for any type of image. We constantly receive requests from wedding and portrait photographers who want to print large canvas for their clients. Mixed Media Collage - Make The Pieces of Your Life Sing! According to the dictionary, collage art is an artistic composition made of various materials (as paper, cloth or wood) glued on a surface. The word comes from the French word "coller," meaning to glue or to paste. Sell Hobby Items by Mail You can, if you are ambitious, start a Mail Order Business selling collectables to hobbiest by mail. To begin, you must first find a hobby that appeals to YOU. Next, you must spend several weeks researching that hobby. You must learn what collectors want and how much they are willing to pay for it. You should also know what other dealers are willing to pay forthe merchandise which they sell. And you must be willing to pay the same amounts. Collectibles: Searching for those Hard-to-Find Diecast Models For collectors of any kind, there are always those items that are much sought after, but nearly impossible to find. If they're lucky enough to finally locate them, the price is often exorbitant or there are some other restrictions which inhibit their ability to secure them. With a good deal of patience and persistence, however, even the rarest of these collectibles can be found and purchased without as much difficulty as one might imagine. One simply needs to know where to look. Remember When You Were Taught How To Make Things From Metal With Your Bare Hands? How would you like the chance to use the skills you learnt decades ago... if you could find the right kind of practical challenge? You can you know. Not all that many years ago, just about every home had a backyard shed or workshop; the shed was a special place which the practical man about the house could call his own. Is There Money To Be Made In Depression Glass You've seen the shows on television. You've watched the auctions online. You've read the stories in the newspaper. Blown Glass: They Do Still Make It Like They Used To Blown art glass is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing hobbies in North America... and it is about time. Glassblowing has been around since 27 BC in Syria, though the first evidence of manmade glass products occurs in Mesopotamia in the late 3rd century BC. But the advancement of actual "blowing" glass using a tube transformed the materials usefulness. The new technique quickly spread throughout the Roman world. Woodworking Tools: Right Selection And Care Will Save You Money, Part 5 Woodworking: Tools Of The Trade, Part 5 - Tools For Assembly How to Make a Childs Handprint on a Ceramic Tile This is a fun craft to do with a group of moms and their kids, one child per adult works the best. Each mom will need: A Look at Cloisonné Lapel Pins Cloisonné lapel pins are the most traditional, if not the most collectible of the lapel pin types. Most of the older lapel pins are either die-cast metal or cloisonné. Cloisonné is from the French word for cell, which refers to the method that cloisonné is created. A metal structure, or cell, is formed with the outline of the design and filled with enamel and then baked to permanently set the design. The cloisonné technique dates all the way back to 13th century B.C. in ancient Japan, however the Chinese really made the art form their own, creating beautiful vases and other artifacts. A cloisonné lapel pin is a modern interpretation of this ancient and beautiful art. Are You Making Money At Craft Shows? If you are involved in the crafts business, and are profitable, you are among the rare breed who have successfully combined art with business. If, however, you still have yet to show a profit (or enough profit) after a show, this article may get you going in the right direction. How to Invest in Antique, Vintage, or Modern Jewelry As Antique Jewelry is 'Really' based on the 'Collectability' and Style of an item, it is hard for clients to appreciate the 'Craft' involved in Handmade work, as they only see the Gold value or Diamond Value fluctuate over the years. Airbrush for Profit - Sell Your Services to Colleges Colleges, schools, university and the like are one way you can make money from airbrushing. Why they are a good market is that there are plenty of students to begin with. Therefore, you are starting with a big customer base. Generally, look for any large groups when you want to make money from airbrushing. The cost of advertising will be low, and you will get to concentrate all your energies on one group. Christmas Gifts Kids Can Make Christmas is a time of giving and receiving. Even kids would want to get into the picture. Giving gifts to their friends and loved ones. Now what gifts can kids give that do not look tacky? I mean, kids generally do not have much income. It kind of breaks a mom's heart to see a kid break his or her piggy bank just to buy a gift for someone who might not really appreciate it. A better alternative is to get kids to make something cute to give as gifts to those who matter to them. One thing that comes to mind is a pet rock. Those cute little pebbles with faces, which one could get quite fond of. These are easy to make, and they are practical as well. Pet rocks make great paper weights. Add a secret message below and you have an adorable, personal gift a kid could make, without breaking the bank. All the kid has to do is to collect some smooth pebbles, each around the size of his or her palm. Mom can supply the felt, glue, cardboard and pens. Kids just spend their free time making gifts they can give out on Christmas day. The glue must be able to stick the felt to the stone. To avoid disappointment, test first by sticking a small piece of felt to a stone that you do not want. Stick another small piece of felt on top of it. Let it dry. If the felt pieces stay stuck to each other and to the stone, you are all set to go. How To Make Pebble Pets Plastic, Zinc, Brass, Embossing and Marking Stencils Marking Stencils Genealogy - Why You Should Get Involved in Your Family History A few years ago I read a statistic that said that genealogy was the second largest hobby in the United States ? second only to gardening. It was no surprise to me as I have been finding and documenting my family tree for almost 30 years. Over that time a lot of people have asked me, "Why genealogy? What do you get out of it?" There are a lot of reasons to find out about your family and I'll cover just a few hoping that one of them will get you started. Curiosity: A lot of people are just plain curious about where they came from, what their ancestors did, how they got here ? to this time and this place. Lots of people find themselves in this category when they are told that they are adopted. While they have adoptive parents, traditions, and history, they also have another history that calls out to them. Other people have lost touch and are curious about where people are, how they turned out, who they married. It's a Great Puzzle: This applies to me in several areas of my life besides genealogy. I have worked with numbers a lot ? particularly with market research. I just love understanding what motivates people to buy certain products, where they shop, how much they want to pay, and where they want to hear about those products. When my wife and I go camping I spend hours working crypto quotes in the sun ? fun and challenging puzzles that help me relax. When it comes to puzzles, I don't think anything can match the complexity and fun of genealogy. Just think about a jigsaw puzzle that has an almost infinite number of pieces ? some of them that don't fit and some of them missing. Nothing can match the satisfaction I get from finding one of those lost pieces of the puzzle and putting it into place. These are puzzle pieces that lead to long-lost cousins and far-off places. Hobby: I did a lot of market research before organizing FamilyTrackers, Inc. The company was started out of my belief that Internet searches could be much more accurate than those usually conducted on the Internet. Interestingly, there is a group of genealogists who resist a more accurate way to find information. They are not interested in any tools that make the job faster. "That is the reason I do my family tree ? to fill up my time. Looking into page after page of results is the part I like about genealogy. It's my hobby," they said. Fortunately for me and for FamilyTrackers those who like the things I find most tedious are not a large portion of the market. Leave a Legacy: Some people approach middle age or have a traumatic event at any age that prompts them to think about their mortality. "If I never meet my grandchildren, what will they know about me? What will they know about my parents? How will we be remembered?" Those of us who are fortunate enough to have ancestors in this category are indeed lucky. My grandmother wrote a short story about her trip as a young girl in a covered wagon from Illinois to Kansas. Thinking about it now, it must have been a dusty, hot, and miserable trip. The events that she wrote about were ordinary, daily occurrences that were taken for granted in her time ? something that she wrote about because the trip was out of the ordinary. Read the same story today and discover something that is unique to our experience ? herding cattle, rustlers, camping out every night. If you do nothing else with your family history, you should write down or record your life experiences in your own words in any way that you see fit. Emotional Satisfaction: This is a huge reason for being involved in genealogy and one that I hear repeated by other people as they talk excitedly about their latest discovery. There are moments that happen during a search that are touching and immensely satisfying. This is the moment that you look at your great grandfather's signature on your grandparent's marriage license; put your hand on the baptismal font where your oldest known ancestor was baptized; stand on the ground where your great grandfather from the old country is buried ? knowing that your grandmother stood on this spot in front of an open grave grieving her loss. These moments are thrilling, goose-bump producing moments of a life time when you can almost reach across time and touch a person who you finally understand and know. This is a moment you must not miss! Give Something Back: Lots of people get involved when they volunteer at their local genealogical or historical society. What a wonderful place to meet nice people who are willing to help you discover your roots. These groups are responsible for saving crumbling records all over the world and for making the information available to everybody. People who work in these places are almost always unpaid and give their time and effort on behalf of people like you and me every single day ? people they have never even met. This is important work and you can get the satisfaction of helping other people by volunteering yourself. It is easy. Pick up the phone and call. Whatever your reasons, give genealogy a try. It is a stimulating hobby that will put you in touch with yourself and with a lot of nice people who are ready and willing to help. A Scrapbook Page To Celebrate Your Childs First Haircut Here's a great idea for making a special 'first haircut' scrapbook page. Between the ages of about 12 and 18 months, a baby boy or girl may go for their first hair cut. You've probably seen that there are many children's hair salons that offer special deals for a child's first visit. They have a special chair, take a photo or even video the visit -- and then later you take away the photo or video and a lock of hair as a keepsake. So why not create a scrap book page to celebrate this event in a special way! A Look at the Humidor Plan There are many styles of humidors that range from the smaller traveling humidor to the large cabinet and even walk-in room humidors. By far, the most popular humidor is the glass top humidor also referred to as the desktop humidor. ![]() |
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