Cleaning Silk Bouquets In 3 Simple Steps

How To Clean A Silk Bouquet

A Silk bouquet can last a lot longer than a bouquet made of real flowers, but it will still droop, and get dusty, over time. Fortunately a little bit of preventive care can go a long way towards keeping your bouquet looking like new.

It doesn't take long either. 5 minutes spent caring for your bouquet every 3-6 months will keep your bouquet looking as good as it did they day you bought it.

Read on to discover the 3 simple steps to keeping your silk bouquet in pristine condition. You'll also discover the one thing you should NEVER do to clean your bouquet. Make this mistake, and you might ruin your bouquet forever!

Step 1: Rice Cleaning

Place your bouquet in a plastic shopping bag, along with half a cup of white rice. Twist the bag closed, and then shake the bag for about 60 seconds.

The rice in the plastic bag will get statically charged, and the dust will be attracted to the rice. In the past, people used salt instead of rice, but salt was found to be too hard, and would scratch the flowers. White rice is softer, so it won't damage the flowers at all.

Step 2: Fluffing

Once you have cleaned your silk flowers, hold the bouquet by the handle and then turn it upside down and give it two or three good hard shakes, dropping the rice back into the bag. This should loosen any rice caught in the flowers and also clear away any left over dust. It will also "fluff" the flowers, and give them back their original shape.

Step 3: Plumping And Teasing

After fluffing the bouquet, it is time to make sure all the flowers are in the right position. Using the back of your hand, go around the back of the bouquet and lightly push the flowers back into position, to "plump up" the bouquet. Once you are happy with the general shape, then tease the flowers into the correct position by lightly pulling and pushing on the individual flowers and petals until they are correctly placed.

That's it! Simple, wasn't it? Now, you may have read that you can lightly spray your bouquet with soapy water to get it clean. Regardless of what you may have read, don't ever do this! Never spray your bouquet with water because the wet dust will run and stain your flowers. And stained flowers do NOT look right!

If you follow these simple steps every 3-6 months, your bouquet will stay beautiful, and will be around long enough for future generations to enjoy.

Peta D'Silva has been making silk bouquets for over 14 years. She is the webmaster of, a website featuring a catalog of bouquets that you can buy, as well as easy-to-understand articles about creating your own silk bouquets.

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