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Baby Boomers Need Creative Practical Hobbies
"Well how are you really enjoying your retirement?" I asked out of interest, "it was great to start with" he said, but lately, I've just become kind of lost... I don't really know what to do with all the spare time I have, "and there's only so much golf you can play, you know"? "then he said", "I'd love to do all of the things you do in your home workshop. I said to him, well, you know mate it's never too late to learn, Why don't you come over one day so that I can show you around my workshop, and give you a few ideas, you'll love it. I guess if your're retired like Jim, you'll probably understand what he's talking about. The baby boomers, i.e. anyone born from the mid 1940s to the mid 1950s, are now approaching, or have allready opted for early retirement. Retirement presents great changes in lifestyle's, which will have a profound effect on the way many choose to fill in the lazy days of retirement. A hard working company executive generally has little time during his busy career to find the time to develop or establish an interest in practical hobby pursuits. Many prospective retirees dream of the carefree days they'll spend hitting a golf ball around their favourite golf course, or sailing their yacht, and not giving a hoot how much time is spent doing it. But not every retiree has the desire or the income to do the above, some will also want to travel and explore, before settling into a new lifestyle. Many just want to catch up on home maintenance projects, or perhaps take a totally new direction in life, and become involved in a practical hobby to bring out the hidden carpenter, engineer, or handy man that's hidden inside a lot of people. Let's face it, many people, (that may also include you), will derive much personal enjoyment, working with their hands & creating things. This kind of pleasure work provides an inner sense of total personal self-fulfilment that few other things can provide. The challenge and personal reward of creating something from nothing with your own bare hands, is difficult to describe to anyone who hasn't done it. There are thousands of people with hidden talents which they've never bothered to explore. What about you? Is there a mechanical genius or practical hobby worker hidden Inside of you, just waiting to be discovered? Retirement truly provides the opportunity, time & money to explore your hidden latent talents, you've now got the time to explore & develop them further. A big proportion of blokes (men) love tinkering with mechanical things, like taking items apart to rebuild & restore. Some even want to fabricate and build new things from scratch, whether they chose to work in wood or metal is a personal choice. One of the most fascinating old world metal crafts that has captured many people's imagination is Hobby Metal Casting. Hobby Metal Casting has gone through a huge worldwide renaissance. New age practical information & basic technology coupled with easy to build home equipment and tools, empowers the hobby metal crafter to explore and create masterpieces in the home workshop. To learn more about this rewarding age-old craft, you should first make a visit to: http://www.myhomefoundry.com You'll be able to download some free ebooks, subscribe to an ezine for free, and get a feeling of what hobby metal casting is all about. You may even find a great way to fill in those idle days of retirement. Col Croucher
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4 Fun Ways to Display Photos From baby pictures to vacation pictures, images of family and friends are treasures that are kept for a lifetime. They make great gifts and add cheer and warmth to the interiors of our homes. Below are four fun ways to display your favorite photos. Picture Frame Crafts For Your Kids Party One of the most popular party favors is a framed picture of the party guest taken at your kids party. He or she could be showing off a silly hat or party costume, performing an outrageous party game stunt, or wearing a face full of frosting and ice cream. How to Make Gel Candles - 11 Easy Steps Do you love burning beautiful, scented candles? And do you know that you can easily make them yourself? It is exciting and not at all difficult. Here are 12 easy steps to creating unique candles that you can burn at home, give as gifts, or even sell. The Power Of Scrapbook Journaling By journaling your pages you will transform an ordinary collection of photographs into a vibrant and visual storyboard - telling the stories behind the pictures, revealing hidden memories and emotions. Leather Work Tips For leather work, consider the basics: an awl and spare point, a retractable X-acto knife and spare blades, a retractable knife with a break-off blade and a rotary punch. In addition, you'll need needles, a lump of beeswax and some waxed linen thread. Idle Hands Beget The Devils Work As a southern girl, sewing was a rite of passage. You never questioned if you should learn, it was a matter of when. Though I possess the skill, it was rarely put to use. One day, while shopping for a quilt, I went back to my roots. World Skills & Learning About Old World Skills There was once a time when almost everyone acquired, or knew how to do a practical skill of some kind, they were special skills, which most people used throughout life. They just became second nature. Woodworking ? Creative, Relaxing and Timeless The title reflects Woodworking as a hobby, not as a vocation. Vocational woodworking is pretty much the opposite of the adjectives in the title because of the intense pressure to produce quickly in order to make it pay the bills. So we'll stick with the hobby orientation for purposes of this article. Jar Lid and Jar Candle Decoration Supplies Needed: A Scrapbook Page To Celebrate Your Childs First Haircut Here's a great idea for making a special 'first haircut' scrapbook page. Between the ages of about 12 and 18 months, a baby boy or girl may go for their first hair cut. You've probably seen that there are many children's hair salons that offer special deals for a child's first visit. They have a special chair, take a photo or even video the visit -- and then later you take away the photo or video and a lock of hair as a keepsake. So why not create a scrap book page to celebrate this event in a special way! Spruce Up Your Pages with Scrapbooking Embellishments Having this nagging doubt that you may upstage your precious photos or clutter your pages with scrapbooking embellishments? How Could Your Hobby be the Key to Financial Success? Virtually everyone has the knowledge they need to make a fortune. Everyone has an interest, hobby or has knowledge about a particular subject. It could be anything, and I really mean anything! From gardening to model planes, childcare, from dog training to sports, everyone has knowledge that someone else wants. The problem is that most people have no idea how much their knowledge is worth because information online is worth much more today. Scrapbooking Childrens Favorite Stories Countless memories are built during the formative childhood days. If there's an excellent means to record them down in some ways, it'll be scrapbooking. Turn An Arts And Crafts Hobby Into A Business Are you searching for a quick way to make an extra income? Use Order and Text to Give Life to Your Scrapbook There are no specific rules stating that all photographs or mementos must be placed in chronological order. Therefore, it is completely up you the order you wish to place your items and embellishments. You can place your items in a formal chronological order. You can also group items into formal or informal categories such as similar colors, events, activities, individuals, or families. Items can also be placed into random, abstract, or collages. Make Your Own Citronella Candles Need a cost effective way to get rid of mosquitoes? Try making your own citronella candles and eliminate mosquitoes while providing a romantic, outdoor setting. Making citronella candles is easy and can cost as little as $0.25 per candle. Follow this step-by-step guide and make your own candles at home in less than 10 minutes: Are You Making Money At Craft Shows? If you are involved in the crafts business, and are profitable, you are among the rare breed who have successfully combined art with business. If, however, you still have yet to show a profit (or enough profit) after a show, this article may get you going in the right direction. Scrapbooking Yourself as an Individual, Homemaker, Worker, and More From age 25 onwards, our grand adventure has just unfolded as we embrace adulthood. Create A Gift Basket For A Dog Lover! The choice of what gift to give your family and friends can often be a difficult one. One of the best gifts that you can give is a gift basket. A gift basket is that one present that comes in many shapes, themes and of course price ranges. A gift basket can also be a new arrival gift idea. Starting Your Own Scrapbook Club Before I discovered the world of scrapbooking, I was inexplicably drawn to my local office supply store. I loved to stand in an aisle surrounded by the different colors of copy paper. And the pens! ![]() |
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