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Bartering: A Modern Day Phenomenon
Back in the early days of America, families didn't have much in the form of money. What they did have was skill, creativity, and a desire to help each other out. Most of us know of the "doctor" who is paid for his services with chickens, apples, or bread. Bartering has deep roots in all of society. If you needed something and didn't have the know- how or money to do it, you could always find someone who wanted something you had or could do and thus "barter" for it. Ahhh, the good ole' days when life was simple and trust was a family value. Did you know that in 2005 there are secret moms, dads, grandparents, and even children trading 'aka' bartering FAIRLY in the U.S.A.? Did you know that it even occurs on the World Wide Web? The following tips might help you weed through the online bartering system: 1. Find a site or group that allows bartering a. Do a google search for trade/barter/swap groups 2. Become a member 3. Make contacts and relationships with members thus getting to know whom you are doing business with. a. Read "feedback" of the people you are doing trades with. This is positive or negative feedback of past trades that people have had with the potential trader. 4. List your needs and what you have to trade. a. Some Trading Lingo: ISO= In Search Of; DISO= Desperately In Search Of; FS= For Sale; FSOT= For Sale Or Trade; PPO: Paypal Only; FFS: Free For Shipping; 5. Make the verbal/electronic agreement (details of trade) a. **Warning- as with any contract over the Internet you need to use caution. Buyer/Trader Beware. You are trading at your own risk. 6. Ship the package out a. You will want to ship the cheapest way possible. Get Delivery Confirmation so you and the receiver can track the package. Insurance is left up to the receiver. 7. Now just wait for the postal carrier for your trade. a. In the "trading" world this has become known as "stalking" the Postman. 8. WARNING: Trading can be addictive!!!! Bartering is not limited to online groups. All across America woman are forming groups/clubs and having "Bare Naked" parties. These consist of women and children and unwanted clothing. Here is how they work: 1. Gather at someone's home (you will be trying on clothing so unless you are comfortable with undressing in front of everyone's spouse, it might be best for them to "hang out" somewhere else.) 2. Bring unwanted clothing, clothing that doesn't fit, shoes, etc? 3. "Bare Naked" and proceed with trying on of outfits, shoes, etc? 4. "If the shoe fits" as they say, It's yours!!! 5. Participants usually receive number of articles that they bring. I.E. if you bring 5 articles, you leave with 5 articles. This of course can be left up to the individual group. Another phenomenon sweeping our nation is called "All Things In Common". This originated out of "needs" at a local church. Once month members gather all their unwanted items and bring them to the church. Members draw a number, this dictates their turn in "shopping". Once everything is displayed and totals calculated (how many you brought is how many you get to choose)-The "shopping" begins. Members are chosen one by one randomly to "shop". They choose the number of items they brought and then the next "shopper" goes until all have shopped. With everyone thinking about how they can minimize their impact on the earth, bartering is the perfect solution to a big problem. Freecycling is one of the largest online bartering systems going today. (http://www.freecycle.org) Freecycling came about by offering your goods for free instead of heaping it onto our over crowded landfills. Thus "another person's junk is someone else's treasure". Freecyling is now all over the United States as well as Canada. You can join a local group or if there is not one locally, start your own. Here is how it works: 1. List your "haves" online or in a printed bulletin like PennySaver 2. Someone who "wants" your item will then contacts you to set up a time to pick up said item. 3. You get rid of something, they gain something and everyone is happy-including mother earth. 4. **WARNING: Always use caution with dealing with strangers online and offline. In conclusion I would like to point out the dangers of relaying personal information on the Internet. Buyer/Trader Beware!! Safety and Common sense do need to be used with dealing with people we don't know. Ways to get around this is to set up drop off points at public locations. Another way could be to start a group at a college or high school and open it up to the public once a quarter. You can even start a group among your circle of friends. Any way you choose to implement this newfound "JOY" will be surely worth it in the end. Stay safe and Happy Trading!!! Resources: Amity Mama's ? A place for crunchy moms to gather, talk, sell, and trade http://www.amitymama.com Natural Living Swap ? A yahoo group, just formed, swapping Waldorf, and Natural living items Free Cycling- National Recycling/Freecycling group online and locally(in some locations) By Sara Duggan © 2005 Sara Duggan lives with her family in California. She loves to crochet and write in her spare time. The Family owns Mama's Shoppe an online one stop shopping zone. Sign up for the newsletter and be entered into the weekly giveaway. Need to investigate a direct sale business? visit Sara's Direct Sale Opportunities site at http://directsaleopportunities.com
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This "bee" affords them the opportunity to gather in a social setting as well as give a rare opportunity to be creative and expressive in a community that frowns on pride and fanciful possessions. Because the quilts are a functional creation for use in the home, the women are permitted to create these amazing pieces of art. They boldly experiment with contrasting colors, exquisite designs, and a variety of geometric shapes to create wonders that please the eye and bring delight to those who appreciate the complexity of the construction. How to Make Your Own Refrigerator Magnets There are several types of refrigerator magnets that you can make with a little effort and the right materials. Below are some ideas for making magnets for gifts or just for fun. Simple, and Stylish Wedding Reception Centerpiece: Craft Project This simple, yet elegant table centerpiece is a great way to make a fancy "to do" at each table, without breaking the bank. Capturing the Craft Show Market Finding the right product to sell at a craft show is extremely important in finding success on the craft show circuit. You may already have an excellent craft product or line of products you are creating or even selling, or you may be looking for a craft to produce in order to enter the business. In either case, market research is going to help you find a craft show product that you can produce at a low enough cost to net a profit - and one that you will enjoy making. If you don't spend time looking into what everyone else has at their craft show booth, you might repeat what others have, or create a product no one really wants. Family Album In The Digital Age Back then it was simple - you take the picture, you print it and put it in your family album. But now you have a digital camera. So do your cousins, uncles, aunts and grandpa Joe. What are you going to do with thousands of digital photos to pass them onto the future generations? Read our advice. How I Spent My Summer Vacation The song says it all, "Hot Fun in the Summertime." Our summer was certainly full of fun: outdoor barbeques, neighborhood cookouts, making ice cream, 4th of July parades, a trip to grandpa's house, sleeping late, moving my oldest daughter into her first apartment? It never seems like the season is long enough to do everything we want to do. Christmas Gifts Kids Can Make Christmas is a time of giving and receiving. Even kids would want to get into the picture. Giving gifts to their friends and loved ones. Now what gifts can kids give that do not look tacky? I mean, kids generally do not have much income. It kind of breaks a mom's heart to see a kid break his or her piggy bank just to buy a gift for someone who might not really appreciate it. A better alternative is to get kids to make something cute to give as gifts to those who matter to them. One thing that comes to mind is a pet rock. Those cute little pebbles with faces, which one could get quite fond of. These are easy to make, and they are practical as well. Pet rocks make great paper weights. Add a secret message below and you have an adorable, personal gift a kid could make, without breaking the bank. All the kid has to do is to collect some smooth pebbles, each around the size of his or her palm. Mom can supply the felt, glue, cardboard and pens. Kids just spend their free time making gifts they can give out on Christmas day. The glue must be able to stick the felt to the stone. To avoid disappointment, test first by sticking a small piece of felt to a stone that you do not want. Stick another small piece of felt on top of it. Let it dry. If the felt pieces stay stuck to each other and to the stone, you are all set to go. How To Make Pebble Pets Organize That Stash! Do you control your stash or does it control you? I have become the master of my stash. When my husband found out that his sock drawer had become yet another place for cross stitch supplies, it was either get it under control or end up in divorce court. Being a stay at home mom of four, I quickly realized that being a single mom would seriously hamper my stash purchasing power and set off to become as organized as possible. First stop? The Use of Color and Photographs in Your New Scrapbook Color coordination and contrast will highlight and accent your scrapbook. A well thought out color scheme can help define the theme of a page, attract attention to specific items, or detract away from mistakes. Poorly chosen color schemes, on the other hand, can cause your scrapbook page to look gaudy or mismatched. Scrapbook Photographs -- How A Picture Can Be Worth A Thousand Words For many people, photos are at the heart of their scrapbooks -- and for a very good reason. We all treasure photgraphs of friends and loved ones, and many of us carry some with us wherever we go in a wallet or locket or keep photos on our desk at work. And if disaster were to strike and you had to evacuate your house, many people say they would save their photo albums before any other possessions! Woodworking: The Best Wood For Beginners Woodworking: Know Your Wood Need A Scrapbook Journaling Idea? Try using song lyrics in your next layout. An Introduction to Lanyards Lanyards are pieces of rope, wire, or cloth specifically designed to attach to objects. They are typically used to secure small items such as a work badge, key, identification card, eyeglasses, whistle, cell phone, bottle opener, knife, or compass. A lanyard can be worn around the neck, arm, waist or wrist. When worn around the wrist, a lanyard is often referred to as a "wristlet." Use Order and Text to Give Life to Your Scrapbook There are no specific rules stating that all photographs or mementos must be placed in chronological order. Therefore, it is completely up you the order you wish to place your items and embellishments. You can place your items in a formal chronological order. You can also group items into formal or informal categories such as similar colors, events, activities, individuals, or families. Items can also be placed into random, abstract, or collages. Setting Up Your Display Case One of the best ways to display photographs, memorabilia and other prized possessions is by using a display case. When properly done, a display case can showcase your collectables for all to see in an elegant manner. Man has used display cases since the dawn of time to show off private possessions. Fortunately today there are hundreds of different styles to choose from. Gemstone Collecting Personally, I have become fascinated with gemstones (precious and semi-precious stones). I am amazed at the array of colors and properties of these little treasures found in the earth. God created something truly amazing for us to look at and to adorn ourselves. Many of these tiny treasures are a fantastic investment. Purchasing a rare and beautiful gemstone that will significantly appreciate is an opportunity for everyone to enjoy and benefit. Making a return or to pass down through the generations, gemstone collecting can be a rewarding and profitable hobby. ![]() |
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