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Pagan Crafts
Greetings to all Crafty Pagans,Witches and those who want to learn Pagan crafts.The purpose of this is to provide doable crafts and to create crafts and tools that will have your positve energies that will enrich your power while performing rituals or spellworks and in your every day life. I would like to share with you many Pagan crafts which we will cover from creating your altar,to making candles,wands,athames,hemp jewlery,bath salts,walking sticks,spirit sticks,medicine bags,divination articles such as runes, scrying mirrors,pendulums and much,much more. I would also like to include crafts for the children,so that it would be educational for them as well as fun to do.While making these crafts the children will learn the traditions and paths that Pagans and Witches travel in their life time. There are eight celebrated Sabbats throughout the year and the year is called The Wheel of The Year.The four major Sabbats are,Samhain,The Witches'New year,October 31st/November 1st,Imbolc/Candlemas,January 31st/February 2nd,Beltane,April 30th/May 1st,Lughnasadh/Lammas,July 31st/August 1st.The four minor Esabats are,Yule is the Winter Solstice,on or about December 21st,Ostara,on or about March 21st,Litha/Midsummer,Summer Solstice on or about June 21st,and Mabon/Harvest,on or about September 21st.Each and every one of the Sabbats have many crafts that can be made to celebrate and honour them. So gather your glue,scissors and thread,and I hope to share with you the crafts I've mentioned. Many Blessings, )0( My name is Lady Ameasha and I am a practicing Pagan Witch. My chosen path is Celtic/North American Indian (Cherokee)which is my ancestory. I live in Southwestern Ontario,Canada, in the Country along the Nith River, where nature surround me. At almost any time of the day I can see a rabbit or two,a deer running in the pasture, racoons playing along side the river bank,and birds of all kinds. I have lived in the country for over twenty-five years and thoroughly enjoy every minute and thank my Lord and Lady for blessing me with such pleasure. I have been crafting for as long as I can remember and enjoying each and every one of my projects.
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Scrapbooking Ideas for Kids Many times at auctions, or estate sales, a box of books will turn up a real treasure, like a scrapbook that was kept by someone in their youth and sometimes through their adulthood. The book could be 50 or 60 years old, and a source of great fun to look at the pictures, news clippings, and personal mementoes. Use Order and Text to Give Life to Your Scrapbook There are no specific rules stating that all photographs or mementos must be placed in chronological order. Therefore, it is completely up you the order you wish to place your items and embellishments. You can place your items in a formal chronological order. You can also group items into formal or informal categories such as similar colors, events, activities, individuals, or families. Items can also be placed into random, abstract, or collages. A Look At Cigar Humidors Cigar humidors are storage units designed to hold, preserve and display a collection of cigars. 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You can now also buy sewing patterns online from all the classic pattern manufacturers, and the technology of the internet allows formerly unknown pattern manufacturers a chance for the spotlight. Why Do I (You) Collect? I just got back from the vet with my cat "Spud". He gave us quite a scare, we went away for a couple of day's vacation and on our return we found him very listless. He just laid there in one spot and wouldn't eat or drink any water. Puzzle Pieces, Sequins, and Rhine Stones in Your Scrapbooks Puzzle pieces make playful embellishments and borders. Puzzle pieces give a creative and playful look to children's art and educational scrapbooks. Antiques From Europe...Is It Really The Goose That Layed the Golden Egg? Many dealers and auctioneers have been bringing container loads of antiques from Europe for years now. The lure of getting "fresh to the market" antique furniture and "smalls" is something that can bring renewed excitement back into your antique business. ![]() |
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