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Charge Your Imagination (1)
"The challenges are not in the marketplace. They are in the mind"....... Jean Bernard As we progress into year 2005, it is time for the professional and business class to "charge your imagination" for greater exploits this year. Take this message from IMAGINATION himself. Is IMAGINATION a person you ask? Yes he is, and he wants to address you, this season. It would be worth your while to listen. His sentences are short and language in the first person. This is the preamble of his message. I am in your mind, your regular companion. I am of divine origin. You cannot see me, but I am always with you. You do not always acknowledge my presence and person. That is why you have not tapped into my power. I inspire people, motivate them and propel them to achieve the extra-ordinary. I am available. You can use me for great exploits. I am a good shepherd. I have the ability to make you form mental pictures, generate new ideas and show you things beyond your sight. I give creative ability to a writer, and the power to see things which do not exist. I take people beyond their natural limits. Those who tapped into my power have made impact on humanity- the great scientists, inventors, writers, war veterans, statesmen, world leaders, sports legends, industrial barons and multinational corporations. I am IMAGINATION. I help you see the hidden, not only the distant. Great people have used me, you too can use me. I am easy to manage. I have creative powers. I give wisdom and can help you catch you your vision. I activate your faculties. I am not perishable, but you can perish without me. I am ageless, yet I am like a baby. You need to nurse me to get the best from me. I am never in a hurry. You need patience, humility, and sound mind to use me. Be persistent and steadfast, I will put the world in your pocket. Neglect me; you will live a mediocre life. I activated the lives of great men and women. I can activate yours too. Who am I? I am IMAGINATION. Now this is my message: What would the world of business be like in the year 2030? You can only figure it out if you use your imagination. Let's go! Imagine this. You go shopping at a shopping plaza. A product catches your attention. It is well packaged and branded. The name: Peoples Bank. You wonder, how a bank can be on a supermarket shelf. Your attention has been arrested by something unusual just like the biblical Moses and the burning bush. Your curiosity is aroused. You want to find out what kind of bank is this? No bank has done this before. People's Bank is the first to do so. A bank on a supermarket shelf? This is just an imagination for now, but it may not be so in year 2030 given the rapid development in information technology and E-business. I am IMAGINATION...I inspire people. Dear professional, I have a message for you. With imagination, you can form a mental picture of the world of business in 2030. Time separates us from 2030, but imagination can take you 26 years ahead or bring it to the present. I am a mental supersonic aircraft. I travel faster than light and sound. But unlike commercial jetliners, I cannot crash. But you can crash if you do not use me. Listen to me and give me your attention. You need me to see the nature and volume of business in 2030. Without me, you cannot do so. As you read this message, you are embarking on a Vision Flight to Business in 2030 which exists in the realm of imagination. Estimated flight time is 30 minutes for reading the three part message, and we shall be cruising at an altitude of 3000 words above writing level. You are traveling on Infomedia Writing Line. Your pilot is IMAGINATION. Please listen carefully to the information about the place we are flying to -the Business World in 2030. People's Bank is already giving an insight of what to expect in 2030 when technology will put banks on supermarket shelves, chain stores, and even in homes. Technology will take man beyond the earth to put life in other planets. Are you surprised? You better believe me. In 2030, the world's commercial airlines will be making commercial flights to the moon. Man would have completely subdued the earth with science and technology. I am IMAGINATION, I inspire people. Take British Airways for instance. It prides itself as the - world's favorite airline".. Airlines are already forming alliances to go global. There is the Star Alliance, the alliance network for earth. There is the Qualifier Group. British Airways belongs to One World. It is a pointer to what air travel would be in 2030. The world in 2030 would be one big world of diversity with each constituent part, race, and gender and markets contributing to a unified world. God made the earth one world, but man turned it into many worlds. What is the key to one business world? Alliances, mergers and acquisitions, common markets and currencies. It is already happening. The EU is here. European countries have merged into a common market served by a single currency, the Euro. By 2030, the United States of America and Canada would have completely fused into a single market ruled by a new Dollar. Asia will evolve into a continental whole. Germany is now one country. The two Koreas are courting each other after more than 45 years of separation, while the Asian Tigers are evolving into a Super Tiger. I am IMAGINATION, I inspire people. Eric Okeke is a motivational speaker, business writer, copywriter, and corporate storyteller with more than 20 years writing experience . He is one of Nigeria's most experienced financial journalists. His strengths are creative writing, humor, publicity, professional speaking, and storytelling. His E-mail: ericosamba@yahoo.com Eric lives and works in Lagos, Nigeria. He runs Infomedia, a media consulting, writing, and speaking outfit. I recommend that you read this fantastic e- book, "How To Tell A Great Story" that is dedicated to teaching people just like you about the famed "R.P.I. principle". Go now to http://www.howtotellagreatstory.com
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Top Five Reasons to Cultivate Your Creativity Cultivating your creativity is more than spending time with a hobby or performing and displaying your work. Cultivating your creativity takes time, awareness and deliberate action. Creativity like any other skill, needs to be nurtured and affirmed, as well as directed, in order to expand throughout your life. Creativity crosses all barriers,cultures,even when styles differ and philosophies change. Creativity never changes. It's time to put away those past negative influences, including no more starving artist scenarios. Let's explore what creativity really is. The Elements of Creativity: What-ifs? What if there is no toilet paper and I am halfway through doing the "do"? 9 Ways to Live Creatively Creativity ? according to Webster's it means having the ability or power to create; characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative. Ok that sounds great, wouldn't we all like to be more creative every day? Sometimes the hardest part to trying something new is the first step. Here are nine inspired steps to help you start living a creative way of life: Creativity and Inspiration Creativity for the mystic has special meaning. In the world of the mystic all is one. This means that there's only one Creator. Your job as an artist, painter or writer is simply to attune with this One source of all creation, listen and report on what you're told. This is the essence of divine inspiration. It's similar to the advice I was given as a young businessman when my boss and I were on our way to an important meeting. He turned to me and said, "Keep your mouth shut and listen good." Sing & Be Well When people find out that I'm a music therapist, the comments I hear most often are "I wish I could sing!" or "Oh, I love to sing, but I'm not good enough to do it in front of anyone". Some of these people tell me that, as children, a parent, teacher or someone else told them that they should just mouth the words because they didn't have a good enough voice. Inspiration, Creativity, and Channeling ? Opening Ourselves to Greatness Channeling is much easier to do than most people suspect. As a matter of fact we have all seen people channeling and you have probably done it yourself many times, even though you may have been unaware of it or didn't know what to call it. It's actually a very natural state to be in. How To Get In The Zone And Blast Your Marketing To A Higher Level This may come as a surprise... but many marketers are so busy, they don't have time to get to the next level. Art, Artists and Vocation "If you really want to upset your parents?go into the arts!"-Kurt Vonnegut A Question of Time and Memory I have been struck recently by a number of questions which have found their way into my mind. One of these is the question of memory. Imagine for a moment travelling back to a world that everyone believes is flat. In this place we all go about our business accepting that this is an absolute and therefore it is. But amongst us are people who question and say. "But is it, and what if it's not?" They are of course laughed at and told they are stupid. Make EVERY DAY An Artist Retreat Day What do you enjoy most about going on an Artist Retreat Day? For most of us it's getting away from our "normal routine", having our creativity sparked by new surroundings and having the luxury of "open time" to work on our creative projects. Becoming Radiant: Boost Your Teams Creativity with Mind Mapping I don't take notes anymore. Instead, I create one wildly colorful, creative and inspiring page whenever I need to make a decision, prepare a presentation, or plan an event. That whole two-column plus and minus approach? Gone. Creativity and Broken Eggs In 1420, the dignitaries of Florence held a competition. Improvisation in Life and the Arts: What I learned from Free Play by Stephen Nachmanovitch Can you be an artist while you're washing the dishes? Mindfulness and Poetry: Delicious Word Awareness Everyone's a poet. Forget Thinking Outside The Box....GET Outside The Box I happened to overhear a conversation the other day between two men? Produce Creativity: 4 Ways To Motivate Your Melon It was 8:00 PM and I'd hit a creative wall ? hard. But there was so much work to be done! And I just had to get out of the office or else my article would never get finished. So I knew the only way to stimulate my mind was to practice a technique called "displacement." Creativity Management ? Synergy of Craft and Art Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Mindfulness and Creativity: The Wow of Wonder You are so creative. How To Entertain A Thought After studying scores of great thinkers like Leonardo Da Vinci, I think I've stumbled upon what really set them apart from the rest of the folks living (and thinking) at the same time. Brainstorming Effectively BRAINSTORMING: The basic tool used in generating many possible solutions to a problem is brainstorming. To use the brainstorming process effectively requires following a prescribed set of rules very closely. These rules are: 1. No positive or negative comments are allowed during the brainstorming phase. 2. Positive or negative non-verbal evaluations are discouraged as well. 3. A group member may ask for clarification if the member does not understand a given suggestion, but it is important to avoid any questions that are directed to "how" or "why" of the idea. In other words, the person suggesting a solution is not to be asked to defend the idea! 4. "Far out" or amusing suggestions are encouraged. Laughter can serve as a good release and help people relax. A seemingly wild or amusing suggestion is listed with the more serious ideas for group consideration, unless the "author" of the idea specifically asks that it be withheld. Sometimes a wild idea can be changed or built upon for creative practical solutions. The idea here is to relax and let the ideas flow. 5. Encourage group members to generate solutions that are based upon changing ideas already presented, (e.g., reversing, expanding, limiting). 6. Combine ideas that seem to compliment each other. ![]() |
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