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Should You Quit Your Job for Your Dream?
The next time you're moodily sitting in your office, wishing you were living your dream instead, answer the following questions? or answer them now! They'll give you a sense of whether or not now's the time to make the break. 5. Yeah, I could quit my job for my dream, but I could run off to Tahiti, too. That's way too much risk for my taste. 10. I've been developing a systematic plan for leaving my job for a while now? I feel I'm almost ready to go. 11. I have an adequate support system in place to really help me move ahead with my dream. It includes good friends and advisors, adequate child or elder care, a supportive spouse, and even a coach or mentor. If you answered mostly a) and b) to questions 1-4, you're stuck. Your job has forced you to forget about essential pieces of yourself ? it's time to get some career coaching now. If you answered mostly a) and b) to questions 5 & 6, you're a borderline case. You haven't yet decided whether your dream is all that important to the quality of your life. Just an experiment, you might want to sit with a blank piece of paper and really brainstorm what it would be like to live your dream. If you answered mostly a) and b) to questions 7-11? what are you waiting for? You've got a plan, you've set up the necessary support and you're good to go; you should be able to weather the inevitable ups and downs. Be sure to allow your company enough notice to make the transition smoothly, so you can leave with glowing reviews. Congratulations! Copyright 2004 Suzanne Falter-Barns About The Author Suzanne Falter-Barns is an expert on creativity, and the author of two best sellers on creativity. Her website, howmuchjoy.com, and her ezine, The Joy Letter, have been featured in SELF, Fitness, i-village, cybergrrl, and on msn.com among others. To learn more about finding the time, money and energy to live your dream, check out our free ezine, The Joy Letter, at http://www.howmuchjoy.com/joyletter.html
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