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Are You Inventive Enough to be an Inventor? Some Guidelines to Invention Success!
Inventors make a ton of money when the invention is needed and when the process is done properly. There are different types of inventions. Some inventions are more practical, making the everyday lives of individuals easier (pens for example), some inventions are simply for entertainment purposes (television), and some inventions are multi-purpose (educational devices that are also entertaining). In addition, some inventions are simply answers to medical problems, as in prosthetic devices while others are simply "improvements" made to existing inventions. As you can see, inventing something successfully can be done in many styles and through many creative pathways. Overall, though, inventions either succeed or fail, depending upon the need or desire for the product by consumers. Let's face it, if something is not needed or desired, no one will buy it, no matter how clever it is! Even Thomas Alva Edison (he invented the light bulb), failed thousands of times before inventing many successful products, as did the famous British inventor, Sir Clive Sinclair. One of Sir Clive's "famous failures" included an X-Bike that was a cross between a pair of scissors and a bike. Thomas Edison's biggest failure overall was a mining operation invention which would separate iron from more low-grade ores, and Mr. Edison spent his fortune and lost it eventually, trying for a successful "invention method". Inventors, though, are seldom deterred, and continuing to try and invent eventually leads to extreme success, as in the cases of both Thomas Edison and Sir Clive. Successful inventing entails a certain number of steps or processes that will routinely lead to successful inventions: A. The realistic assessment of the invention's potential. Let's face it, if it isn't "needed or wanted", it won't sell. B. If a patent is needed. In some cases, believe it or not, it is not. C. The legal protection of ideas. Not allowing ideas to be stolen or copied. D. The development of a marketable product. Besides being needed or wanted, a product should be affordable enough to build that prices will appeal to a consumer. E. The methods of developing prototypes and engineering to bring an invention to fruition. This needs to be done properly for successful marketing. F. Licensing issues. Some inventions require research into existing licenses and also the obtaining of licenses. G. Proposing to companies and approaching companies for promotion of the final product. The correct methods of approaching interested businesses and investors. H. Royalties and advance payment options. Without knowledge of these issues, investors may very well lose money in the long run. I. Checking existing patents, trademarks and copyrights. No sense inventing something already protected by another. As with any other type of business (and inventing something is, overall, a "business venture"), much work needs to be done, before, during and after the process of invention. Everything from correct market research, to correct patent processes, trademark and copyright information much be established, and successful inventors proceed slowly and carefully during each stage of the invention process. Also, successful inventors are very determined and patient. Many failures usually occur with each product before an "invention success" take place, so having an easy going, dedicated personality is necessary as well. Although tons of books and other materials exist on the proper procedures to follow, a future inventor can also save money on materials, and save time by visiting the United States government sites specifically set up for the needs of inventors and creators of products/services. These sites are: The United States Patent and Trademark Office: http://www.uspto.gov The United States Copyright Office: http://www.copyright.gov If you prefer to buy a book or report on how to successfully bring an invention to market, a simple search online will reveal literally hundreds of such materials. As with any business venture, future inventors that are knowledgeable and armed with the "tools" necessary for successful invention, do their "invention homework", and back up their efforts with the funds needed, will more often than not produce an invention that works, is needed, and best of all, "sells". After all, what better reward than the knowledge that consumers were so thrilled with an invention that they would gladly pay for it??? Vishal P. Rao is the owner of: http://www.work-at-home-forum.com/ An online community of people who work at home.
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Macrovision These days it's all about breaking things down into manageable pieces in order to be able to reach a goal and track your process/progress, and keep yourself from going insane because there's not a lot of time to breathe. How A Creation Box Can Work For You Bring to mind a time when you decided that you wanted something in your life; a vacation, a special book, or a household item. Did you notice that things relating to what you were wanting appeared out of nowhere--either you overheard someone talking about it, noticed an advertisement, a billboard or even junk mail? This, my friends, is the power of the Law of Attraction at work. The Law of Attraction states that all forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration. "Like attracts like." The thoughts we hold attract similar thoughts and become large masses of thoughts. These thoughts are also called vibrations. Tips on Breaking the Creative Block There's no question that creating anything is hard to do. Here are some tips if you find yourself creatively blocked. Forget Thinking Outside The Box....GET Outside The Box I happened to overhear a conversation the other day between two men? Brainstorming Effectively BRAINSTORMING: The basic tool used in generating many possible solutions to a problem is brainstorming. To use the brainstorming process effectively requires following a prescribed set of rules very closely. These rules are: 1. No positive or negative comments are allowed during the brainstorming phase. 2. Positive or negative non-verbal evaluations are discouraged as well. 3. A group member may ask for clarification if the member does not understand a given suggestion, but it is important to avoid any questions that are directed to "how" or "why" of the idea. In other words, the person suggesting a solution is not to be asked to defend the idea! 4. "Far out" or amusing suggestions are encouraged. Laughter can serve as a good release and help people relax. A seemingly wild or amusing suggestion is listed with the more serious ideas for group consideration, unless the "author" of the idea specifically asks that it be withheld. Sometimes a wild idea can be changed or built upon for creative practical solutions. The idea here is to relax and let the ideas flow. 5. Encourage group members to generate solutions that are based upon changing ideas already presented, (e.g., reversing, expanding, limiting). 6. Combine ideas that seem to compliment each other. The Power Of Your Intuition We all have enormous reserves of mental capacity that we habitually fail to use. There is no problem that we cannot solve, no obstacle we cannot overcome, and no goal we cannot achieve when we learn to use the incredible power of our mind to its full capacity. When we us the power of our mind to it's fullest our creative capacity is unlimited. Why Teach Thinking? Why Not ? The word 'creativity' has so many diverse meanings and interpretations. I remember telling an audience of teachers that creating a mess is also creative as long as new things and views are being conjured up. This led to much laughter and discussion about the meaning of 'creativity' (This notion of 'creative mess' was taken from master-thinker, Dr Edward de Bono). Get Creativity? Creativity is central to the management of our individual lives, but in modern times few people are able to access this as a resource. Alan Watts writes in The Wisdom of Insecurity: The Optimal Mind State Let's begin by defining the optimal mind state and the power it will give you to channel your energy toward your desired outcome. The optimal mind state is a quality of attention that leads to the highest level of concentration. It's a balanced state that's neither rigidly tense nor too relaxed. The optimal mind state is a quality of mind that's under your control. And this means that you have the ability to focus your attention on whatever you choose, and maintain that quality of focus in an undistracted way. Creating Success All things begin in consciousness. Make EVERY DAY An Artist Retreat Day What do you enjoy most about going on an Artist Retreat Day? For most of us it's getting away from our "normal routine", having our creativity sparked by new surroundings and having the luxury of "open time" to work on our creative projects. Creating Reality ? Discovering the Magician Within We all create our own reality each and every day, whether we are aware of the power that we possess or not. We all have a built-in mechanism that runs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three-hundred-sixty-five days a year, non-stop. Creativity and Inspiration Creativity for the mystic has special meaning. In the world of the mystic all is one. This means that there's only one Creator. Your job as an artist, painter or writer is simply to attune with this One source of all creation, listen and report on what you're told. This is the essence of divine inspiration. It's similar to the advice I was given as a young businessman when my boss and I were on our way to an important meeting. He turned to me and said, "Keep your mouth shut and listen good." The Elements of Creativity: Attributes Listing Method Attribute listing is one of the best ways to generate ideas, whereby there any many parts to the problem/ challenge faced. If you are asked to generate ideas or solutions to a complex challenge, the first thing you can do is to list all the attributes of your problem. How Logic Puzzles Can Help You Become a Better Problem Solver I have to admit that I am a confirmed puzzle-head. I love crosswords, acrostics, and cryptograms. But I am becoming ever more intrigued by logic problems. For one thing they teach you how to become a more attentive listener or reader to catch the nuances of language that can provide invaluable clues to their solution. For another, they teach the step-to-step process of processing information. These are skills that are valuable for nearly all reasoning situations. Connect with Your Surroundings Clutter is one of my favourite topics, and I've written before about the many different types of clutter and how each affects our creativity and our creative expression. 7 Things Sapping Your Creativity Right Now This was a very easy article to write. I was late in getting started this month, and as my publication deadline got closer and I could no longer wait until I "felt" like writing an article, I was forced to sit down and do it. In doing it, I thought about the last month (when I meant to be getting started on this as well as other creative projects), and I identified seven things that have gotten in the way of my creativity. Maybe you'll see yourself in some of these. Mind Mapping Ever been on a project where you had trouble keeping all the 'if' questions straight? "If this happens," you say, "we'll do one thing. But, if that happens, we'll do something else instead, but only on a Wednesday." Are You A Creative Meathead? Remember Archie Bunker's description of what a Meathead was on All in the Family? Lucid Dreaming: Discover a Whole New World Did you know that all of your most cherished dreams are just a good night's sleep away? ![]() |
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