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Advice for Pressure Washing Companies Cleaning Marina Docks
So you are in the pressure washer business and you want to clean the local docks at the Marina. Good plan, let us give you a little advice on this. First you have to sell the account. Explain to the marina manager or the dock master or municipal purchasing agent that their clientele and/or citizens will be very impressed to see that this normally much neglected area of the marina and/or pier is being taken care of and cleaned. It's going to make it much more presentable. The clientele will be happier, therefore will be more likely to keep their moorage in storage there and be happy-paying customers for long into the future. Explain to the dock master or marina manager also that it can be a safety issue. The cleaner and less slippery their docks are the better and safer it's going to be for their clientele. This is also a good selling point. This is an easier sell to government agencies since everyone wants to stay away from lawsuits. When doing areas that are consistently shaded, or in dark recessed areas, make sure that you remove the excess water to avoid the growth of algae. If you are doing anything inside a building that's over water or anything similar to this, make sure that you remove as much water as possible. You may also want to, in certain situations where their docks warrant it, use a staining product to re-stain the docks to keep them up since a lot of them get weathered and they are consistently exposed to sunlight and harsh salt air and water. For the best products on wood we recommend Lifeguard Water Proofing Products which are guaranteed for five to seven years depending on which grade you buy. You can purchase them at Eagle Hardware, in Canada at Depots. Other products we recommend are Behr Products, which are the second best and can be found at Home Depots around the country. If they ask you for a wet look go buy a product called Sikkens and this is also available at Home Depot. If you do any re-staining on decking, be extremely careful not to let the stain material drop into the water as it can sometimes drift and attach itself onto the gel coat of other boats right at their water line. Although it can create some work for you, there will be some unhappy boaters and they will know directly who to go to if you do not work carefully. So, just be cautious, since most stains are lighter than water and they float until they wash up against something, such as a boat hull. Wood Discoloration Factors and Procedures for Dock Cleaning There are many types of stains, which can get on a dock at the Marina, if you do not have a pressure washer or steam cleaner and you need to clean these stains you may wish to know how to clean them without expensive equipment. If you have the proper equipment but a stubborn stain, you might want to use these procedures to increase your success. Algae: Use a diluted bleach* solution (4:1). Saturate algae growth and allow to sit five to ten minutes. Scrub and rinse well. Extractive/Tannin Bleed: Use a four to five percent solution of oxalic acid. Allow solution to remain on spot until the darkness disappears, then rinse well with water. Grease: Use a strong household detergent in warm water and agitate with a brush. Automotive degreaser has also shown to be effective when used according to directions. Mildew: Use a diluted bleach* solution and scrub. Mill Stamps: There are no solvents available to remove these stamps. Sanding is the most effective means. They will also fade with time. Leaf Stains: Use a diluted bleach* solution and scrub. Pitch/Rosin: Scrape the excess material from wood using a putty knife or steel wool and clean the area with hot, soapy water. Turpentine is effective in removing pitch, which is still sappy. Rosin from surrounding trees: Wipe area with a wet cloth with turpentine. *Sometimes when cleaning wood with a stain, especially with bleach, the natural color of the wood may disappear. Check with your distributor/supplier for products than can be used to ensure uniformity and restore the wood to its natural color. Wolmans, Behr, Sikkens, Lifeguard and others have company websites with all this type of information and more. You would be wise to understand these procedures to insure a perfect job. Do it right, do it efficient. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Interesting 5 Tips that First-Timer Cruisers Need to Know First-time cruisers sometimes confuse about choosing the destination for neither cruising nor they aware about the hidden costs in the cruise. So this cruising tip should help them to prepare about what they need to know before they go for cruising: Family Cruise: Family Get-Together for Fun Family Cruise: Happy Times you will not forget Learning How to Sail When it comes to sailing, there are all kinds of things to learn how to do. How you go about learning will depend on your particular style. For example, I am not patient enough to take classes, and have always relied more on the written word and on-the-water trial and error than on more formal modes of instruction. Here are examples of ways you can acquire the skills you feel you need: European Cruise Expert Guide Europe is one of the premier cruise destinations in the world. Its attraction is overpowering - grand cities, relics of ancient civilizations and breathtaking scenery await European cruise passengers at almost every port of call. The variety is such that one visit to this part of the world is never enough - it'll have you coming back for more?again and again! Robotic Boat Cleaning is Here, Soon it will be Affordable Robotic Underwater ship cleaning robotic unit, the M3500 Robotic System robot, is UltraStrip's robotic systems have recently completed a number of hull-cleaning operations for the U.S. Navy as well as major cruise-line operators. A hull-cleaning involving more than 33,000 square feet of hull - cleaned to near white-metal tolerances - can be completed in just 72 hours. Cruising Glacier Bay You can watch movies about it, you can hear about it, you can read about it, but until you partake of it, you have no clue how thrilling it is to cruise Glacier Bay. Philippines Surfing if You Want to Miss the Crowds Philippines surfing is not quite a destination that would conjure up images of brilliant surfing breaks. Truth be told surfing in the Philippines can be fickle, but if you are after an adventure, are willing to go off the beaten track and are not afraid to try something different, then surfing in the Philippines will not disappoint you. Sit Back and Relax on a Crewed Yacht Charter Vacation Ever wanted to really put yourself to the test and teach yourself how to sail and guide a yacht? On a crewed yacht charter voyage, you can do just that ? and more ? while taking turns at the helm and seeing the sights of your specially planned destination. Fun and Fat Free Cruising This year more than 10.5 million people will go on a cruise. Almost all of them will have a fabulous time but when they step on the scales after they get home, they will let out a shriek at how much weight they have put on. Luxury Cruising A great cruise is much more than a journey. Blending the grandeur and nobility of seafaring with the imagination and style of the good life, it is my favorite way to explore the world. Moving up to a luxury ship helps make memories that endure forever. Alaska Cruise Expert Guide The Alaska cruise is a breathtaking adventure that you'll never forget. Giant snow-capped mountains, sparkling glaciers, thick pine forests rising up from the shoreline and abundant wildlife vie for your attention in this dramatic landscape. Towns and villages brimming with history tell a story of the Great Land that will endear Alaska to you forever. Crystal Cruises: An Air Of Elegance, Presence Of Beauty, And Incredible Spirit Of Adventure On a Crystal cruise it is not difficult to find what you seek. In fact, your search for a place beyond ordinary is over. "Splendidly Uncommon"! Ablaze with intoxicating color and high style, Crystal Cruises' Harmony, Symphony and Serenity are ships of superlatives that capture the aura of extravagant parties, big, snazzy cars and high tea in the Palm Court while Porter, Gershwin, Mozart and Bach float on the air. There Are Many Reasons Why You Should Choose Inflatable Boats Over Traditional Boats If you spend any time in or around the water then you probably own or have considered owning an inflatable boat. There are many uses for inflatable boats and many people own them for a variety of very different reasons. Taking A Paddleboat Cruise In May my husband and I took a wonderful steamboat trip on the Colombia River, 1,240 miles long, and Snake River, 1,038 miles long, aboard the American West's Empress of the North. This is the first time we had ever done a "niche" type cruise and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Six-Star Cruising on Luxury Cruise Lines A luxury cruise is just what the name implies, a cruise at the upper end of the spectrum, not just five stars but a six-star cruise. There are six cruise lines that are in the luxury class: Crystal Cruise Line, Cunard Cruise Line, Radisson Seven Seas, The Yachts of Seabourn, Silversea Cruise Line, and Windstar Cruises. Yacht Winterization Service Business If you own a boat maintenance business you need to be providing winterization services to your customers. Many boat owners who get to know you may trust you to help them winterize their boats. The best place to store a boat is under a cover in a controlled climate environment. This can be very costly and although there is debate on whether a boat should be "shrink-wrapped" for winter or not that too is very costly. Yacht and Ship Registration in the Isle of Man The maritime history of the Isle of Man dates from the eighteenth century and the Island is recognised internationally as an efficient and well- run centre for both registration and management. It was ranked third in the world by Port State Authority in September 2004. The Rise and Rise of Croatia For Sailing Holidays In the 1980s, Croatia - then part of Yugoslavia - built up a sizeable yacht charter industry. It was never then on the scale to rival long time favourite Greece, but it was large enough to get itself noticed as an attractive coming destination. Then came the various Balkan wars - one of them involving Croatia itself - and the disintegration of old Yugoslavia. Croatia is now the ex-Yugoslav republic with almost all the coast line! Alaska By Ship When was the last time you saw an eagle descend from the sky, or stood in awe as a glacier cracked and an ice berg emerged? The Reluctant Sailor - Tips for the Sailing Beginner Stroll around any marina and you will soon spot the classic sailing characters: the old enthusiast, patiently restoring a wooden shell to its sleek former self; the dedicated racer, tweaking his stripped out, cutting edge craft; or even tanned BMW man, who turns up on sunny weekends to take his latest woman out for a spin in his souped-up power boat. Move to the bar, and you'll find them easily. The old hand, scruffed down, ready for that all important anti-fouling job. The smart executive, shades in hand, leading an enthusiastic team-building session. Or the sun-bleached student, fresh from his gap year spent taking boats down to the Med. But what about the rest? What about the unsung sailors? What about those resigned individuals who, worn down after years of hints, huffs and sweet-talking, finally utter the fateful words: 'Oh, for God's sake, alright then!' In less time than it takes to hoist a mainsail, these women (for they are usually women) find themselves huddled nervously on the deck of a boat, trying to come to terms with the fact that yachts are supposed to tip over, and that this is good thing. There are a surprising number of these reluctant sailors. Most, like me, would prefer never to set foot on a boat but, driven by the need to see their sailing-mad partners on at least one weekend out of twenty, occasionally venture out onto the water. In my case, my 'Reluctant Sailor' status comes largely down to a fear of venturing into an alien environment, where I am not in control. I do not like not being in control. When a yacht tips over, I want to know that it ? that I! ? can do something to correct it. When we are picking our way through a narrow channel, I want to know how to avoid hitting unseen rocks or other boats, and when my children are sitting on deck, I want to know how to rescue them if they fall into the water. Education is the key and unfortunately this means that I, as the terrified new owner of a yacht, now face the prospect of learning to sail, so that I am not frightened of sailing. But my reluctance stems not only from fear. There are many other reasons why I have no interest in sailing. It is cold. It is wet. It is usually raining, and always uncomfortable. Be honest now. How many good nights' sleep have you ever had on a yacht? And yes, while there are around three days out of every year when weather, location and company combine to make sailing a blissful experience, does that really make up for the other 362 days when it is not? My husband thinks it does. And so, nine years after we exchanged our dinghy for a baby and a pair of patio doors, I have finally relented. We have bought a yacht. He is happy. The kids are happy. And I?. I have come up with some ground rules to keep me happy? The Force Four Rule ? The Reluctant Sailor will not set foot on the boat if the forecast even hints at winds above force 4. [This rule is an adaption of the existing 12 ° C rule for dinghy sailing] The Sunshine Rule ? The Reluctant Sailor will not go sailing if there is no prospect of sunshine over the period of the sailing expedition. The Anchorage Rule ? No anchorage will be acceptable to the Reluctant Sailor unless it is within 100 metres of a pub/restaurant/hotel, and preferably a small town with a guaranteed escape route. The Fair's Fair Rule ? The Sailing Fanatic will match every week/weekend that the Reluctant Sailor spends sailing with a week/weekend somewhere warm, dry and comfortable - preferably abroad. The Don't Shout Rule ? The Sailing Fanatic must not shout excitedly when asking the Reluctant Sailor to do something. The Reluctant Sailor reserves the right to tell the Sailing Fanatic where to stick his boat if he raises his voice. The Rain Rule ? Unless the presence of the Reluctant Sailor is required on deck to avoid capsize, collision or other near-death experience, the Sailing Fanatic will deal with all work on deck while it is raining. The Reluctant Sailor will be having coffee and Kit-Kat's in the cabin. The Maintenance Rule ? The Reluctant Sailor shall not be expected to maintain the boat under any circumstances. The words 'anti-fouling', 'sanding' and 'painting' are of absolutely no interest to the Reluctant Sailor. The Too Much Time Rule ? The Sailing Fanatic is not allowed to go into a huff when the Reluctant Sailor casually mentions that the Sailing Fanatic has spent the last four weekends 'fiddling with that wretched boat', and that the handsome divorcee from next door has moved in to keep the Reluctant Sailor company. The Packing Rule ? The Sailing Fanatic will keep his mouth firmly closed on the subject of packing for a sailing expedition. The Reluctant Sailor reserves the right to bring along anything and everything needed to sustain her through the ordeal, but will, if pushed, draw the line at the handsome divorcee from next door. The Children Rule ? The Reluctant Sailor will not be solely responsible for entertaining/controlling the children in the cramped and un-child friendly environs of a boat. The Sailing Fanatic wished for a family sailing experience and a family sailing experience he shall get. The Money Rule ? The Sailing Fanatic accepts that once the sailing budget is gone, it is gone. He will just have to wait for that essential bit of kit. Any suggestion that this is not fair will cut no ice with the Reluctant Sailor, who is perfectly aware of her moral high ground on the subject of sailing and money, and will calmly point to the outrageous expense of buying the bloody boat in the first place. ![]() |
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