How Do You Create Customer Loyalty?

Another sad fact of life is that these days, very few customers are loyal. Most of their loyalties lie with their bank accounts, and you can't blame people for watching their shrinking dollars. If you have regular clients, offer them an extra incentive now and again. Thank them for visiting and remember their names. Give them an additional discount for regular business or a promotional item to remember you & your business.

Be good to them and they will bring you new business. Treat them as you would a good fiend, especially if you meet on the street and discuss your business. Remember their birthdays. You can do this by starting a bithday club. Make special acknowledgments to your customers if you meet them at dinner parties or during a business functions.

When a customer has sent a referral your way, take the time to send a thank you card. These mean more to a person then you think. The fact that you took time out from your busy day to send a thank you will not be forgotten.

Think of more ways in which you can entice your customers to come back regularly and create customer loyalty.

Listen to your customers and send feedback as soon as possible. A satisfied customer makes for good business. Without them, you have no business. Also, treat their email addresses like GOLD. Never, ever share their personal information with anyone. They took the time to give you their email address don't take that for granted.

Sonia Colon is owner of a successful online specialty giftstore "Jimson Products".

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