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One of the Secrets of a Great Customer Experience
A few weeks ago we conducted our annual "Customer Experience Study Tour" in London England. This is where we take delegates to visit a number of leading Customer Experience companies for a behind-the-scenes look at how they approach the task of building a great Customer Experience. Companies include Prêt-a-manger, Virgin Atlantic, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, Dell Computers, T-Mobile, Lexus Cars, AOL and Microsoft. As we travelled around these companies on the luxury coach, I pondered what the common traits are of companies who provide a great Customer Experience. Undoubtedly one of these traits is "attention to detail". So let's give you an insight to what some of these companies did. Prêt-a-Manger told us about the absolute struggle they go through to make sure that all the ingredients in their sandwiches are additive free so as to enhance the taste of the sandwiches. This involves a great deal of searching to determine the best supplier, as well as extensive tasting. The time and money they spend on this activity is phenomenal and costs a great deal. But this is part of their attention to detail. Liam Lambert, Director of the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel told us of his "attention to detail". He wanted his doorman to stand out as "beacon's" to help promote the hotel - as it is on the less busy side of the street. He saw other hotel doormen who were all dressed in "grey" overcoats. This colour made them blend into their hotel buildings and act as great camouflage! Liam decided to dress his doorman in red! Truly a beacon! It worked! More people noticed than ever before. Liam told us about how he treats his new arrivals. Our group were privileged to attend and witness his "Morning Prayers". This is where all the managers from all the departments in the hotel get together EVERY MORNING and talk through EACH AND EVERY new guest that is arriving at the hotel that day. They look at who they are. They look at where they are coming from and therefore how likely they are to be tired for instance. They even get on their guests web site and try and find out more about the person coming to stay so that they can serve them better! Finally, if available on the web site, they will print a picture of the individual who is staying with them and place it on the "Guests Wall" so the staff can recognise the person by name! So do you go into that amount of detail with your customers? When a guest is staying with them they "learn their behaviour". They take note of the drinks they order, whether they like ice or not, whether they have a cappuccino or a Latte after a meal. This information is then recorded on what is effectively a CRM system and used to enhance the Customer Experience on the next occasion. This is attention to detail! On our visit to Virgin Atlantic they told us about the amount of time they have spent working out when the optimum time is to deliver hot towels in Upper Class! Before or after take off! They also have worked out the optimum layout of a service trolley and they have great new lie down beds in Upper class. As someone who spends a lot of time travelling around the world giving conference speeches, I can't wait to try them! Dell Computers have set up a number of "Listening Posts" to ensure they capture customer information and convert this into something that is usable by the customer. So attention to detail in Building Great Customer Experiences is key. The converse is also true. Lack of focus on the Customer Experience will detract from the Customer Experience. The other night I visited my local cinema. The "baby booster chairs" were left in the aisle so that when we entered the cinema, late, we nearly broke our necks falling over them! ??the massive queue to buy a ticket - only two tills were open but there were 3 people standing at the back chatting whilst 50 customers fumed. We have all had similar experiences. It takes thought, it takes time and it takes commitment to build a great Customer Experience. We commend you to pay attention to the detail Colin Shaw Founding Partner, Beyond Philosophy © Beyond Philosophy 2004 Ref.QR Colin Shaw is the Founding Partner of Beyond Philosophy and guru of the Customer Experience Management. He has also produced two most successful books on customer experience which are now available in market. His first book, Building Great Customer Experiences sold out within just eight weeks, is on a third reprint and available in paperback. Colin's second book, Revolutionize Your Customer Experience released in September 2004 and considered as Bible in Customer management business world. Colin has enjoyed over 20 years of experience working in blue chip companies, including Mars Ltd., Rank Xerox and BT. Colin's final position was Director of Customer Experience for one of the world's largest global companies. In his career, he has held senior positions in a number of different functional areas including Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Training. Contact Colin Shaw - Colin.shaw@beyondphilosophy.com
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Add Value - And Kill Mediocrity in Customer Service There are two kinds of customer service we all experience occasionally, outstanding customer service, and bad customer service. What we experience most of the time is mediocre customer service. Astonish your Customers With These Customer Service Tips Customer service today is getting worse. Win customers over and you build your business for life. Proven by the leader in the industry -- Nordstrom's. Nordstrom's customer service keeps improving and they continue to drive others out of business because of it. Here are six ways you can thrill customers and snatch a larger market share from your competitors. Customer Conversion Mistakes That Will Cost You The following are common mistakes that Sales Managers and Owners make in the sales process which could be costing you thousands or even hundreds of thousands in lost revenue. Learn to Anticipate Your Customers Needs This morning I was having breakfast with my good friend Diane at one of my favorite breakfast nooks. I enjoy the atmosphere there although I've been less than pleased with the customer service so far. 4 Things Your Clients Want From Your Company Sure, all clients are different. They have different kinds of strengths, weaknesses, cultures and goals. Even what blocks their efficiency and growth (blind spots) is different. Davis, Kingsley & Company has conducted hundreds of interviews and there are four strong themes that always emerge. Putting The Serve Back Into Customer Service Good service is easy to spot and hard-to-find. Mediocre service occasionally stands out but only because it's the cream-of-the-crap. Caring for Your Customers You probably think I am going to say something like, "The customer is always right." Right?? Wrong. Clients... and 38 ways to communicate with them As Alan Weiss (guru to the savvy consultant) says: Why Passenger Surveys are a Transport Operators Best Friend Public transport operators who already use passenger surveys may not fully appreciate the multiple benefits that surveys can bring. Not only are surveys an efficient method of market research that will help identify areas of passenger dissatisfaction, they are also perfect for measuring the effects of improvements and can, at the same time, help promote new initiatives to customers using the service. Increase Sum in Your Check Account with Follow-Ups We'll be examining what makes follow up to prospects/customers so important on our online world today. Courting Customers - From First Date to Marriage Landing a new client is like courting a potential spouse. The first date is usually a make or break situation and if the door is still open, the work has just begun. Like dating, you'd better give your prospect a pretty good reason to meet with you again, because there is usually more than one suitor. How to Win the Hearts of Your Customers and Friends Those of us doing business over the internet have to become especially adept at our listening and speaking skills since we don't have the luxury of talking with our customers face to face. It's especially important to give those on the phone extra attention - listening to their voice, because that is the only thing you have to go on, to sense their emotion. You can't observe their body language or their eyes like you can in person. They have the same limitations in listening to us. A great method to use when talking on the phone to come across as being really interested is to raise your eyebrows and smile as you talk. It will give you voice a lift. Try it on one your friends. It really works. It makes you sound very cheerful, etc. The thing is, they can't see you either, so you have to work a bit harder to let them know that you're really with them. They can't see you smile, so they have to hear the warmth of your heart through your voice. If you practice, it'll start to come naturally to you. Are You Satisfying Your Customers? The latest report from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (Michigan School of Business) reports the following: Renewing Customer Loyalty Every business loses customers, but not many do much about getting them back. And that is a big mistake. Studies show that the average business looses 20 percent of its customer base each year. Whats The Customer Service Buzz About Your Business? If you're a regular reader of my column you know that my number one pet peeve is bad customer service. Nothing chaps my backside more than paying hard-earned money for a product or service only to have the provider of said product or service become apathetic, obnoxious or just downright rude after the transactional smoke has cleared. Do You Want More Profits? - Follow The Golden Rules Of Providing Good Customer Service Last night I was at my computer and a Skype chat window opened up with a link in it from a stranger. I clicked the link and was taken to one of those "You would have to be crazy to pass up this business opportunity" sites. You know, the kind with great testimonials and it seems too good to be true possible outcomes. All it takes is a few hours a day and you can be pulling in thousands of dollars! Wow, sounds great. Of course there was no mention of what the business actually is. Communicating for Profit and Customer Satisfaction The President of a 200+ store division of a major retailer learned of a serious communication problem and commented that 'this was to be expected in large organizations'. Well, that clears everything up. Many retail executives don't believe that communication is important enough to get it right by coming up with a methodology that will ensure accurate and timely communication to field personnel. They don't think communication is an issue that will affect the business one way or the other. They readily accept mediocrity in their communication methods because their organization is 'large'. How interesting. You've got to wonder?does this extend to other critical areas of their business such as customer service and product quality? Does it extend to their employment practices and their commitment to labor standards? Does 'large' mean cumbersome, ineffective and inefficient? Writing The Book On Great Customer Service Q: One of the big chain bookstores recently opened up near my small book store. Already I can see my business starting to decline. Is there anything I can do to compete with the bigger store or should I just accept the inevitable? -- Peter Q. Make Your Customer Your Friend The simplest way to describe a 'durian' (pronounced doo-ree-ann) is to say it's a yellowish-green fruit about the size of an mid-sized watermelon. It has a thick skin of spikes, and a rich bitterish-sweet fruit. In the Villa of the Sick Cat -- A Lesson in Customer Care If you're a pet owner, you know the stress of having a sick pet and you know that having a great veterinarian is a wonderful thing. My cat, Zoe, came down with a nasty infection that had me racing off to the vet's office last week with an unhappy, howling kitty in tow. (She's doing much better now.) ![]() |
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