Customer Service Information
How CRM Software Works -- Creating Customer Satisfaction with a Click
When people ask, ?What is CRM?? the literal answer is, ?Customer
Relationship Management,? but that doesn?t really convey much in terms of what
all CRM does for a business. This CRM definition is too narrow to really
explain everything the system does if it is working to its fullest potential and
is user-friendly enough to expand and grow as a customer-client relationship
changes and grows.
The Logic of Emotion!
Homebuyers are an interesting study. Watching people make their home buying decisions has brought me to the conclusion that every decision that every one of us makes is based in emotion. You heard me, it's all about the emotion. Before you deny what I am describing to you, let me begin with me.
You MUST Sweat the Small Stuff
It's The Little Things That Make or Break a Small Business
One Critical Question to Ask Yourself Every Day
What happened to the old saying, the customer is always right? I?ll bet every one of you reading this article has a ?customer service nightmare? story to tell. My most recent nightmare experience took place recently when my business partner and I went in to a wireless phone store to purchase two new pda wireless phones. We told the young man who greeted us that we had only one question: is this phone compatible with the database software we intend to purchase? ?I don?t know,? he said, ?Most customers do the research on this before they come in.? We politely requested that if he didn?t know, he find the answer. He told us we could call the company ourselves, that he didn?t have time to be put on hold with them. As you can imagine, we left without spending what we felt was a significant sum of money. And of course we?ve told at least 10 other people about the disappointing service at that particular store.
Minimize The Pain of Check Recovery
$350 million in bad checks are written each and every week. That fact alone makes bad checks a serious problem for American businesses. It is almost inevitable that, if your business accepts checks, you have been affected by this. As well as being stuck with bank fees for depositing a bad check - and the very real possibility that the bad check could impact your bottom line - there is the time, aggravation and cost associated with recovering the funds. It is often the case that recovering the check can incur more in costs than the value of the original debt. Inevitably, many smaller businesses write off bad checks, believing that they cannot afford to pursue the debt. However, there are a number of ways your business can fight back and minimize the pain of bad check recovery.
5 Ways Customer Service Managers are Implementing to Increase Customer Focus
According to a Forum Corporation survey of commercial customers lost by 14 major service and manufacturing companies:
10 Customer Service Quality Statements to Measure up Against
It might sound quick and simple, to say how well your business does in
satisfying it's customers. Hearing such as:-"We're increasing our
turnover by 14% year to date""Our customer complaints are now less
than 4% or our transactions"...might sound like music to your
ears, but that's just the time you need to be very careful.A regular
measurement of where you are as your organisation, not depending on some of the
easy-to-fake figures, might just make the difference in how well you are doing
now, and into the future.Try these quality statements and set up a
mechanism whereby you review them monthly - yes, that's right, monthly. This
needs to be thorough and objective. And maybe even the scores made by a cross-
section of your people in all areas of your business - then you get objectivity
and a true picture of how you are scoring. It is a great activity to score each of
these out of 10, make a tracker month by month and each time you review, ask
yourself the question:-"What would we need to do to move our score up
by 3 points"Do it point by point and then, after you have that
3-point question, work out a monthly action plan, so that step-by-step, you
gradually improve. (Note:- If you are too near a score out of 10 to have three points to go - upgrade your statement!).Then and only then will your improvement be sustainable and
you can reset the questions over time to a higher standard. Then you truly will
be The Best in class!The Quality Statements:-
We use a variety of staff to monitor customer service on a regular and consistent basis
We know and can clearly state our customer groups
We listen to customers about our products and proactively seek to redress issues
We notice and congratulate our people and teams when they perform well
Senior management are fully and visibly engaged in customer activities
Our people enjoy the challenge of changes
Our organisation and our people have aligned values
Our customers find working with us easy and pleasurable
We know how our people feel about working here and always respond to make it better
We have teams and individuals who can respond quickly to changes circumstances, whatever they are
Keep a track of these - visually represent it somewhere very publicly for your
people. Involve many of your them in monitoring, finding solutions and
taking accountability for change, where needed and your business, your people and
you will thrive.One final point. Starting is good, being able to demonstrate your
success in 12 months is another thing - as is still doing this review at that time.
DONT Give Your Customers What They Want!
One of the mantras we hear repeatedly in business is "The customer is always right." I'm here to tell you that if you want to build a thriving business you need to forget that saying, and take note of Payne's Law #1 "The customer is always right- some of the time." I'll explain why in a minute.
How to Keep Customers
Who was it that said - "The customer is always right"? Well
for those of you who can't get through the day without
knowing, it was H Gordon Selfridge, the founder of
Selfridges's department store in London.
Over Delivering Provides Big Results
Over promising is a problem only when you under deliver. There are a number of ways that you can overdeliver to your customers or prospects, and as a result create a win-win situation for you both. They will be provided with some additional value, while you will be upgrading your learning around a particular issue, adding another product or service to your business, or even increasing the mastery level of your craft.
How to Easily Increase Your Profits
Do you remember the last time you went into a shop and the person ?serving? raced over to you, greeted you with a lovely smile, heaps of enthusiasm and said, ?Welcome to our store, what can I help you with today?? And then listened attentively to what you had to say?
Become a Customer Enthusiasm-Guru!
One thing all successful small business owners have in common is the knowledge that their business is based on enthusiastic customers. Despite their multi-tasking titles of bookkeeper, service provider and sales-manager, their most important title is Customer-Enthusiasm Guru.
Establishing Yourself as an Expert in the Eyes of Your Customers
The most important aspect of a successful business is developing the correct mindset toward your customers. And this is not the over used phrase The customer is always right. Actually the correct mindset we are referring to here is to always think in terms of benefits for your customers. The highly successful businessperson thinks of ways to show interest in their customers even before they come into their store.
Customer Service: Stop Sabotaging Your Customer Relationships
If you've called for customer service recently you're familiar with this recorded message "This call may be recorded or monitored for quality purposes." I immediately think to myself, "Oh great, here comes the game of 20 questions."
Customer Satisfaction Is Your Business
Regardless of what business you are in - you are really in the business of satisfying customers. The degree of customer satisfaction you deliver determines the level of long-term success you will achieve in business.
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We Sell For Less and Our Stores Are a Mess!
What kind of image do you present when marketing your products? Are you professional and well organized or does your store/site/whatever scream, "sloppy!," to those who matter the most: your customers? Let's see how one leading retailer is winning the sales war, but losing an important battle: store organization.
Revealed ? A Simple Formula For Success! Exceeding Expectations
Delight = Customer Expectation plus 1. This was the simple formula for delighting your customers that Ken Blanchard informed us of in his book "Raving Fans"
How to Succeed in Business Without Compromising Your Integrity
I spent some twenty years in the corporate world, for much of it I was not particularly interested in spirituality. It was a world where profits reigned supreme, often with little respect for the rest of society.
Customer Service - How Good Are YOU?
At 8.30 am a wealthy client (on his way to make a presentation to the local council at 9 am) walked into a store that sells photocopiers. They also provide a copy service. He wanted to make a back-up copy of his lengthy presentation.
From Scowl to Smile: 5 Practical Steps to Instill Exceptional Customer Service
Whether in a restaurant, a retail establishment, or the local post office, we have all experienced a decline in customer service. Rarely do smiling, happy employees interact with us anymore. Instead, the person we are dealing with in face-to-face relationships does not even attempt to feign a smile, but rather greets us with a scowl, completely avoids eye contact with us, and grudgingly mutters responses to our requests and questions.
When did customer service cease to exist? Why is it suddenly so difficult for employees to show customers some common courtesy along with a little friendliness? Have we ventured so far from the service standards of yesteryear and become so shortsighted that we refuse to treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves?
4 Myths about Customer Value
The purpose of business is to create and retain a customer.
Carpet Cleaning in Surrey
Like any business, carpet and upholstery cleaning requires excellent customer service and great value for money.
There are a number of ways in which one can obtain these.
People have studied the art of customer service for many years, striving to find the right balance between giving hte best service they can, while still making a profit large enough to survive on.
Why You Should Always Honour Your Guarantees - Even When The Customer Is In The Wrong
The Reason Why Direct Internet Marketers Have To Work So Hard To Earn Our Trust
Putting The Service Back In Customer Service
The future of customer service is here. Technology has made
seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has
your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name
of automation?
Customers Who Rave About You and Your Service
According to customer service studies by marketing gurus of the world, here are the following qualities, which must be present in your life and your business in order to develop raving fan customers who are not just satisfied but completely loyal to you over the long haul.
It?s Customer Service Stupid: Delivering Customer Service Training That Sticks
"Society is always taken by surprise at any new example of common sense."
We Got It Wrong: Never Under Promise & Over Deliver
You know how it is, you believe something for so long, everyone agrees with you, all the books tell you it's true and then suddenly you have a blinding revelation - we've all been duped! You know like my gorilla mates were? (If you're not sure about my gorilla mates then you really need to read the book - we've got a great offer on at the moment!)
Customer First Customer Service
The world of customer service is rapidly changing. Thirty years ago, telephones and mail services were the norm for most companies. Now, faxes, email and web sites offer more options to customers than they've ever had before. It takes a dedicated team to keep loyal customers coming back and new clients coming in.
What You Need to Know About CRM
1. It's all about the customer. Some companies focus too much on expensive CRM programs and elaborate IT departments and not enough on what is at the core of CRM. CRM programs need to be designed to appeal to the business' customers. The best Call Centers are the ones which customers find easy to navigate. The best CRM vendors have the customer satisfaction in mind when designing their CRM applications.
How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back -- Understanding Customer Retention
Why do some businesses offer points, stamps or every tenth coffee for free?
Customer Feedback: Everyone has an Opinion - USE IT!
Have you ever been in a department store and known exactly what you were looking for but couldn't locate any staff to help you find it? Think of your website as your very own department store, and your contact numbers, email addresses, and FAQ's navigational buttons as your staff. Without these handy interaction tools, your purchaser will get frustrated and E-shop somewhere else.
Identify Your Silent Customer Service Message
With the growing number of people in every business sector,
doing business requires creativity and ingenuity. The
entrepreneur that understands the importance of thinking
differently is the entrepreneur that sees their businesses
growing. However, too many business owners are relying on
the old ways of doing or packaging their products and services.
Whether retail or service oriented, old clichés and techniques
no longer work.
Mexico: Online Ordering?Dont!
I got it into my head sometime in December 2004 that I wanted order a laptop computer. I thought I would get one from the hugely popular computer company that allows you to call their 800 number and custom order what you want. Presto, like magic, it appears at your doorstep in days.
Setting Up a Customer of the Week Program for a Mobile Car Wash
In a mobile detail or mobile car wash business you are on a first name basis with your customers. You sink or swim with your ability to please your customer and rely on them to build your business by referring their friends, associates and neighbors. One excellent way to insure referrals is to set up a "Customer of the Week Program." Here are some pointers to help you do just that.
Have You Hugged a Customer Today?
It all started a couple of weeks ago when a friend asked me if I could scan and print some of her slides. No problem, I said.