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Do You Have The One Key Ingredient Necessary For Disaster Recovery?
It is not rocket science, we all know that we should have a disaster recovery plan in place for our business regardless of its size. When disaster strikes, it seldom discriminates on the size of the company. Every business is vulnerable. Whether the disaster is a hurricane, tornado or the latest virus or worm unleashing fury on your computers and databases, every business faces risks. A small business is seldom immune, and in many cases a small business is the most vulnerable of all businesses because they simply aren't prepared for disasters. Large corporations allocate resources (staff and budgets) and are as a whole more prepared to face the unexpected. Most of the fortune 500 companies have disaster recovery plans in place to insure the continuity of their businesses. So, what's the key ingredient necessary to recovery from a disaster with the least amount of damage to the business? It's really very simple. The key ingredient is a having a plan before the disaster strikes. It is virtually impossible, to be organized and strategically think through and implement a disaster recovery plan while in the throws of a disaster. However, when all conceivable disasters have been imagined and contingency plans are calmly and methodically implemented in advance, a company has a tremendous advantage. Contingencies are now in place to fall back on when and if a disastrous event occurs. You are beginning to get the picture. Protecting the company assets and sustaining the least amount of damage, is simply a matter of planning and making that plan known to all corners of the corporation. It is importing to oversee properly implemented prior to any need. This is business continuity in a nutshell, and business continuity is becoming more and more important as we move into the new millennium. Business continuity, for the small entrepreneur, doesn't have to be as complicated as we try to make it. A few simple questions can help you determine how extensive your disaster recovery system needs to be. One of the first questions to ask is what would happen to the business if all of the data processed in the last hour was lost? How hard would it be to recover if you lost all of the data over the last 24 hours? Or what about losing a week's worth of data? If you are a banker, or a stock broker, losing even hour's worth of data would be unacceptable. You can imagine the nightmares that would cause! However, if you are a shoe store, losing data for a day would be inconvenient, but not tragic. These types of questions will help you determine the level of risk your company can live with, and how to move forward in your planning. If data recovery is essential to your business, experts in this field are available to make sure you have done all that can be done to minimize any damage that could be caused from a disaster of any type. Expert disaster recovery planners and business continuity planners are trained to help find solutions that are not obvious. It is not necessary to re-invent the wheel! If you are like most small entrepreneurs, you are probably able to put a perfectly good plan in place on your own. Take a few minutes and imagine the most disastrous event that could happen to your small business right now ? Do you have a plan as to how your small business would attempt to recover? A scary thought, but isn't it something that you should take a minute to consider and plan for. This enables you to put into place NOW the very things that you would want and need to have at the time of the disaster. Pre-disaster planning makes recovering from the unthinkable possible. If you fail to plan, you can plan to fail. It is simple. Don't think planning for disasters are something to put off until you have nothing else to do. The success of your small business may depend on your taking the time now to review your situation carefully and consider all of the worst case possibilities for disasters that you hope never happen. Remember, disasters don't make appointments to happen! What can I do if I didn't do my disaster recovery planning? The most common disaster for a company is not the Tsunami or the hurricane, but the simple loss of data. Computer crashes, hard drive failures, and software malfunctions cost corporations millions of dollars every day. Disaster recoveries are completely dependent on the reliability of the backup systems in place at the time of disaster. Server disaster recovery software is available for those caught without a plan or those who failed to properly implement a data backup plan. It is not always reliable, and often a very costly solution for a business. So, why take the risk. Consider your business continuity planning a top priority. If a disaster should strike, you will be very glad you did! Renee Rich is a success entrepreneur and freelance writer offering guidance and suggestions for small to mid-sized businesses concerned with business continuity, time management, strategic internet marketing, business & money. Her many articles on these topics can be found at http://www.business-continuity-4u.com She gives information and tips to help grow your business, save money, and make informed buying decisions. You can find more information at: http://www.business-continuity-4u.com/business_&_money.htm
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Data Recovery Every person who uses a personal computer will eventually face the challenge of data recovery. Computer hardware and software can be temperamental from time to time. Hard drives and other mechanical components of personal computers and servers do not last forever, and when they fail recovering your data can be difficult, time consuming and costly. Backup Your Data Or Lose Your Life! Oh the perils of collecting those precious photos on your PC for years, only to have your hard drive crash one day, and not have made a SINGLE BACKUP COPY of any of your priceless pictures. Well, now is the time to backup your hard drive. A few simple steps will set you on your way?so let's not think about it anymore: let's DO it. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery - Risk Analysis and Control In the risk evaluation phase, there are a number of key areas that must be covered. One of the most important is to understand probable threats. In an ideal world, which most of us have noticed does not exist, we would identify and protect ourselves against all threats to ensure that our business continues to survive. Obviously, we are constrained by other factors such as budgets, time and priorities and need to apply cost benefit analysis to ensure we are protecting the most critical business functions. The Importance of Data Backups All computers and their components are subject to failure. In fact sooner or later every business will be confronted with some type of computer failure. The largest threat to businesses during a failure will be some type of data loss or data corruption. While the causes of data loss and data corruption vary, not all are easily fixed. Learn How To Make Data Backup Over The Internet! Why should you backup your data on the Internet? Computer Data Backups: Test Now or Cry Later If you're like most small business owners, your computer data backups are one of those things that you rarely pay attention to. Computer data backups are kind of like flossing your teeth and eating low-fat, high-fiber foods? everyone knows what they're supposed to do? but how many REALLY do these things religiously?!? Data Recovery - You Can Get It Back! Data recovery is a process whereby you can save data and files you accidentally deleted, had eaten by malicious software or viruses, hardware failures, corporate espionage and many more scenarios. Most people believe that when the hard drive crashes their world ends also, but that's not usually the case. In fact 85% of the time the data is recoverable, and at far less trouble and expense than you might fear at first. Data Recovery The Easy Way If you aren't prepared in advance, you will most likely have to use a data recovery service or data recovery software solution to help get back as much as you can of what was lost. This can be a very good idea if there is no other way to recover your files, but it doesn't have to come to that in most cases. How to Effectively Back Up Your Data What to backup, and what to lose 9 Things to Look for when Considering Data Backup Solutions It's one thing to loose data and money because of hackers and thieves of various kinds; it's a different thing again when it's because you didn't back up your data properly or not at all. Value your data! Whether it's that critical business document, your thesis, your website or your home accounts and precious photo's. Data Recovery Processes Six months ago my computer crashed. When I turned my computer on it would not load Windows XP and so I could not get into my two hard drive files. As an author and writer of ebooks, I had all my files in two hard drives without any other backup. At first, I panic. The thought of losing all my data files and writings was unthinkable. Then I got angry with myself for letting myself get into this situation. Data Backup Solution: Why You Need a Backup Plan in Place ? Part 1 Is a data backup solution part of your computer plans? Do you have a way to protect yourself if something goes wrong with your computer or data? Computers are a useful part of our lives but we don't always protect ourselves from their loss be it fire, theft or hardware failure. Big Time Disaster Recovery Solutions Available for the Little Guy There was a time - not too long ago - that Data Disaster Recovery solutions were available only in the domain of multinational corporations and big business in general. However, with the proliferation of high speed internet access and the ability to store large amounts of data in a much more cost effective manner due to plummeting storage costs, the ability to perform a secure backup of data to a remote location engineered specifically for the purpose of securely storing massive amounts of information is now in the reach of the general public. 3 Ways Computers Can Hurt Your Ministry - Part 1 - Ineffective Data Backups Our computers have become almost indispensable ministry tools. What would you do if the worst happened and you had to function without your computers? Would your ministry survive? Online Data Backups for Newbies How long have you been doing business online? Whether you are new or an old timer you need to understand the one important truth of the e-world. That being that the largest threat to business survival is data loss. Are The Words Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning Rolling Off Your Lips? It might be more fun to talk about those free online business cards that are saving the company money, or those nifty designer business checks that are helping to solidif your branding efforts at the next staff meeting, but what really should be rolling off your lips are the words "business continuity and disaster recovery planning". Nothing is more important to a company than having a comprehensive recoveery plan in place prior to when disaster strikes. The framework for disaster recovery and business continuity planning will be different for every company. But every company needs to have a plan. ![]() |
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