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Fatal Flaws- How to Have a Happy Relationship and Keep Your Values Intact
If you are knee deep in trying to find a relationship, maintain or sustain a relationship then you need to think seriously about your Fatal Flaws. Not your own mind you, but those that are demonstrated by that really cute guy/girl you are considering getting into "bed" with, literally and figuratively. Fatal Flaws are the deal breakers for you. They are traits that given a cool head and some common sense, you would say to yourself and anyone else who might listen, "there is no way I could ever be with someone who does this"! Sometimes, you can be alerted to these Fatal Flaws, with your early warning system - Red Flags, but once the Pheromones and Endorphins have been released, and you've started to fall into never never land, those Fatal Flaws don't seem quite so important anymore. Wait a minute Coach Frankie, if we know this, what can we do to stop it? Well my friend, that's what is coming next, but first, a little lesson in science called "know thyself"! I want you to take a reality check right now, and I want you to promise that for the next 10 minutes you will think with cool reason instead of with the heat of passion. Right now you are an objective observer of human behavior, a sociologist in Relationship Land. As scientists, (remember this from Grade 9) we need to state a hypothesis. Well our Hypothesis states that " A leopard can't change his spots", people for the most part do not change their core "behavior" Their modus operendi so to speak. So given this as our hypothesis, I want you to make a table of columns and write down on one side- behaviors that you do not want your mate to demonstrate EVER, and on the other side, the traits that you are looking for in your dream mate Fatal flaws Dream Mate Lying Always tells the truth Cheating Believes in fidelity Coach potatoe Exercises daily I think you get the idea. When you first meet someone, they may seem perfect at first blush, but it is important to look for the signs on their landscape that will tell you a bit about your future with them. Really listen when they speak. Do they make derogatory comments about other races? Is this something you can live with or not? For me, this would be a fatal flaw. Do they smoke? Unfortunately, this would be a fatal flaw for me as well, unless they were prepared to quit immediately. I don't want the heartache of falling for someone who smokes knowing that I can't stand it. Remember I said to know thyself? Well I know that I would always be on their back to quit and would turn into an unpleasant nag. That is not who I want to be in a relationship and I am sure that this is not an image that you would want to project either. How do you stop it? Learn to know yourself and your own behaviors. Once you have finished filling in your table, post it somewhere close by and be true to it. You don't need someone so badly that you have to compromise your values to have them. I KNOW YOU DON"T!!! No one does. Be true to yourself. Know in advance what you are willing to compromise on, and what you are not. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! I cannot stress this enough. When the first red flag appears- ASK your "friend" about it. It may be a misunderstanding and it may not. If it is not a misunderstanding, then bail out,do it quickly and cleanly. This is for your own good. In the end, you will save yourself months of torment and anguish. When it comes to relationships, it is ok to be selfish. I don't mean that you should be selfish in a relationship, but I do mean you should be selfish (remember that wish list we just completed) while searching for one. Coach Frankie Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. anonymous Frankie Picasso is an Entrepreneur and Customer Service Expert who has spent the past 20 years in Marketing and Customer Service consulting for both Public and Private Sector organizations. She is now a Motivational Speaker, Certified Master Trainer Coach in Leadership and Executive Business Coaching as well as a Professional Certified Life Coach with her company called Conversation with My Shoes.
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Why Do So Many People Date Online? Once upon a time, online dating was a last resort, a joke of sorts for singles. Today, that is no longer the case. Millions of singles are now looking online for relationships. The reasons behind this new trend in dating are numerous. Dating Personals! Incredibly Successful, But How Does It Work? Dating personals offer online dating singles a quick and easy path to quality matchmaking features, and it has become incredibly successful! Dating online services have produced exciting dating tools that help you establish an online romance in the comforts of your home! Dating: How & Where To Meet Single, Alluring, Sexy & Beautiful Women Of Your Dreams Are you a lonely man? Creating a Great Online Dating Profile First impressions are important, which is why it is essential to create an appealing, but honest profile of yourself. After all, this is the only information that a potential suitor has to go on initially and the decision on whether or not to contact you will be based upon what he or she reads in your profile. A great photo alone is not enough. After all, would you really want someone to choose you based purely on the way that you look rather than the person you are? Meeting Other Singles By Doing Something You Love Meet Other Singles by Doing Something You Love Top Ten Ways to Set Appropriate Expectations for Dating 1) Give yourself time to get back into the groove of dating Overcoming Your Nervousness About Talking to Women Standing at the magazine rack thumbing through Cosmo, she has the most gorgeous face you've ever seen. Her hair is silky blond. Her skin looks so radiant and so incredibly soft. You would be on top of the world if you could pick her this girl up. From Friend To Boyfriend One of the most frequent questions I am asked is "How do I go from being a friend to being a boyfriend?". I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that this is easy to do, but it can be done. The best way to avoid getting into a situation like this in the future is to show a romantic interest in each attractive woman you meet immediately, that way you will never end up in the "friends category". However, many of you may already be classified as a "friend" to a woman that you are interested in starting a relationship with. If that is the case, this is what you need to do: Summertime and New Romance The tempertures are rising and romances are in full bloom as we move into the summer months of adventures, vacations and new beginnings. Men On Dating- Timing, Turn-offs and Keepers Dear Relationship Coach- Lonely Expats Looking for Valentines Love Being an expat in a foreign country where you don't speak the language is hard at the best of times. And if you're single with the most romantic day of the year looming, what do you do? Dating After Fifty Dating at an older age is not too hard. And it can be a lot of fun especially with internet dating. And, today to find a date on the web is an accepted and safe form of dating. Got Attitude? Probably you do have attitude, but what is it? Jaded, self-protective? Frightened? Is "scared to death" too strong? Your Online Personal Ad- Write For Success! Where are all the good men/women? You go to parties, sign up for various activities and ask friends and family if they know anyone they can introduce you to. Yet, your dating life has been more than a little disappointing. What is a guy/girl supposed to do to find quality people? Use The Boyfriending Technique To Get The Girl In order for a typical woman to have sex with a man, she must have feelings of comfort and trust. It is not enough for her to simply feel attraction for the guy. Dating Advice: Common Interest Results in Happy Marriages How often do your married friends complain about husbands who spend weekends on the couch watching games? Did they not notice these guys were sports fanatics while they were dating? Did they think things would change after the wedding? Adult Dating: Friend or Foe - Your Sex Life and the Internet! There was a time when finding a date, partner, lover or playmate online was frowned upon. It was for people who couldn't get a date any other way! Oh how things have changed?not only can you sign up to a site listing thousands of singles who match your height, size, location and taste in food?now you can choose your sex partners too. Where Should You Go On The First Date? One of the most frequently asked questions in the history of dating (with the exception of the caveman who was a firm believer in kidnapping and always took his date to a filthy cave) is where should one go on a first date. For starters, there are several places you shouldn't even think about going on a first date. They are listed below in order of "you'll die alone" rankings. Is Online Dating For You After A Divorce? Until Death Do You Part?That certainly was a lie. Your spouse got the house, a younger you, and you got the children. Definitely not an even split there. 10 Tips for Succeding in Dating! Generally the most important step when dating someone is the anticipation moment which refers to your own decisions and also the prepairing for dating someone. And as the most important aspects are also the most difficult ones, people generally leave them aside or neglect them and this always proves to be harmful for a relationship. This is the exact purpose of this article: to make people understand the importance of this first prepairing for dating and to propose some ways to turn it into something unbelievable: ![]() |
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