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Compliments - A Very Powerful Dating Tool!
Giving a compliment can be a very powerful tool when dating women. Of course, too many compliments can also make you look desperate and needy. There needs to be a happy medium. So, what is the key? As outlined in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" you need to give a compliment from a position of power. If you can master this one form of communication then she will see you as a powerful person and continue to crave your attention and approval. For instance, a well placed compliment can put her in a good frame of mind for accepting you. The best compliment is on something she would have put a lot of time and effort into. Something most guys would not even notice. Making this sort of compliment will set you apart from the pack. And, put you in her good graces. For example, say she has added highlights to her hair. Tell her how good it makes her look. You will want to do this calmly and with a playful attitude, be sure not to seem to needy or desperate. Make sure to say it like you mean it. If you don't sound sincere, the compliment will be rendered useless and she will consider it false. With pretty women you should try to avoid compliments on their looks. While I'm sure she may appreciate it, you can be sure every loser trying to get her attention is telling her the same thing. You on the other hand want to stand out. You want to be thought of as being different standing away from the pack. So when speaking with a pretty women be witty and funny. Make her laugh, then as she's laughing tell her how beautiful her smile is. Look her right in the eyes and say "My you have such a beautiful smile!" Do not dwell on her smile or the compliment. Move on talking about something else. But, remember, only attempt this compliment after you've been witty and funny and you've made her smile. Also, know a bit about women's fashion. Is she wearing something that's ultra chic, is her jewelry really different. Find something about her that no other guy is going to notice. Don't compliment her every single time you see her, because you have nothing to say is not a time for a compliment. To provide the most power, compliments must be used sparingly and delivered sincerely. Best of Luck! Marie Clare specializes in writing about Dating, Relationships and Romance. Check out her lastest Best Selling eBook "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" plus reviews of the Best Online Dating Sites, FREE Articles, Tips and Advice at http://www.lifematesnow.com
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Black Professional, Educated, And Self-Reliant Woman - Why Am I Still Single? Today there are many single women over the age of thirty. The 2000 Census Bureau recorded that 2,219,489 women between the ages of 30 and 34 have never married. First Date ? Tips for Men You are on your way to your first date with her. Probably a blind date. Here are some basic things you need to know, in order to make it a successful one or what you should do if things go wrong. Online Dating Dating has become easier for everyone due to the emergence and success of online dating websites. You can choose the site that suits you best, look for people who have the features you desire along with common interests and contact them immediately. Some dating sites are featuring their own instant messaging for members to instantly communicate with each other. This is a great way to make contact and get excited about a new 'date'. 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Before you could say something, she has left already. Dating Rules - Show Tolerance, be Easy You should show a tolerant and open-minded attitude towards many subjects. Imagine the following sentences: ![]() |
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