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Dress for Dating Success: Clothes to Attract the Man of Your Dreams
In order to attract the man of your dreams, it helps to dress in a way that honors your beautiful body. When I use the word "honor," I don't mean you should dress like a nun or hide yourself in an ankle-length skirt and a turtleneck. But you should wear only clothes that make the best of your unique shape. Too many fleshy women (and there are lots of men who prefer robust females over skimpier lasses) are currently wandering the planet in low-rise jeans and tank tops, which results in a phenomenon known as "muffin top." In other words, they're walking around with a wedge of flab over their waistbands. Not a good look. Before you hop on whatever trend they're pushing in InStyle magazine, ask yourself if the look works for you and your beautiful body. I once read an interview with the actress Sela Ward, in which she said she chooses clothes to show off her amazing flat stomach but avoids items that expose her flabby thighs. You see, nobody's perfect! The key is to emphasize what you do have and to detract from what you don't. Buy only the clothes that you know you'll put on over and over again because they make you feel fantastic. Think twice about any garment heralded by women's magazines as "must-have" items. The only "must-haves" in life are oxygen and self-esteem. Which brings me to my next subject: When you go out to a club, a bar or a party, you will notice that 3/4 of the other women are half naked. Yes, some of them look quite good half naked (while the other half look quite scary), but dressing provocatively often attracts the very guys a woman would do better to avoid. Put it this way: If you don't leave anything to the imagination, you usually attract a guy with no imagination. At the end of the day, you don't want to attract a guy because he thinks you're hot. You want to attract a guy who likes you for you. Dress sexily but subtly. You don't want your clothes to scream, "I gotta find me a man tonight!" Dress comfortably. If you feel comfortable, you'll look comfortable, and that's sexy. Here's an example: Once upon a time I went to the beach with some friends who actually have melanin in their skin. They took to their blankets in their cute bikinis, while I (so pale I make Snow White look like Grace Jones) sat beside them wearing Levis, a long-sleeved shirt, and sunglasses. Out of nowhere, a gorgeous, well-toned man appeared (the type of guy you see in suntan lotion commercials) and asked me, the freak on the beach, what I was reading. "Wuthering Heights," I said. "Really?" he asked. "I just finished Jane Eyre." And so began a little romance. Still bewildered, I told my male friend B. this story years later. I didn't understand why this Adonis chose Glow-in-the-Dark Terry over the dark lovelies in bikinis. "I understand completely," B. responded. "The beach was crawling with girls in bikinis, and you presented something else. A little mystery." "In a pair of Levis?" "Yeah," he said. "The guy probably thought, this girl is different. I want to talk to her." Does this mean you should throw away your bikini? Heck, no, especially if you look good in it. But the point is, be true to yourself. Dress to make the very best of your unique and beautiful body. You'll attract men who are looking for someone special for a change. Terry Hernon MacDonald is the author of "How to Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams." Visit her website at http://www.marrysmart.com. Check out her blog at http://happygirlmusing.blogspot.com.
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The Traditional Jewish Dating In as much as they want to preserve the moral and ethical values of each Jew, Jewish tradition demand that dating between men and women in the concept of premarital relationship should stop at the point of physical contact. Jewish law clearly states that when a young woman begins menstruating, she entices herself in the status of "nidah" or the point when no men can show any physical contact, until the day of her marriage. The law adds that "just prior to her marriage ceremony she removes the nidah status, in accordance with Jewish law, by immersing herself in the waters of a mikveh (a body of water used only for spiritual sanctification), and may then be approached by her husband." Furthermore, after the ceremony, the woman assumes the nidah once again "with each onset of a menstrual period, and marital relations must then be suspended until she immerses herself, once more, in a mikveh, at least one week after the completion of each menstrual period." From Pen Pal Romance to Online Dating While dating in person usually starts with physical attraction, dating online or pen pal romance often starts with the echo of souls. When the appearance and thoughts are in harmony, we fall in love and have a happy ending. Your heart was pounding when you saw the smiles on her eyelashes. You could have a sleepless night after reading his emails. Whether you find your date online or in person, you could end up with a true love or a broken heart. Pen pal romance or online dating wouldn't change how men and women love, it changes the way how they fall in love. Donald Trump and the Apprentice Rules Applied to Dating I was reading an article about the Apprentice and some of the rules that Donald Trump and his apprentice assistants had come up with about business. While reading a lot of them I saw a huge relation to how these same rules also apply to dating as crazy as it might sound. 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You both had a great time (or at least you thought he did!). You said goodnight, and he said he'd call you. ![]() |
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