Online Dating: 4 Dating Mistakes You Must Avoid

Did you catch the dating mistakes made during episode one of ABC's Hooking Up documentary series? If you caught the episode on July 14th, I'm sure you would have noticed what doesn't work when it comes to dating...

Mistake #1: Using an old photo

A self-proclaimed 'Fabio' look-a-like used a 15-year old picture of himself to entice women to meet him. I guess he figured once they met the 'older' version of himself they'd be charmed enough to stay. Not!

Mistake #2: Telling a lie... or two.

These come in at least three categories - age, name, and profession. I'm sure there are more but only three occurred in the 1st episode (that I saw). The musician (from mistake #1) said he was in his 30's but he was actually in his 40's. Can't you just hear the umpire? Steeee-rike 2!

Or the classic line from one of the female daters on the show: "My name isn't Jennifer, it's Lisa." Which was followed by her revealing that she was a doctor - just like her now confounded date.

Mistake #3: Asking yourself the wrong questions.

Cynthia, one of the daters, was a bit down after a string of rather unpleasant dates. She asked herself outloud 'Why am I single?' It had a feeling of 'what's wrong with me?' to it.

A better question would have been - "How do I need to be to find the man who fits into my ideal relationship?" Or, 'What's the next best step for me in finding my ideal mate?' Questions that focus on the positive of what you can do or be.

Mistake #4: Breaking up by email

This is probably more of an etiquette 'violation' than a mistake. Breaking up with a date by email. While the fellow said it was a cop-out, it was still tactless.

It's rather entertaining watching the online dating experiences of others. Tune in Thursday for Episode 2.

Sue Bond shares dating stories, tips, dating site reviews, and news on what works and doesn't work in the world of online dating on her blog at

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