Use This Rule To Survive A Loss

The intent of this article was to ease any trauma caused by break ups or permanent separations between two persons.

I strongly believe that almost any person must have encountered the feeling of loss when being told by the other person that a best option for both was breaking up for unknown or absurd reasons.The reaction is painful. You feel the emptyness phisically although this is impossible in theory.Every word is useless or annoying. You hate other persons around you because you can't stand the humiliation.This is the main reason for the tendency of hisolation. Moving on seems impossible because there are too many things which still connect you to the other person. In time you realize that it wasn't your fault and you create a shell which should protect you from sorrow.This might be an option but due to the fact that it is almost always based on hatred or disgust it should be diminished:not for the the person who had broken up with but for you who shouldn't keep these feelings inside you as they will eventually destroy you. Furtheron, I will make some sugestion for easilly move over and forget about bad feelings:

1) Don't think about having a gathering for this reason.Sometimes. solitude can make you understand better what has happened and make you pass the bad moment.Moreover, this gathering would only upset you by having to tell everybody what has happened.

2)You should be grateful for the fact that you won't be needing to see someone who has no feelings for you. It is better this way as you get to meet someone worthwhile who would share your feelings.

3)Move on and look at the bright side. This will definitely help you to cope better with difficult moments; it also prepares you to meet someone else.Maybe, afterall, you were also a little bored with that person and you wanted something new.

4)Be self-assured.It wasn't your fault and that doesn't make you the culprite for the situation. In any case, it is good to learn from your mistakes and even better to learn from the other's mistakes.This can stop you from choosing the same kind of person.

5) Try to make from any going out or dating, a new experience. Having more relationships can generate a better understanding of their tricks and lessons. This way you will learn to foresee and never be hurt again. This is the beauty of it all.This way, the relationship becomes a game where everything is possible.

All in all, life in itself is a game and games are generally intended to entertain us. Just learn to entertain yourself and everything becomes so easy.

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