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Long Distance Dating: Romantic or Frantic?
It sounds like something out of a fairy tale. She's in Los Angeles: he's in
New York. They met through an online dating service, started with e-
mail, moved up to phone chatting and now they're sure they're in love.
Only problem is-they have never met in person. But they can both tell it's the real thing. It must be love-how else could
the talks they have on the phone be so intimate and make them feel so
close? Sure, it will be difficult and expensive to get together, but hey, this
is true love! And sure, if they are to be together that means one of them
has to give up their whole lifestyle-family, friends, work, etc.-and
move thousands of miles away just to be with the other. If you've never been in one of these long-distance romances you might
wonder why in the world anyone would try to start a romance with
someone who lives so far away. Ask any pop psychologist and they'll
tell you it's a perfect set-up for people who are afraid of commitment.
The long-distance lover gives you a place to focus all your romantic
fantasies of having the perfect person to love, without any of the
romance-dampening realities-like discovering that they yell and throw
things when angry, or they hate being around your friends, or that they
see nothing wrong with a drink or two before noon. When you have just broken up with someone or when you have been
on an endless merry-go-round of dates that go nowhere or when it's
been months and months since you met anyone to date, you can
become vulnerable to the lure of long-distance romance. I may seem
very opinionated on this subject, but that's because I'm trying to save
you from the heartache of another relationship gone bad. Let's get one thing straight-this is dedicated to people who want a
serious, long-term, committed, monogamous love relationship. If you just
want to play, then you might find long distance dating exciting and fun.
But if you want to find the right kind of partner and develop a real love
relationship, you are going down a dead end road if you get involved
with someone who is too far away. What's Too Far Away? Believe me, all it takes is a few nerve-wracking 90-minute drives through
Southern California traffic to take the luster off your budding romance.
And that's if they are only 60 or 70 miles away. As a relationship
develops you want to spend more and more time with the person. You
can put up with the travel time at the start when everything is new and
exciting, but it gets old rather quickly. So now you should know what's coming next. If I'm telling you 60 miles
is too far, what do I think about hundreds or thousands of miles? That's
relationship roulette-and the house always wins! Okay, I know you've
heard stories about one of these long distance deals that did work out.
They flew across the country to see each other, it was instant chemistry
and they got married and lived happily ever after. What are the chances
that it will happen that way for you? Pretty close to zero. (I'd bet that
lovely couple in the story is no longer together a year or two later.) The One Hour Rule I used to live 6,500 feet up in a little mountain town of 6,000 people
where I could not find any men I wanted to date. So I got on the net and
did a search for men within 40 miles and dozens of profiles popped up.
One of them was my future husband, living right at the bottom of the
mountain. There he was, but how would I ever have met him without the
online dating service? It took about 45 ? 50 minutes for us to drive to one another's homes, and
by the time we'd been dating for 6 months or so we were really tired of
all the driving. But that was long enough to determine that we wanted to
get engaged, move in together and eventually get married. You must want a great long-term relationship or marriage if you've read
this far. So develop a rock-solid resolve deep in your heart that you will
not be tempted into starting a long distance online flirtation with anyone,
no matter how cute their photo is or how perfect they seem in their
profile. It is an utterly futile pursuit and will NOT get you to your goal.
The best thing to do is to clearly state your "No long distance dating"
preference right up front in your profile and then stick to your guns.
Some lunkhead that lives four states away will still try to contact you and
you can just ignore their message or send a blank reply with NO LONG
you want to give them the courtesy of a reply. Advanced Search Options When you first do your own searches restrict them to people 20 ? 30
minutes away. Most people will find plenty of prospects in a nearby
geographical area. If you're not having any luck expand your search
criteria to 45 minutes or 60 minutes at the most. There may be times when you feel lonesome and bored, when you
haven't met anyone really interesting in a long time. That's the time
when your resolve will be tested. You'll start to think "Oh, well?here's a
message from someone who's only 3 hours away. Maybe I'll just check
out their profile." This is dangerous thinking that could very well put you
on the road to disaster. Remember that while you are fooling around
with the wrong person, you are not available for the right person when
they do show up. So now you're thinking, "Boy, this lady is tough on us poor singles!" Yes,
I'm being tough here for a good reason. People like you and me who
value and cherish the idea of having a great marriage have to be tough
enough to say NO to situations that have little or no chance of producing
the long-term relationship we want. I'm glad that I instituted the One Hour Rule for myself and stuck to it, no
matter what. That's why I was able to find my great guy living close
enough so we could really get to know each other. And that's why that
great guy and I are happily married today. I sincerely want the same for
you! The One Hour Rule will help you get there faster. Barbara Wright Abernathy is the author of Venus On Top: Women Who Are Born to Lead and the Men Who Love Them. Read FREE chapters and get your FREE report-3 Biggest Mistakes People Make While Dating at http://www.venusontop.com
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The Dating Yourself Revelation It's another Friday night and I'm bored as sin. There's nothing on cable, or television for that matter. I'm tired of reading books, and there's no one to talk to on the telephone because they're out with their boyfriend or girlfriend. What was I going to do again? I loved Fridays because they stipulated the end of the work week, but I hated Fridays because I had no man in my life, and no plans whatsoever. Confessions of a Professional Matchmaker Don't make these mistakes when searching for love online! Use The Boyfriending Technique To Get The Girl In order for a typical woman to have sex with a man, she must have feelings of comfort and trust. It is not enough for her to simply feel attraction for the guy. 10 Tips for Succeding in Dating! Generally the most important step when dating someone is the anticipation moment which refers to your own decisions and also the prepairing for dating someone. And as the most important aspects are also the most difficult ones, people generally leave them aside or neglect them and this always proves to be harmful for a relationship. This is the exact purpose of this article: to make people understand the importance of this first prepairing for dating and to propose some ways to turn it into something unbelievable: Dating Tips: Creating The Perfect Atmosphere Had you ever been in the situation where your heart suddenly beats so fast, losing your ability to think, having the sudden loss for words when seeing someone you admired? At that very moment, you were like frozen in time, lost into another world, a world so wonderful, so heavenly? Hmm? How's my description? Ha whatever, the fact is that at that very moment, you were totally defenseless. So defenseless that anything could have just hit you. An arrow? An arrow of love? Get what I mean? CyberDating Lie Detecting Did you know that Online Dating is the top moneymaker on the Web? Chances are good that if you are single, you have joined a site or two yourself. If so, you've probably asked my CyberRomance clients' top question too: How to Get a Girl to Like You We've all had that special woman in our lives. You know... the one with the sweet personality, the really nice hair and a perfect face. She dates the more "adept" guys... but how can you get her to like you? First Date ? Tips for Men You are on your way to your first date with her. Probably a blind date. Here are some basic things you need to know, in order to make it a successful one or what you should do if things go wrong. Dating Options for Christian Singles As a Christian, you understand that to visit bars, nightclubs, and many other worldly establishments is not the way for you to meet your mate. The people who hang out there may be nice, but they don't share the same values as you do. On the other hand, churches and Christian Singles groups are popular ways to meet and hook up with those who are of a like mind. So, what if you don't meet someone at a church or in a Christian Singles group? Well, consider meeting someone online. That's right, Christian Singles' sites are exploding in growth and I am going to tell you why! Love Could Be An Errand Away You have signed up on several large dating sites and posted a great profile. So far, you've had some nice responses, but these haven't led to a meeting yet. Someone told you about a singles group at your church and there is an organization in your city for singles who want to volunteer, and hopefully meet other like-minded people. You've lost count of all the parties, happy hours and clubs you've been to, hoping to meet compatible singles. Whew! It's a lot of effort just to be in the right place at the right time with the right people. Bachelor Dream Step aside Hugh Hefner. Elvis King is back in the building. Dear Soulmate Dear Soulmate, Saying What You Really Want To Say Have you ever been talking to someone you are interested in dating and wished you had put your shoe in your mouth instead of saying anything at all? Or have you wanted to tell someone that you like them, but not known how to do it? If you have you are normal. Seriously, many people donīt always say things the way they want to say them. If you want to overcome this problem consider the following suggestions. 10 Fast Ways to Re-Igniting Romance Research shows that people who put each other down and are hostile to each other are more likely to have serious problems . Dating Tips For Animal Lovers! Did you know that experts say the way people treat their pets is indicative of how they'll treat you in a relationship? Minus the sex and relationship talk, having a pet is very similar to a romantic relationship. A pet needs to be cared for, fed, bathed and loved, just like it's human counter part. As mentioned in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" most often if someone is loving and kind to their pet they will likely be so in a romantic relationship as well. But on the other side of the coin, if someone tends to be domineering and pushy with their pet, you can pretty much expect the same thing with your relationship. Using the Internet as a Method for Adult Dating In this day and age, many find it hard to find someone that can share their passion and love with. With so many people experiencing a hard time with relationships and many have gone through failed affairs, a multitude have given up and just moved on. Adult dating seems so awkward to many because they feel they don't have the same vigor and charisma that they used to. They pine for their lost youth and feel a bit of insecurity. That should not be the case though, dating is not exclusive for those who are young, and adults have the right to experience love and passion in their life. This is the fuel that makes life a bit exciting and something that can make us look forward to the new day. ![]() |
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